Manuel Silva

(+34) 976761952
silvaatunizar [dot] es
Ph.D. Member



Ingeniero Industrial-Químico by the Universidad de Sevilla (US, 1974), and Ingénieur Automaticien by the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG, 1975), is Docteur Ingénieur by the INPG (1978) and Doctor Ingeniero Industrial by the U. de Sevilla (1979). Since 1981 is full professor of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at the Universidad de Zaragoza (UZ). Founder of the Systems Engineering and Computer Science Group (the predecessor of the current Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering), is the director of the GISED (Grupo de Ingeniería de Sistemas de Eventos Discretos), recognised by the Government of Aragón as Group of Excellence in Research, part of the Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A, 


Vice Dean (1981-86) and Dean (1987-89) of the Zaragoza University School of Industrial Engineering, he drive its transformation into the Polytechnic Centre (CPS) and was its first Director (1989-93). During this period, Telecommunications Engineering (1989) and Computer Engineering (1992) degrees were incorporated into the CPS; and the preparation was done to incorporate Chemical Engineering as well (1994). Also during this period, the following postgraduate courses were implemented: Computer Science (1988), Food Processes Engineering (1988), Bioengineering (1988), Environmental Engineering (1990) and Industrial Organization (1990).


He was President of the Advisory Council for Research (CONAI) of the Research Council of the Aragonese Government (1993-95) and President of the Research and Technological Innovation Committee of the CTP (Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos - Pyrenees Work Group, formed by several regions of France and Spain, and Andorra, 1994-96). He also contributed to the Aragonese Institute for Advancement (IAF) in the creation of new enterprises and technological innovation. Is President of the European Program of Stays for Research (Government of Aragón and Caja Inmaculada).


Author or co-author of some three hundred publications, among his scientific-technical books we can highlight Petri Nets in Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (Ed. AC, Madrid, 1985; republished by Thomson-AC, Madrid, 2002), which introduced the formalism of Petri Nets in Spain.


His preferred engineering area of research is that of Discrete Event Systems (DES), more recently Hybrid Systems also. Basically within the framework of the Petri Nets (PN) paradigm, works on questions as preliminary conception, performance evaluation, implementation issues, control and supervision. Applications concern manufacturing, logistic, software or workflow systems. Last decade is mainly focused on fluid approximations of highly loaded or high cadence discrete event dynamic systems.


Formerly he was also conducting research in robotics, particularly in control and robot programming. From this activity derives the RoPeRT (Robotics, Perception and Real Time Group, He contributed to the creation of the International Fair of Robotics (within the Feria Oficial y Nacional de Muestras de Zaragoza), being the Coordinator of the Technical Workshops (courses and seminars), from the first edition (1984), until 1990.


He has contributed to the organization of close to two hundred international conferences. Member of the Steering Committees of several international conferences (in particular of the International Conferences on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, ICATPN and of the IFAC International Conference on the Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, ADHS; also past chair of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES), he has been working with, or belongs, to the editorial board of several international journals.


He has been coordinator or editor of several books on education and research management (in Spanish), such as Socio-economic Impact of the Expansion of the CPS (1993), in cooperation with the Aragonese Entrepreneurs Confederation (CREA) and the Aragonese Institute of development (IAF); Engineers for a New Century: Objectives of the CPS (1993); A Decade of Research Policy in Aragón (1995); and The Europe Program for Research (CAI-CONAI, 2003).


Interested by History of Science, Technology and Engineering, he is author of the book Uniforms and Emblems of Spanish Civil Engineering, 1835-1975 (Institución Fernando el Católico, DPZ/CSIC, 1999). He was also co-director of CAI-100 (1998- 2001), a collection of 100 pocketbooks aiming to spread the culture of Aragón. This collection includes volumes devoted to economy, science, engineering, and the subsequent heritage. (During the year 2000, CAI-100 received the award of the Aragonese Association of Friends of Books, and was elected Aragonese of the Year in Culture, by the newspaper El Periódico.)


Director of a series of high-level courses devoted to broad research and synthesis perspectives on Technology and Engineering in Spain is the editor of the first encyclopaedia devoted to the topic. At present six volumes has been published (I-Renaissance; II & III-Enlightenment; IV, V & VI Nineteen Century; moreover, the volume devoted to the Renaissance enjoy of a second and enlarged edition in 2008), and some additional four (one more devoted to the XIX century) are planned at present. This work –more than 6.000 pages till now– is published by a consortium formed by the Real Academia de Ingeniería (, the Institución Fernando el Católico ( and Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza (


He has received a Medal from the City of Lille (France, 1996), and was elected to the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering (2000). He has received the award to the Contribution to the Development of Telecommunication Engineering in Aragón, from the Telecommunications Engineering Association and the Polytechnic Centre of the University of Zaragoza (2001). Prof. Manuel Silva is Doctor Honoris Causa by the Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardennes (France, 2005).




Among other tasks in 2012:


* IPC co-Chair of the 4th International IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS'12), Eindhoven, June 6-8.


* IPC co-Chair of the 11th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'12),  Guadalajara, México, October 3-5.


* Special addresses at conferences: XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática (CBA'12, Setembro 2-6, Campina Grande, Paraiba), and WODES'12 (Guadalajara, México, October).


* "Kranzberg Lecture" at the 39th International Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology  (ICOHTEC'12), Barcelona, July 10-14.


* co-Editor of the book (with Carla Seatzu and Jan van Schuppen):

Control of Discrete-Event Systems: Automata and Petri-Net Perspectives, Springer-Verlag, 2013.






Among other tasks in 2013:

* Special addresses at conferences:

  • Técnica e Ingeniería en España: del Renacimiento a nuestros días, XIV Reunión Nacional de Profesores de Ingeniería Mecánica  y de Vehículos (Jaén, septiembre 2013).
  • Técnica, ingeniería y lengua, V encuentro nacional de la Red Temática Lengua y Ciencia: "Lengua de la ciencia e historiografía" (La Coruña, noviembre 2013).
  • Demi-siècle de la théorie des systèmes concurrents : Le paradigme des réseaux de Pétri, Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, MSR'13 (Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France, novembre 2013).

* Curso Técnica e Ingeniería en España (septiembre 30, octubre 1 &2):

                                                                  Del noventayochismo al desarrollismo

* A "landscape" on the field of Petri nets & Discrete Event Sytems:

“Half a century after Carl Adam Petri's PhD thesis: a perspective on the field”, Annual Reviews in Control (Invited contribution) 37 ( 2 ) :  191-219, 2013. 

Editor of the book:

El Ochocientos. De las profundidades a las alturas, vol. VII de Técnica e ingeniería en España, Real Academia de Ingeniería / Institución «Fernando el Católico» / Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013.

        Presentación: El Ochocientos. De las profundidades a las alturas (12-XII-2013)


Immediately after are listed first some a few works not related to Discrete Event Systems (DES), in fact, related to humanities and hobbies (all in Spanish).




*** Técnica e Ingeniería en España ***

(Nota: desde el enlace previo se pueden bajar las presentaciones, índices e introducciones de  los capítulos, así como los "apuntes biográficos" de todos los volúmenes.)


Coedición de:


   Real Academia de Ingeniería


   Institución «Fernando el Católico», Dip. Prov. de Zaragoza


   Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Universidad de Zaragoza


vol. I: El Renacimiento. De la técnica imperial y la popular, 2.ª ed. revisada y ampliada, Zaragoza, 2008.


vol. II: El Siglo de las Luces. De la ingeniería a la nueva navegación, Zaragoza, 2005.


vol. III: El Siglo de las Luces. De la industria al ámbito agroforestal, Zaragoza, 2005.


vol. IV: El Ochocientos. Pensamiento, profesiones y sociedad, Zaragoza, 2007.


vol. V: El Ochocientos. Profesiones e instituciones civiles, Zaragoza, 2007.


vol. VI: El Ochocientos. De los lenguajes al patrimonio, Zaragoza, 2011.

vol. VII: El Ochocientos. De las profundidades a las alturas, Zaragoza, 2013.

vol. VIII: Del ochentayochismo al desarrollismo, Zaragoza, 2019.

vol. IX: Trazas y reflejos culturales externos, 1898-1973, Zaragoza, 2019.


2019-03-18 Invitación presentación Paraninfo Universidad de Zaragoza

2019-03-26 Invitación presentación Real Academia de Ingeniería-Madrid




Nacimientos del Mundo. Colección Manuel Silva y Mª Regina Ramón.


Zaragoza, Fundación CAI-ASC, Centro Joaquín Roncal, 2009.




Ingeniería y Universidad. Sobre dos rememoraciones y un ámbito de investigación pluridisciplinar


Universidad de Zaragoza, Lección Inaugural del curso 2006-2007




Uniformes y Emblemas de la Ingeniería Civil Española, 1835-1975


Institución «Fernando el Católico», Anejos de Emblemata, Zaragoza, 1999


Uniformes, emblemas, banderas y estandartes, himnos, advocaciones religiosas, se emplean como distintivos para denotar pertenencia a un cierto colectivo social. Distintivos de muy variada naturaleza y objeto son profusamente usados en ámbitos como el institucional, el empresarial, el deportivo, el musical, el académico, el religioso y el gastronómico. En las esferas profesionales también se han empleado y se emplean distintivos. La obra pasa revista a uniformes y emblemas de la Ingeniería en España, con un cierto énfasis en lo que atañe a la emblemática de la ingeniería industrial.




Que el presentido como difícil 2016 venga cargado de felicidad




Que en 2017 los hados nos sean favorables


Que en 2018 Fortuna sea benévola



Felices días y esplendoroso 2019



Que en 2020 la realidad supere las mejores predicciones



Que los hados nos sean propicios en el nuevo año




[RP-80-07] Silva, M.  1980.  Redes de Petri y validación de sistemas con actividades concurrentes. :xx.
[RP-80-08] Velilla, S, Silva M.  1980.  Traducción de expresiones lógicas: aplicación en autómatas programables y en la enseñanza. :664-670.
[RP-80-09] Silva, M.  1980.  Autómata programable multicomputador. Valoración de su capacidad de tratamiento. :609-630.
[RP-80-03] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1980.  Sistema especializado en la simulación de redes de Petri sanas. :81-88.
[RP-80-04] Silva, M.  1980.  Hacia una nueva concepción del análisis y diseño de los sistemas lógicos secuenciales. :14-33.
[RP-80-05] Silva, M.  1980.  Memoria de actividades del Dpto. de Automática de la E.T.S.I. Industriales de la U.Z.. :111-116.
[RP-80-06] Silva, M.  1980.  Un plan de prácticas. Dpto. de Automática de la E.T.S.I. Industriales de la U.Z.. :117-134.
[RP-80-10] Silva, M.  1980.  Diseño de un modelo de instalación automática de fabricación construida con estructuras mecánicas programables y controlada por ordenador. :414-424.
[RP-80-01] Silva, M.  1980.  Simplification des réseaux de Petri par élimination des places implicites. Digital Processes. :245-256.
[RP-80-02] Sifakis, MJ, Silva M.  1980.  A la recherche dune métodologie de conception sure des automatismes logiques basée sur lutilisation des réseaux de Petri. :245-256.