Wed, 24/05/2006 (All day)
The activities of the group are related to the modelling, analysis and formal synthesis of some classes of
artificial systems that are interesting from a technical point of view (production systems, computer
systems, logistic systems, coordination systems, etc.). Usually more adequately modelled by means of
discrete event systems formalisms (automata, Petri nets, process algebra, queuing networks,...), the
state explosion problem puts a limit to most of the analysis or synthesis techniques. Relaxations based on
continuization appear as a possible way to overcome these difficulties when largely populated systems,
or systems with high cadence are considered.
The project will be mainly focused on the formalism of continuous Petri nets, defined relaxing the
integrality constraint in a similar way as in fluid queuing networks, and more specifically in optimization
On the one hand, static optimization problems like resources optimization (initial marking optimization),
equipment selection (rate and firing optimization) or processes and production subsystems (structural
On the other hand, dynamic control of continuous Petri nets. The desired continuous system controlling is
based on the limitation of the firing rate of transitions, in other words, limiting the speed of system actions
realization. In this way, the possible actions are restricted: only system slowdown is possible and the
actions have a local marking dependent (state) upper limit. This fact makes difficult to use many classical
control techniques. Also robustness and sensibility aspects on the controlled system will be addressed.
Once the relaxed model has been analysed or a control synthesized, it is necessary to interpret and to
adapt the results for the original model. It may be necessary, for instance, to apply a post-optimization to
the discrete reconstruction (reduce the relaxation) from the obtained results. If we are considering a
control policy design, we will need to study how to build from that policy a new one for the discrete
system but fulfilling the specified requirements.
PhD position:
The main task for the accepted candidate will be to conduct research towards his/her PhD. The candidate
is expected to complete the degree within 4 years.
Applicants must have MSc (or equivalent) degree in Computer Science, Mathematics,
Electrical/Electronics or Communications Engineering. Knowledge on operational research, automatic
control and computer science will be specially welcome.
The salary will be around 1100 EUR/month, with an incremental raise in the following years. Health
insurance will also be provided.
The candidate would start on September 2006.
PostDoc position:
The position will be for one year (and can be extended to one more year)
A PhD-degree in computer science, automatic control or operational research is required. Knowledge
on optimization will be specially welcome.
The salary will be around 1800 EUR/month, with an incremental raise in the following years. Health
insurance will also be provided.
The candidate would start on September 2006.
Interested individuals should send a curriculum vitae to the address below, and include the abstract of 2
or 3 of the publications that from their point of view are more relevant for the position.
Contact: Applicants should send their CV no later than June 20 to
Laura Recalde (
lrecaldeunizar [dot] es)
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Universidad de Zaragoza
Maria de Luna 1,
50018 Zaragoza, Spain