Semantic-Based Query Processing on Moving Objects (bibtex)
by S. Ilarri, R. Yus, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi
Semantic-Based Query Processing on Moving Objects (S. Ilarri, R. Yus, E. Mena and A. Illarramendi), In Workshop on Future Research Directions in MOVEment (FRDinMOVEment 2012), COST IC0903 MOVE meeting, TU Delft (The Netherlands), 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {S. Ilarri and R. Yus and E. Mena and A. Illarramendi},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Future Research Directions in MOVEment (FRDinMOVEment 2012), COST IC0903 MOVE meeting, TU Delft (The Netherlands)},
  month = {March},
  note = {Position paper, 2 pages},
  title = {Semantic-Based Query Processing on Moving Objects},
  year = {2012},
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