
Muestra las diferencias entre dos versiones de la página.

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indice [2013/01/23 10:24]
keenan511 created
indice [2013/03/06 11:19] (actual)
guti se ha restaurado la vieja versión
Línea 1: Línea 1:
-. +  * [[Inicio]] ​  
-Google is a very good search engine. It's been in business since 2001 and is nowadays dominating the market. Other search engines like Yahoo, ​[[http://​www.bing.com|Bing]] and others have a lot smaller share in the market. Hopefully that will change sometime soon in the future.+  * [[Docencia]] 
 +  * [[Publicaciones]] 
 +  ​* ​[[Proyectos Fin de Carrera (PFC)]]
indice.1358936672.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2013/01/23 10:24 por keenan511
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