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indice [2013/01/24 17:23]
jamel63 created
indice [2013/03/06 11:19] (actual)
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Línea 1: Línea 1:
-. +  * [[Inicio]]  ​ 
-<br />The price you pay to get a dog is just the start of what it takes to keep a dog.  Contrary to what many people think, a purebred dog from a good breeder is usually not as expensive as other ways of getting a dog.  A dog from a pet store can be very expensive. ​ Even a dog from an animal shelter or rescue can be fairly expensive these days.<br /><br />Once you have a dog, other costs will add up such as vet care (vaccinations,​ heartworm medication, flea prevention; possible spaying or neutering); grooming costs; dog food; boarding your dog or using a pet sitter if you go out of town; toys; dog training classes; and more.<br /><br />If your dog has allergies you will need special food that costs more.  If your dog has any health problems as he gets older, he will need added veterinary care.<br /><br />​According to estimates, it can cost between $700 and $3000 to keep a dog each year, depending on the size of dog you have and where you live.  It is usually more expensive to keep a large dog and it costs more to keep a dog in urban areas than in rural areas, in general.<​br /><br />Robert Grey here, I am pleased to let you know that my new book is selling realy well.<br /><br />You can if you wish, get the link to my book, by visiting this link [[http://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=JnzEYw73t3o|How To Raise A Dog]]<br />+  ​* [[Docencia]] 
 +  * [[Publicaciones]] 
 +  [[Proyectos Fin de Carrera (PFC)]]
indice.1359048193.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2013/01/24 17:23 por jamel63
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