2007-03-20 - ¿Qué es web 2.0? Consecuencias en educación
Interesante informe sobre lo que es todo eso de la web 2.0 y sus consecuencias para la educación. Interesante aunque a uno no le interese lo de la educación: What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education (TSW0701).
El informe puede descargarse de What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education (pdf, 700Kb)
Yo lo vi referenciado en Web 2.0 en la Educación.
Within 15 years the Web has grown from a group work tool for scientists at CERN into a global information space with more than a billion users. Currently, it is both returning to its roots as a read/write tool and also entering a new, more social and participatory phase. These trends have led to a feeling that the Web is entering a second phasea new, improved Web version 2.0. But how justified is this perception?
This TechWatch report was commissioned to investigate the substance behind the hyperbole surrounding Web 2.0. It reports on the implications this may have for the UK Higher and Further Education sector, with a special focus on collection and preservation activities within libraries.
El informe puede descargarse de What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education (pdf, 700Kb)
Yo lo vi referenciado en Web 2.0 en la Educación.
Escrito el 2007-03-20