On the Innovative Management of Remote Robotic Experimentation


This paper presents one of the first future Internet experimentation platforms, for managing multiple UxVs in vehicular (road), aerial and maritime environments. The aim of this work is to create a federation of different network testbeds that work together to make their resources available under a common framework. We introduce a consolidated architecture, based on a multi-tier design pattern, paying special attention on the resource management and the creation of experiments over multiple testbeds interconnected. One of the main advantages of this framework is that it is agnostic to the type and OS of the platforms under each testbed. A description of the current testbeds integrated in the Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation (RAWFIE) federated testbed is shown. We also present a real use case for validating the proposed architecture.

ROBOT2022 Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference.
Luis Riazuelo
Luis Riazuelo
Assistant professor