Simulación de fenómenos - Publicaciones
Geophysical Prospecting |
00 - 96 |
Sí |
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering |
00 - 86 |
Sí |
Communicaciones in Numerical Methods in Engineering |
96 |
Sí |
Environment Monitoring and Assesment |
93 |
Sí |
Atmospheric Environment |
93 |
Sí |
Journal Geophysical Research |
92 |
Sí |
Geophysical Journal International (Antes Annales Geophysicae) |
87 |
Sí |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth |
99 |
No |
Communicaciones in Applied Numerical Methods |
90 |
No |
Annales Tectonicae Int. Journal of structural geology and tectonics |
88 |
No |