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[1246] Arronategui, U, Celaya J.  2006.  YA: Fast and Scalable Discovery of Idle CPUs in a P2P network. 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing.
[1247] Arronategui, U, Celaya J.  2006.  Scalable Architecture for Allocation of Idle CPUs in a P2P Network. 2nd International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications.
[1248] Arronategui, U, Celaya J.  2010.  Distributed Scheduler of Workflows with Deadlines in a P2P Desktop Grid. 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing.
[1256] Mahulea, C, Asaftei T, Matcovschi M.  2009.  Qualitative versus Quantitative Techniques in a Petri net settings. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi. Tomul LV (LIX), Fasc. 4:35-46.
[BDM-WOSP-02] Bernardi, S, Donatelli S, Merseguer J.  2002.  From UML Sequence Diagrams and Statecharts to analysable Petri Net models. :35-45.
[BM-IC-06] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2006.  QoS assessment via stochastic analysis. IEEE Internet Computing. 10:32-42.
[BM-WOSP-07] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2007.  A UML Profile for Dependability Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems. :115-124.
[BM-JSS-07] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2007.  Performance evaluation of UML design with Stochastic Well-formed Nets. Journal of Systems and Software. 80:1843-1865.
[BDM-Tutorial] Bernardi, S, Donatelli S, Merseguer J.  2005.  On derivation of Petri net quantitative models from UML software system specifications.
[BMP-RR-08] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2008.  An UML profile for dependability analysis and modeling of software systems. :47.
[BMP-Models-08] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2008.  Adding Dependability Analysis capabilities to the MARTE profile. LNCS. 5301:736-750.
[BMP-SOSYM09] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2011.  A Dependability Profile within MARTE. Journal of Software and Systems Modeling. 10(3):24.
[PMB-ICPE10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Bernardi S.  2010.  Performance aware open-world software in a 3-layer architecture. First Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering.
[RMB_SERENE10] Rodríguez, RJ, Merseguer J, Bernardi S.  2010.  Modelling and Analysing Resilience as a Security Issue within UML. 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems.