Francisco J. Serón

Castellano English

Artificial Agents


Agentes Artificiales - Journals
Plos One 21 - 15 Yes
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 17 - 16 - 15 Yes
Computer Science and Information Systems 17 Yes
Kybernetes 17 - 06 Yes
Biologically Inispired Cognitive Architectures 16 Yes
Neurocomputing 16 Yes
Multimedia Tools and Applications 16 Yes
Semantic Web Journal 16 Yes
Artificial Life 14 Yes
Frontiers in Psychology 14 Yes
Computer & Graphics 08 - 00 Yes
Journal of Cultural Heritage 07 Yes
The Visual Computer 99 Yes
Engineering and Applied Sciences 21 No
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 14 No
International Journal of Synthetic Emotions 14 No
Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications 13 No
Virtual Archaeological Review 13 - 10 No
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 14 No
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14 - 12 - 08 - 07 No
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 13 - 13 No