2005-04-29 - ICRA 2005: Slides
I've published the slides of my talk at ICRA 2005 conference:
A Petri Net Structure--Based Deadlock Prevention Solution for Sequential Resource Allocation Systems. Slides (pdf). F. Tricas, F.García--Vallés, J.M. Colom, J. Ezpeleta. In Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005. Barcelona, Spain. April 2005, pp. 272-278.
A Petri Net Structure--Based Deadlock Prevention Solution for Sequential Resource Allocation Systems. Slides (pdf). F. Tricas, F.García--Vallés, J.M. Colom, J. Ezpeleta. In Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005. Barcelona, Spain. April 2005, pp. 272-278.