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[1304] Mayordomo, E, Blanco R, Álvarez J.  2011.  Workflows with model selection: a multilocus approach to phylogenetic analysis. 5th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2011). 93/2011:39-47.
[ICTeSi94] Teruel, E, Silva M.  1994.  Well-formedness of Equal Conflict Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994. 815:491-510.
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[MCM-JJCC-01] Merseguer, J, Campos J, Mena E.  2001.  Web Based Versus Mobile Agent Based Software Retrieval Systems: Performance Comparison. :299-312.
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[IPSiRe03b] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2003.  Unforced Continuous Petri Nets and Positive Systems. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
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[RMBP-98] Romero, J, Merseguer J, Barberá, Pastor O.  1998.  Una Herramienta de Generación Automática de Software. :157-169.
[RP-80-06] Silva, M.  1980.  Un plan de prácticas. Dpto. de Automática de la E.T.S.I. Industriales de la U.Z.. :117-134.
[RP-83-07] Pardos, P, Silva M.  1983.  Un plan de prácticas de sistemas de control muestreados. :279-295.
[BBCM-09] Berardinelli, L, Bernardi S, Cortellessa V, Merseguer J.  2009.  UML Profiles for Non-functional Properties at Work: Analyzing Reliability, Availability and Performance. 2nd International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML2009). 553
[BM-WOSP-07] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2007.  A UML Profile for Dependability Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems. :115-124.
[BMP-RR-08] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2008.  An UML profile for dependability analysis and modeling of software systems. :47.