These publications are included here just to facilitate downloads to those people asking for personal use copies. Some of this material is published at copyrighted journals or conference proceedings, so personal use of the download is required.
Molina P., Baldassarri S., Villarroya M., Cerezo E.
Perception and intention in relation to engineering: a gendered study base on a one-day outreach activity
IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 53(1), pp. 61-70, 2010
Serón, F.J., Cerezo, E., Baldassarri, S.
Computer Graphics: Problem Based Learning And Interactive Embodied Pedagogical Agents [pdf]
Annex to the Proceedings of the EUROGRAPHICS 2008 Conference (EDUCATIONAL PAPERS)
(Creta, Greece, 2008)
Cerezo E., Baldassarri S., Serón F.J.
The Use of Interactive Animated Agents for Teaching
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Inter-Disciplinarity in Education
(Athens, Greece, 2007). ICIE 2007
Molina P., Baldassarri S., Cerezo E., Villarroya M.
Results of the Estia-Net Questionnaires for Tuning Postgraduate Studies in the University of Zaragoza
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inter-disciplinarity in Education
(Athens, Greece, 2006). ICIE 2006
Cerezo E.,Baldassarri S.
Tratamiento de imagen estática (material docente)
ISBN:84-689-6697-5, pp.91, 2006
Cerezo E.,Baldassarri S.
Tratamiento de imagen dinámica (material docente)
ISBN 84-689-6698-3, pp.70, 2006
Baldassarri S., Cerezo E., Pina A., Serón F.J.
Real and Virtual Labs in the World Wide Web: Two E-Learning Experiences
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education
Editor: Tovar E.
(Madrid, Spain, 2005)
Cerezo E., Baldassarri S.,Pina A., Huizi L.
Learning Robotics Via Web: Remote Experiment Systems for Distance Learning
Proceedings of the International Conference on Education
Editor: IADAT
(Biarritz, France, 2005). IADAT-e2005
Ansón O., Mozota R., Peralta S., Gutiérrez D.,Cerezo E., Remiro V.
Multimedia y Educación en Tecnologías para el Uso Eficiente del Agua
Proceedings of the Congreso Internacional Conjunto XVII INGEGRAF-XV ADM
Editor: Martín Pastor A., Universidad de Sevilla
(Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 2005)