RGB-D indoor dataset
We provide a varied dataset containing RGB-D data
with the goal to stablish a benchmark for the evaluation of systems
performing NAVI (Navigation Assistance for the Visually Impaired) based
on RGB-D devices. The device was carried by a person in order to
simulate a realistic situation (see figure). Our dataset contains the
color and depth data of an Asus XtionPro Live camera along different
indoor scenarios. The data was recorded at 30Hz (full frame rate) with
a 640x480 sensor resolution. All scenarios have been recorded in rosbag files. All files contain
XYZRGB point-cloud data and most of them have recorded raw images too. We also provide a calibration
file and a set of calibration images of the RGB-D device and more info
related with this topic.

Download dataset
Scenario 1 (Ada Byron)
Scenario 1 Long (Ada Byron)
Scenario 2 (I3A)
Scenario 2 Long (I3A)
Scenario 3 (I3A)
Scenario 4 (Ada Byron)
Scenario 5 (Torres Quevedo)
Scenario 6 (Garage)
Related publications
Download dataset
Link to the list of files at Zenodo:
Scenario number 1 (Ada
Byron building)
Recorded topics:
Duration: 2:59
Distance covered: 100 m
Rosbag size: 11.9 GB
video (23 MB)
Scenario number 1 (Long
version) (Ada
Byron building)
Recorded topics:
Duration: 7:40
Distance covered: 300 m
Rosbag size: 25.9 GB
video (58 MB)
Scenario number 2 (I3A
Recorded topics:
Duration: 3:12
Distance covered: 90 m
Rosbag size: 12.7 GB
video (27 MB)
Scenario number 2 (Long version) (I3A
Recorded topics:
Duration: 4:39
Distance covered: 180 m
Rosbag size: 15.3 GB
video (36 MB)
Scenario number 3 (I3A
Recorded topics:
Duration: 1:08
Distance covered: 15 m
Rosbag size: 3.9 GB
video (6 MB)
Scenario number 4 (Ada
Byron building)
Recorded topics:
Duration: 1:10
Distance covered: 15 m
Rosbag size: 3.9 GB
video (11 MB)
Scenario number 5
(Torres Quevedo
Recorded topics:
Duration: 3:34
Distance covered: 150 m
Rosbag size: 13.8 GB
video (21 MB)
Scenario number 6
(Garage building)
Recorded topics:
Duration: 3:18
Distance covered: 70 m
Rosbag size: 11.9 GB
Example image


We provide a set of 32 calibration images and a
calibration report of the RGB-D device. The calibration has been done
with the Kinect-stereo-calib
software developed by the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit. The
calibration was done with a 8x10 chessboard of 22.8x24.3mm squares.
Image calibration set (3.34 MB)
Calibration report (3 KB)
Related publications
[1] A. Aladrén, G. López-Nicolás, L. Puig, and J. J. Guerrero.
Navigation Assistance for the Visually Impaired Using RGB-D Sensor with
Range Expansion. IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 922-932, Sept. 2016. (video), (pdf)
[2] G. López-Nicolás, A. Aladrén, and J. J. Guerrero. Wearable vision
systems for personal
guidance and enhanced assistance. Workshop on Robotics Challenges and
Vision (RCV2013)
in conjuction with Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), Berlin,
Germany, June 27, 2013. (Download paper)
[3] A. Aladrén. Desarrollo de un sistema de navegación utilizando información de visión y rango (Development of Navigation Aid System for
the Visually Impaired Based on Vision and Range data). Graduation
Project, Universidad de Zaragoza. September, 2013.
G. López-Nicolás (gonlopez@unizar.es)
J. J. Guerrero (josechu.guerrero@unizar.es)
Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A)
Universidad de Zaragoza.