Fri, 27/04/2007 (All day)
Cristian Mahulea, PhD Student, GISED
Friday, 27th of April 2007 at 10:00, Seminario del DIIS
Title: State estimation of untimed and timed continuous Petri nets
Thu, 22/03/2007 (All day)
Eng. Agostino MANGINI, Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica, Politecnico di Bari (Italy)
Jueves 22, 12:00 horas, Seminario 21 del Edificio Ada Byron
Título: Real Time Identificati
Mon, 05/02/2007 (All day)
El profesor Dimitri Lefebvre impartirá el curso Analysis and diagnosis with Petri net models for the performance evaluation of concurrent systems, dentro del curso de doctorado Modelado de Sistemas
Wed, 24/01/2007 (All day)
PhD position at the GISED with a grant for 4 years
Wed, 17/01/2007 (All day)
PhD position at the GISED with a grant for 4 years
Fri, 01/12/2006 (All day)
Renato Vázquez, Becario del GISED
Viernes 1 de diciembre de 2006, 11:00 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Título: On controllability in timed continuous Petri net systems
Wed, 24/05/2006 (All day)
PhD or PostDoc position at the Group of Discrete Event Systems Engineering
Fri, 07/04/2006 (All day)
Jack H. Lutz, Professor at Iowa State University
Viernes 7 de Abril de 2006, 11:00 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Viernes 7 de Abril de 2006, 11:00 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Wed, 05/04/2006 (All day)
Robyn Lutz, Professor at Iowa State University and Senior Engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
Miércoles 5 de Abril de 2006, 11:00 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Miércoles 5 de Abril de 2006, 11:00 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Mon, 20/03/2006 (All day)
Dr. Xu Jing (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Lunes 20 de marzo, 17:30 horas, Seminario del DIIS
Lunes 20 de marzo, 17:30 horas, Seminario del DIIS