José Luis Briz Velasco
Profesor TitularAssociate Professor / Reader Computer Architecture and Technology Depto. de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas (DIIS)
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura University of Zaragoza (UZ) María de Luna, 1 - 50018 Zaragoza, España (Spain) (+34) 976 76 21 06 briz at unizar.es
Short Bio
José Luis Briz is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering at the UZ. His research interests include high-performance networking and TSN, real-time multiprocessor scheduling, memory hierarchy and microarchitecture. He regularly collaborates in embedded systems projects with the industry. Briz has a combined BS/MS degree in Geology, a MS degree in Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Engineering, all of them from Unizar. He has contributed to the application of computing to Structural Geology. He is a member of the gaZ group, the I3A Research Institute, and Affiliate of the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence. He is also a member of the ISOC and of the Spanish Society of Computer Architecture (SARTECO).
- Work-in-progress
- Publicaciones (actualizado)/Papers (mostly updated)
- Tesis/TFMs/TFGs/PFCs (actualizado) /PhD/MsC/Grade project Supervision (mostly updated)
- Docencia / Teaching
- 30240 - Sistemas Empotrados 2 (Bloque Ingeniería de Computadores)
- 30241 - Laboratorio de Sistemas Empotrados (Bloque Ingeniería de Computadores)
- 30238 - Centros de Datos (Bloque Ingeniería de Computadores)
- 30215 - Arquitectura y Organización de Computadores 2
- Master Universitario en Ingeniería Informática (110 534)
- Calidad en el desarrollo de software, infraestructuras y servicios (parte Infraestructuras)
- Disponibilidad / Availability
- CV
- Outreach / Divulgación
- Fotografía - Photography