Lorién López-Villellas
PhD Student in High Performance Computing
Computer Architecture group of Zaragoza (gaZ)
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (DIIS)
University of Zaragoza (Spain)
My research centers on accelerating scientific applications by developing novel algorithms and optimizing the usage of hardware resources, primarily focusing on vectorization and parallelism. Currently, I am working on a new algorithm for constrained Molecular Dynamics alongside the porting and acceleration of genomics applications on Arm and RISC-V platforms.
I collaborate with the High-Performance Domain-Specific Architectures group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

The need for accuracy and smoothness in numerical simulations
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen and Lorién López-Villellas

RISC-V for Genome Data Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges
[IEEE] [PDF] [Code (GitHub)]
Lorién López-Villellas, Esteve Pineda-Sánchez, Asaf Badouh, Santiago Marco-Sola, Pablo Ibáñez, Jesús Alastruey-Benedé, and Miquel Moretó
Proceedings of the XXXVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS 2023), Málaga, Spain, 2023, pp. 1-6.

GenArchBench: A Genomics Benchmark Suite for Arm HPC Processors
[ScienceDirect] [PDF] [Code]
Lorién López-Villellas, Rubén Langarita-Benítez, Asaf Badouh, Víctor Soria-Pardos, Quim Aguado-Puig, Guillem López-Paradís, Max Doblas, Javier Setoain, Chulho Kim, Makoto Ono, Adrià Armejach, Santiago Marco-Sola, Jesús Alastruey-Benedé, Pablo Ibáñez, Miquel Moretó
Future Generation Computer Systems. Published online, April 2024.

Newton's method revisited: How accurate do we have to be?
[Wiley] [PDF] [Code (GitHub)]
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, Lorién López-Villellas and Pablo García-Risueño
Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience. Published online, July 2023.

Accurate and efficient constrained molecular dynamics of polymers using Newton's method and special purpose code
[ScienceDirect] [PDF] [Code (GitHub)]
Lorién López-Villellas, Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, Juan José Galano-Frutos, Santiago Marco-Sola, Jesús Alastruey-Benedé, Pablo Ibáñez, Miquel Moretó, Javier Sancho, and Pablo García-Risueño
Computer Physics Communications. Volume 288, July 2023.

How Accurate Does Newton Have to Be?
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, Lorién López-Villellas and Pablo García-Risueño
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics - 14th International Conference (PPAM 2022), Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022. It appears in Springer's LNCS vol. 13826.