array(t('LDAP Server ID'), t('Description'), t('Module'), t('Consumer Type'), t('Enabled'), t('Operations')), 'attributes' => array('id' => 'ldap_consumer_confs', 'class' => 'data'), 'colgroups' => array(), 'sticky' => FALSE, 'empty' => '', 'caption' => t('LDAP Authorization Configurations'), 'rows' => array(), ); foreach ($consumers as $consumer_type => $consumer) { if ($consumer->consumerConf->inDatabase) { $admin = new LdapAuthorizationConsumerConfAdmin($consumer); $actions = join(' | ', $admin->getLdapAuthorizationConsumerActions()); } else { $actions = l(t('add'), LDAP_SERVERS_MENU_BASE_PATH . '/authorization/add/' . $consumer->consumerType); } $table['rows'][] = array( $consumer->consumerConf->sid, $consumer->name, $consumer->consumerModule, $consumer_type, ($consumer->consumerConf->status) ? t('Yes') : t('No'), $actions ); } return theme('table', $table); } function theme_ldap_authorization_test_results($variables) { $results = $variables['results']; $consumer = $variables['consumer']; $notifications = $variables['notifications']; $consumer_conf_link = l($consumer->consumerType, LDAP_SERVERS_MENU_BASE_PATH . '/authorization/edit/' . $consumer->consumerType); $server_link = l($consumer->consumerConf->sid, LDAP_SERVERS_MENU_BASE_PATH . '/servers/edit/' . $consumer->consumerConf->sid); $table = array( 'header' => array(t('Drupal Username'), t('Authorization Type'), t('Authorization IDs'), t('Configuration'), t('LDAP Server Configuration')), 'attributes' => array('id' => 'ldap_authorization_authorizations', 'class' => 'data'), 'colgroups' => array(), 'sticky' => FALSE, 'empty' => '', 'caption' => t('LDAP Authorizations Test Results for consumer %consumer', array('%consumer' => $consumer->name)), 'rows' => array(), ); if (count($results)) { foreach ($results as $username => $user_results) { $row = array(); if ($user = user_load_by_name($username)) { $username_link = l($username, 'user/' . $user->uid . '/edit'); } foreach ($user_results as $consumer_type => $authorizations) { if (is_array($authorizations) && count($authorizations) > 0) { $authorizations = $consumer->convertToFriendlyAuthorizationIds($authorizations); $authorizations_text = theme('item_list', array('items' => $authorizations, 'title' => NULL, 'type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array())); } else { $authorizations_text = ""; } $row = array($username, $consumer->name, $authorizations_text, $consumer_conf_link, $server_link); $table['rows'][] = $row; } foreach ($notifications[$username] as $consumer_type => $user_notifications) { $authorizations_text = ""; if ($consumer_type == 'all') { $authorizations_text = ldap_authorization_map_errors($user_notifications, $consumer_conf_link); } elseif (is_array($user_notifications) && count($user_notifications) > 0) { foreach ($user_notifications as $i => $notification) { $authorizations_text .= ldap_authorization_map_errors($notification, $consumer_conf_link); } } $row = array($username_link, $consumer->name, $authorizations_text, $consumer_conf_link, $server_link); $table['rows'][] = $row; } } } $output = theme('table', $table); return $output; } function ldap_authorization_map_errors($err_id, $consumer_conf_link) { $tokens = array('%consumer_conf_link' => $consumer_conf_link); switch ($err_id) { case LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_USER_LDAP_NOT_FOUND: $authorizations_text = t('LDAP entry for drupal user not found.', $tokens); break; case LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_USER_NOT_LDAP_AUTHENTICATED: $authorizations_text = t('LDAP Authorizations not applied because user is not authenticated via LDAP and configuration requires is (%consumer_conf_link).', $tokens); break; case LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_MAP_NOT_CONF_FOR_LOGON: $authorizations_text = t('LDAP Authorizations not configured to be executed on logon in (%consumer_conf_link).', $tokens); break; case LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_APPLY_USER_1: $authorizations_text = t('LDAP Authorizations not applicable to user 1.', $tokens); break; case LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND: $authorizations_text = t('Enabled LDAP server configuration not found for given ldap consumer type in (%consumer_conf_link).', $tokens); break; default: $authorizations_text = "Failed."; } return $authorizations_text; }