RADIANCE: A tool for software behavior design and energy consumption categorization (bibtex)
by Jorge Andrés-Larracoechea, Philippe Roose, Sergio Ilarri, Sébastien Laborie and Yudith Cardinale
RADIANCE: A tool for software behavior design and energy consumption categorization (Jorge Andrés-Larracoechea, Philippe Roose, Sergio Ilarri, Sébastien Laborie and Yudith Cardinale), In 41^$\`{e}me$ Édition Congrès Annuel INFORSID (INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision), La Rochelle (France), 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Jorge Andr\'{e}s-Larracoechea and Philippe Roose and Sergio Ilarri and S\'{e}bastien Laborie and Yudith Cardinale},
  booktitle = {41^$\`{e}me$ \'{E}dition Congr\`{e}s Annuel INFORSID (INFormatique des ORganisations et Syst\`{e}mes d'Information et de D\'{e}cision), La Rochelle (France)},
  month = {May-June},
  pages = {43--47},
  title = {{RADIANCE}: A tool for software behavior design and energy consumption categorization},
  year = {2023},
  note = {Demo.},
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