Discrete Event System Tools for Fault Diagnosis and Collision Prevention
Ponente: Francesco Basile, University of Salerno, Italy
Ponente: Kristofer Bengtsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Ponente: Emanuele Alberto Vitolo, Master student at University of Salerno, Italy
Ponente: Daniel Clavel, PhD student, GISED
Ponente: Carlos Pascal, Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Ponente: Xiaolan Xie, Centre for Biomedical Healthcare Eng., ENS des Mines de Saint Etienne and Centre for Healthcare Eng., Shanghai JiaoTong University.
Fluidization of Petri nets to improve the analysis of DES
Double seminar on Fluid Petri nets & duality, by José Luis García Malacara and Manuel Navarro, presenting part of the results of three months of research stay at our Department
Título: "Fluidization of discrete event models or a marriage between the discrete and the continuous"