Last update: May 2023
IDSdm: Intrusion Detection Systems based on Data Mining
Brief description
Cyberattacks are an importan daily threat for people. Therefore, within the context of the NEAT-AMBIENCE project (Next-gEnerATion dAta Management to foster suitable Behaviors and the resilience of cItizens against modErN ChallEnges), where we tackle data management techniques that can help people to take better decisions against existing modern challenges, it is relevant to explore the field of cybersecurity. In particular, data mining techniques can be used to predict cyber-attacks. Thus, we focus on the detection of intrusions in communication systems using data mining. As part of this work, we have developed several tools:
- ERTMD ("Evaluación de Rendimiento de Técnicas de Minería de Datos" / Evaluation of the Performance of Data Mining Techniques): it supports the comparison of the efficiency of different data mining techniques applied to intrusion detection.
- IDS-NET: it allows for the detection of potential intrusions based on a provided set of incoming communication data.
- IDS-NET-DAEMON: it is a prototype intrusion detection system based on one of these techniques (Linux daemon).
- Directory structure for the tools:
- Initial screen of ERTMD:
- Main menu of ERTMD:
- Example of the loading of control parameters in ERTMD:
- Example of results obtained with ERTMD:
- Example of CSV output file obtained with ERTMD:
- Example of use of IDS-NET:
- Example of CSV output file obtained with IDS-NET:
- Configuration file for IDS-NET-DAEMON:
- Unit of service file for IDS-NET-DAEMON:
- Example of email sent by IDS-NET-DAEMON:
- Example of the use of IDS-NET-DAEMON in debug mode:
- Control directory for IDS-NET-DAEMON:
- File requirements.txt for the tools developed:
Students (final degree projects)
- Project PID2020-113037RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033 — Next-gEnerATion dAta Management to foster suitable Behaviors and the resilience of cItizens against modErN ChallEnges (NEAT-AMBIENCE)
- Government of Aragon (COSMOS research group; last group reference: T64_23R; previous group reference: T64_20R)