2007-03-07 - Falleció el diseñador del lenguaje Ada

Me enteré por esta nota: Jean Ichbiah, 66; designed landmark computer language, que tiene fecha del 3 de marzo. Me da la impresión de que ha pasado un poco desapercibido y creo que deberíamos reseñarlo aquí. Además, buscando veo que lo dijeron rápidamente en Lambda The Ultimate, Jean Ichbiah passes away, en Computer World, Ada inventor Jean Ichbiah dies, y en Jean Ichbiah (1940-2007).

La Wikipedia también refleja el cambio en la biografía de: Jean Ichbiah.

Copio y pego de Lambda The Ultimate:

Ada83, the reference manual for which appeared in 1983, is commonly known as the first version of Ada. Prior to that, in 1977, four contractors were picked to produce prototype languages, matching the requirements of the Ironman document (which led the way to the final Ada requirements specification, the Steelman). The prototypes were named green, red, blue and yellow. The green language, proposed by a team at Cii Honeywell Bull led by Jean D. Ichbiah, was chosen and led the way to Ada83. See here for more detailed timeline of the history of Ada. While the design of Ada83 and Ada95 were both team efforts, in both cases the design was guided by a team leader whose vision and aesthetics regarding programming languages shaped the language. All versions of Ada owe much to Jean Ichbiah who shaped the core of the language used today.

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Escrito el 2007-03-07
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