SOLAR is a tool that for a software architecture calculates the adaptability it can reach while this architecture satisfies a set of quality requirements (availability, cost).
Authors: Diego Perez-Palacin and Alejandro Enjuanes Traín
Supervisor: José Merseguer
Requirements: java version 1.5 or higher
1) Download solar.tar.gz and unzip it (tar -zxvf solar.tar.gz ).
2) Go to solar folder (cd solar)
3) Execute solar.jar (java -jar solar.jar) to execute the default example.
Note 1: settings.xml file must be in the same folder as solar.jar
Note 2: README.txt file describes settings.xml file format
author = {{GISED group}},
title = {{SOLAR}},
url = “\url{}”,
year = 2011,
note = {{Universidad de Zaragoza}}