Ignacio Huitzil
Informatics & Software Developer
directions_bikeShort Bio
Ignacio Huitzil was born in Puebla (Mexico) in 1986. PhD in the program in Systems Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) in 2022. Computer Engineer in 2009 and Master in Systems and Intelligent Computing in 2013, both studies at Universidad Politécnica de Puebla (Mexico). I had the support of mobility grants to carry out doctoral studies aimed at Latin American students for the 2017-2018 academic year by the University of Zaragoza - Santander Universities. In 2019, I carried out a research stay at the Data Science Institute at Imperial College London with a project linked to semantic BIM (Building Information Model) and the representation of fuzzy knowledge. From 2021 to 2022, I collaborated in the smartNorms4BIM project together with the Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial (IIIA-CSIC) in Bellaterra (Barcelona) and the company EiPM. I have also collaborated from December 2022 to August 2023 in the PINPOINT: exPlaInable kNowledge-aware PrOcess INTelligence project at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and the IKR3 Lab research group, with a postdoctoral contract. I served as a subject professor at the Universities: Politécnica de Puebla, Iberoamericana, del valle de México in the years 2012, 2012-2016, 2016 respectively. Professor of Software Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc (Mexico) from 2013 to 2017. Currently, I am an interim professor at the University of Zaragoza in the Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering and member of the Distributed Information Systems research group.
workResearchHuitzil currently does research in the fields of flexible Queries over Semantic Systems, Fuzzy logic, Computational Intelligence, Provenance and Semantic Building Information Model BIM.
- Programming 1, Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering (Sep 2023)
- Informatics, Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (Sep 2023)
- Fundamentals of computing, Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Jan 2024)
- Language Processors, Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering (Jan 2024)
- Programming 1, Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering (Sep 2024)
- Informatics, Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (Sep 2024)
- Fundamentals of computing, Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Jan 2025)
- Language Processors, Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering (Jan 2025)
- Extraordinary Doctorate Award for the course 2022-2023, May 2024
- Genexus 15 Teacher Certified, January 2017
- SEI-Certified Personal Software Process Developer by Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University, May 2015
- Course:CCNA R&S Introduction to Networks, Scaling Networks, Routing and Switching by Universidad Politécnica de Durango (Mexico), 2015
- Diploma: Android & IOS Developer Multiplataform by Centro de Entrenamiento en Tecnologías de la Información (CENET), 2015
- • Knowledge, development languages and programming tools like:C, C++, Java, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MYSQL, SQL, JavaScript, Framework Materialize Design, SQL server 2012.
- • Knowledge and development tools as: OpenCV, OpeGL, Latex, Corel Drawn, MatLab, Sublime, Android Studio, nodejs, Phonegap, PSP, Packet Tracer, Framework Sails js, Genexus 15.
- • Sporting activities as: ciclism, montain walk and Gym.
- • Art, culture, music and gastronomy lover.
- • Motivation to travel and to make friends.
- • Help society by voluntary means.