
J.Bermudez-Cameo graduated in MEng Industrial Engineering, in MSc Systems Engineering and Computer Science and he recently obtained the Ph.D degree in Computer Science at the University of Zaragoza. He is currently working at the Robotics, Perception and Real Time Group of the University of Zaragoza. His research interests are in the area of computer vision and robotics, focusing on simulated prosthetic vision and omnidirectional cameras.


J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas, J.J. Guerrero “Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2018. Number 167C (2018) pp. 134-152. DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2018.01.003,pdf, link, Supp.Material

J. Bermudez-Cameo, O. Saurer, G. Lopez-Nicolas, J.J. Guerrero and M. Pollefeys “Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas”, Pattern Recognition Letters. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.05.006 ,pdf, link

J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J.J. Guerrero, “Automatic Line Extraction in Uncalibrated Omnidirectional Cameras with Revolution Symmetry”, International Journal of Computer Vision. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11263-014-0792-7 link

J. Bermudez-Cameo, L. Puig, J.J. Guerrero, “Hypercatadioptric Line Images for 3D Orientation and Image Rectification”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60, 755-768, 2012, ISSN: 0921-8890 pdf , link

L. Puig , J Bermudez, P. Sturm, J.J. Guerrero, “Calibration of Omnidirectional Cameras in Practice: A Comparison  of Methods”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116,  2012, pp:120-137, ISSN: 1077-3142
, link

J. Bermudez-Cameo, Cédric Demonceaux, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view”, BMVC 2016 - British Machine Vision Conference , York, United Kindom, 19-22 Sept  2016. pdf

J. Bermudez-Cameo, J.P. Barreto , G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Minimal solution for computing pairs of lines in non-central cameras”, ACCV 2014 - The 12th Asian Conference in Computer Vision , Singapore, Singapore 1-5 November  2014. pdf , Supp.Material

J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line-images in Cone Mirror Catadioptric Systems”, ICPR 2014 - 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition ,pp. 2083,2088, Stockholm, Sweden 24-28 August  2014. pdf , link

J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry”, BMVC 2013 - British Machine Vision Conference , Bristol, United Kindom, 9-13 Sept  2013. pdf , poster, video , videoHD

J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “A Unified Framework for Line Extraction in Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras”, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV, Daejeon, Korea, Nov.  2012. In Computer Vision - ACCV 2012, volume 7727 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 627-639 pdf , link

L. Puig, J. Bermudez, J.J. Guerrero, “Self-orientation of a hand-held catadioptric system in man-made environments”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, pp:2549-2555, Anchorage, Alaska May 2010. pdf , link

J. Bermudez, L. Puig, J.J. Guerrero, “Line extraction in central hyper-catadioptric systems”, In 10th OMNIVIS Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras, with RSS 2010, pp8:1-7, June 2010 pdf

J. Bermudez-Cameo, Supervision by Luis Puig and J.J. Guerrero “Calibración de Sistemas Catadióptricos de Visión Omnidireccional”,, Senior Project, Universidad de Zaragoza, June 2009 (Spanish) pdf

Software Tools

Uncalibrated Line Image Toolbox for Central Systems v1.0

Automatic Line Extraction Toolbox for Uncalibrated Central Systems with Revolution Symmetry v0.5 alpha 6.19 MB

(Actualized 01/05/2015)

If the calibration of your system is known you only need a part of the previous toolbox to extract the line-images. We provide this part in a separated zip-file, (now,it also works with Scaramuzza's calibration) 2.6 MB

(Actualized 03/7/2017)


Ingeniería de control - Control Engineering (29624)
Computer Vision (69151)
Visión y Robótica - Computer Vision and Robotics (60822)
Representación gráfica del patrimonio (30749)
Robótica Médica y Exoesqueletos Robotizados - Medical robotics and exoskeletons (69318)
Ingeniería de Control - Control Engineering (60820)
Sistemas Inteligentes - Intelligent Systems (62220)
Robótica Industrial - Industrial robotics (29827)
Sistemas Electrónicos Programables - Programmable Electronic Systems (29824)
Simulación de Sistemas Dinámicos - Simulation of Dynamic Systems (29842)

Contact Data

Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (EINA)
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering (DIIS)
University of Zaragoza
c/ María de Luna , 3 50018 Zaragoza, Spain

Tel: (+34) 876 55 5075
Email: ,
Personal GRTR page
Linked In profile
Google scholar profile