Patch Name: PHNE_13970 Patch Description: s300_400 9.X NFS cumulative patch Creation Date: 98/01/29 Post Date: 98/02/06 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s300_400: 9.00 9.03 9.10 Products: N/A Filesets: NFS-RUN Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s300_400/9.X/PHNE_13970 Symptoms: PHNE_13970: The logging utilities for NFS were not designed with the year 2000 in mind, and will write a 3 digit value for the normally 2 digit year field if the year is past 1999. PHNE_7372: Fixed some possible memory issues with rpc.statd. Also, rpc.statd may not take a SIGUSR2 to toggle the logging. PHNE_5726: * automount removes symbolic links to its mount points even when they are in use. * automount could not be started with remsh. * nointr mount option could not be used in maps. * When automount is run with the -M option giving the same directory as the mount directory, the auto- mounter hangs. * Would not properly process included map in direct NIS map. PHNE_5380: * When a PC's application requests locking files with a negative offset, rpc.lockd replies "no locks". The fix is to re-map the negative offset to the MAXLEN value and the size to 0. This will allow rpc.lockd grants the lock to the PC's application. This fix was made to be compatible with Sun's rpc.lockd. * Fixes slow performance of blocked locking across NFS file. * rpc.lockd core dumps when talking to a Domain system PHNE_4402: NOTE: This problem only existed in HP-UX 9.0 and 9.03; it was fixed in 9.10. * rpc.mountd now returns an expanded access list when queried by automount(1m) or by the showmount(1m) -e option. Unique entries from the root and rw lists are merged with the access list; see exports(4). A special case is an empty access list, specifying that any host may mount the file system so no entries from the root or rw lists are added to the access list. This change was made so the -hosts option of the automounter allows mounting all possible file systems. The system running automount must also be running NIS for this to have any affect. * rpc.mountd will not register a TCP port with the portmapper if it is started from inetd with the -e option. The -e option will cause rpc.mountd to exit after answering the current request so registering a TCP port only causes problems later. NOTE: For all systems HP-UX 9.0 and later, rpc.mountd should be started from /etc/netnfsrc and not from inetd. Previous releases of HP-UX had rpc.mountd started from inetd. If your system was updated from a previous release of HP-UX, start rpc.mountd from /etc/netnfsrc. Delete or comment out the line in /etc/inetd.conf for the rpc.mountd, execute /etc/inetd -c to reread the /etc/inetd.conf, then edit /etc/netnfsrc and set START_MOUNTD to 1. If rpc.mountd is not running, then start it by executing /usr/etc/ rpc.mountd from the command line as root.This will prevent problems caused by using the automounter with the -hosts option. * /etc/rmtab is now updated correctly when a new file system is mounted. * Logging from rpc.mountd now works correctly. PHNE_3453: NFS locks can hang. PHNE_2967: NOTE: This problem only existed in HP-UX 9.0; it was fixed in 9.03 and 9.10. * problem where automount would correctly mount a file system and create the symlink to the mount point, but would later unexpectedly remove the symlink when using -hosts option. PHNE_2916: NOTE: This problem only existed in HP-UX 9.0; it was fixed in 9.03 and 9.10. * rpc.lockd can release too many locks when used with PCNFS. PHNE_2501: NOTE: These problems only existed in HP-UX 9.0; they were fixed in 9.03 and 9.10. * Mounts default to using the intr option instead of nointr. * Automount dies when a second SIGHUP is received. * Automount process size will slowly grow. PHNE_1944: NOTE: This problem only existed in HP-UX 9.0; it was fixed in 9.03 and 9.10. * rpc.lockd refuses lock requests with -1 length. * rpc.lockd refuses requests for byte ranges beyond 1 gigabyte. * Performance degradation as compared to the 7.0 lock manager. * rpc.lockd hangs when a process tries to get a lock. * rpc.lockd has a race condition in which two processes could get an advisory lock on the same file. * rpc.lockd can crash when blocking lock requests are interrupted. Defect Description: PHNE_13970: If logging is turned on, with the system clock past 1999, the [yy] year field will actually contain 3 digits, not two digits as it should. PHNE_7372: Fixed some possible memory issues with rpc.statd. Also, rpc.statd may now take a SIGUSR2 to toggle the logging. PHNE_5726: See symptoms. PHNE_5380: See symptoms. PHNE_4402: See symptoms. PHNE_3453: Fix multiple rpc.statd defects that caused NFS locks to hang. This patch fixes the following defects in rpc.statd: * rpc.statd core dumped or exited unexpectedly. * rpc.statd lost data in monitor queue resulting in inadequate recovery. * Duplicate entries in /etc/sm/* files by rpc.statd caused lock delay. PHNE_2967: See symptoms. PHNE_2916: See symptoms. PHNE_2501: See symptoms. PHNE_1944: See symptoms. SR: 4701380402 5003289827 5003103358 4701194860 5003129536 5003082768 4701293266 5003216028 5003219840 5003255216 5003141713 5003162644 5003167296 4701159202 4701153940 4701158048 4701101998 5003138792 5003169565 4701241703 5003210195 1653075887 1653124453 1653046193 4701190587 1653055434 1653075473 5003144642 1653072678 Patch Files: /usr/etc/automount /usr/etc/rpc.lockd /usr/etc/rpc.mountd /usr/etc/rpc.rusersd /usr/etc/rpc.rstatd /usr/etc/rpc.sprayd /usr/etc/rpc.statd what(1) Output: /usr/etc/automount: automount: $Revision: $ $Date: 93/12/13 16 :35:55 $ PATCH_9.X: auto_main.o $Revision: $ 95/06/21 PHNE_57 26 PATCH_9.X: auto_look.o $Revision: $ 95/06/ 21 PHNE_5726 PATCH_9.X: auto_node.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_13 970 auto_mount.c 1.5 90/07/24 4.1NFSSRC Copyr 1990 Sun Micro PATCH_9.X: auto_mount.o $Revision: $ 95/06/21 PHNE_5 726 PATCH_9.X: auto_all.o $Revision: $ 95/06/2 1 PHNE_5726 /usr/etc/rpc.lockd: rpc.lockd: lock.slow $Revision: $ $Date: 94/10/21 10:36:37 $ prot_pnlm.c 1.rb5 86/09/24 Copyr 1986 Sun Micro PATCH_9.X: prot_pnlm.o $Revision: $ 95/03 /21 PHNE_5380 prot_msg.c 1.3.rb 86/09/24 Copyr 1984 Sun Micro prot_proc.c 1.9.rb 86/09/24 Copyr 1986 Sun Micro prot_freeall.c 1.1 88/08/05 NFSSRC4.0 1.3 88/02/07 C opyr 1984 Sun Micro prot_share.c 1.1 88/08/05 NFSSRC4.0 1.4 88/08/04 Cop yr 1984 Sun Micro PATCH_9.0: prot_share.o $Revision: $ 93/07 /26 PHNE_2916 PATCH_9.0: pmap.o $Revision: $ 93/12/20 PH NE_3453 PATCH_9.X: hash.o $Revision: $ 95/03/21 PH NE_5380 PATCH_9.X: prot_libr.o $Revision: $ 95/03 /21 PHNE_5380 PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 /usr/etc/rpc.mountd: rpc.mountd: $Revision: $ $Date: 94/07/11 15:41:36 $ PATCH_9.X: rpc.mountd.o $Revision: $ 94/ 06/16 PHNE_2953 PHNE_4402 issubdir.c 1.2 90/07/23 4.1NFSSRC Copyr 1990 Sun Mic ro PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 /usr/etc/rpc.rusersd: rpc.rusersd: $Revision: $ $Date: 91/11/19 14:11:34 $ PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 /usr/etc/rpc.rstatd: rpc.rstatd: $Revision: $ $Date: 93/10/26 16:18:14 $ PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 /usr/etc/rpc.sprayd: rpc.sprayd: $Revision: $ $Date: 91/11/19 14:11:45 $ PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 /usr/etc/rpc.statd: PATCH_9.0: sm_svc.o $Revision: $ 96/07/15 PHNE_7372 PATCH_9.0: sm_proc.o $Revision: $ 96/07/15 PHNE_7372 PATCH_9.0: sm_statd.o $Revision: $ 96/07/ 15 PHNE_7372 PATCH_9.0: pmap.o $Revision: $ 93/12/20 PH NE_3453 PATCH_9.X: logging.o $Revision: $ 98/01/28 PHNE_1397 0 sum(1) Output: 39523 116 /usr/etc/automount 33605 130 /usr/etc/rpc.lockd 44590 54 /usr/etc/rpc.mountd 37932 23 /usr/etc/rpc.rusersd 49403 27 /usr/etc/rpc.rstatd 63381 20 /usr/etc/rpc.sprayd 30577 55 /usr/etc/rpc.statd Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHNE_1944 PHNE_2501 PHNE_2916 PHNE_2967 PHNE_3453 PHNE_4402 PHNE_5380 PHNE_5726 PHNE_7372 Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 270 KBytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Copy the patch to your /tmp directory and unshar it: cd /tmp cp patch_source/PHNE_13970 . sh PHNE_13970 3. Become root and run update: /etc/update [-r [kernel_gen_file]] -s \ /tmp/PHNE_13970.updt PHNE_13970 Update moves the original software to /system/PHNE_13970/orig. Keep this file to recover from any potential problems. You should move the .text file to /system/PHNE_13970 for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and update from the tape drive, use dd: dd if=PHNE_13970.updt of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2048 Special Installation Instructions: This patch will kill automount if it is running on the machine the patch is installed on. Restart /usr/etc/ automount after the patch has been installed. If this patch is installed on a diskless server, the following daemons must be killed (if they are running) on all Series 300/400 cnodes currently running or the patch installation will fail: /usr/etc/automount /usr/etc/rpc.lockd /usr/etc/rpc.mountd /usr/etc/rpc.rusersd /usr/etc/rpc.rstatd /usr/etc/rpc.sprayd /usr/etc/rpc.statd The recommended approach is to power down all 300/400 cnodes, install the patch on the server, and then reboot the cnodes.