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Journal Article
[1522] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2014.  Analyzing Phylogenetic Treeswith Timed and Probabilistic Model Checking: The Lactose Persistance Case Study. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 11(3)
[1279] Apaydin-Ozkan, H, Julvez J, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2010.  Approaching Minimum Time Control of Timed Continuous Petri nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems.
[247] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1994.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 20(7):526-535.
[RP-92-13] Sánchez, B, Silva M.  1992.  Approximate throughput computation of stochastic marked graphs. Journal of Parallel and distributed computing. 15:282-295.
[PJCS-TSCM07] Pérez-Jiménez, CJ, Campos J, Silva M.  2007.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Weighted T-Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans. 37:431-444.
[1278] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Belta C, Silva M.  2010.  An Automated Framework for Formal Verification of Timed Continuous Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 6(3):471.
[1079] Ezpeleta, J, Colom JM.  1997.  Automatic Synthesis of Colored Petri Nets for the Control of FMS. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 13(3):327-337.
[RP-92-12] Silva, M, Murata T.  1992.  B-Fairness and Structural B-Fairness in Petri Net Models of Concurrent Systems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 44:447-477.
[910] Ezpeleta, J, Tricas F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM.  2002.  A Banker's Solution for Deadlock Avoidance in FMS with Flexible Routing and Multiresource States. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 18(4):621-625.
[1257] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2009.  Basic Server Semantics and Performance Monotonicity of Continuous Petri Nets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. 19(2):212.
[RP-85-04] Silva, M, David R.  1985.  Binary-decision graphs for implementation of boolean functions. IEE Proceedings. :175-185.
[CPSM-RMUCM-93] Campos, J, Plo BF, Miguel M.  1993.  Boundedness on Stochastic Petri Nets. Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 6:123-136.
[1390] Pont, SMT, Chamizo GJM, Mora MH, de Casado MG.  2007.  Calculation Scheme Based on a Weighted Primitive: Application to Image Processing Transforms. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. :17.
[1398] Pont, MT S, García-Chamizo JM, Mora-Mora H, de-Miguel-Casado G.  2007.  Calculation Scheme Based on a Weighted Primitive: Application to Image Processing Transforms. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2007:17.
[204] Teruel, E, Colom JM, Silva M.  1997.  Choice-free Petri Nets: A Model for Deterministic Concurrent Systems with Bulk Services and Arrivals. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans. 27(1):73-83.
[1441] F, F, B L\"owe, E M.  2012.  CiE: Programs, Proofs, Processes (Special Issue). Theory of Computing Systems. 51(3)
[1074] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1995.  A Colored Petri Net Model of VHDL. Formal Methods in System Design. 7(1/2):101-123.
[1092] García-Vallés, F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  2000.  Comments on "Deadlock Avoidance Policy for Petri-Net Modeling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Shared Resources". IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 45(9):1760-1762.
[EzGP-03] Ezpeleta, J, Gascón P, Porta N.  2003.  COMPAS: un compilador para un lenguaje imperativo con aserciones embebidas. :47-51.
[1530] Fraca, E, Haddad S.  2015.  Complexity Analysis of Continuous Petri Nets. Fundamenta informaticae. Fundamenta Informaticae. 137:1-28.
[1426] Mayordomo, E, Becher V, Bienvenu L, Downey R.  2012.  Computability, Complexity and Randomness (Dagstuhl Seminar 12021). Dagstuhl Reports. 2(1)
[BC09] Bernardi, S, Campos J.  2009.  Computation of Performance Bounds for Real-time systems using Time Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 5(2):168-180.
[1370] Signes-Pont, MT, García-Chamizo JM, de-Miguel-Casado G, Mora-Mora H.  2009.  Computational framework for behavioural modelling of neural subsystems. Neurocomputing. 72(7-9):1667.
[1288] Recalde, L, Haddad S, Silva M.  2010.  Continuous Petri Nets: Expressive Power and Decidability Issues. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 21(2):235-256.
[1497] Apaydin-Ozkan, H, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  A Control Method for Distributed Continuous Mono-T-Semiflow Petri nets. International Journal of Control. 87(2)