hasEnabledAuthenticationServers()) { return; } /** * * add validate function to test for ldap authentication * should be placed after user_login_authenticate_validate * 1. user_login_name_validate * 2. user_login_authenticate_validate * 3. external authentication validate functions * 4. user_login_final_validate * * as articulated above user_login_default_validators() in user.module * * without any other external authentication modules, this array will start out as: * array('user_login_name_validate', 'user_login_authenticate_validate', 'user_login_final_validate') */ if (@in_array('user_login_authenticate_validate', $form['#validate'])) { $new_validation_sequence = array(); foreach ($form['#validate'] as $validate_function_name) { if ($validate_function_name == 'user_login_authenticate_validate') { if ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_MIXED) { // if mixed mode, allow drupal authentication first $new_validation_sequence[] = 'user_login_authenticate_validate'; $new_validation_sequence[] = 'ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate'; } elseif ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE) { // see drupal.org/node/1009990 and drupal.org/node/1022362 change back when fixed. $new_validation_sequence[] = 'user_login_authenticate_validate'; $new_validation_sequence[] = 'ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate'; } else { // misconfigured ldap authentication, restore to original validation sequence $new_validation_sequence[] = 'user_login_authenticate_validate'; } } else { $new_validation_sequence[] = $validate_function_name; } } $form['#validate'] = $new_validation_sequence; } if ($form_id == 'user_login_block') { $user_register = variable_get('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL); $vars = array( 'show_reset_pwd' => ldap_authentication_show_reset_pwd(), 'auth_conf' => $auth_conf, ); $form['links']['#markup'] = theme('ldap_authentication_user_login_block_links', $vars); } ldap_servers_disable_http_check($form); // Add help information for entering in username/password $auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf(); if ($auth_conf) { if (isset($auth_conf->loginUIUsernameTxt)) { $form['name']['#description'] = t($auth_conf->loginUIUsernameTxt); } if (isset($auth_conf->loginUIPasswordTxt)) { $form['pass']['#description'] = t($auth_conf->loginUIPasswordTxt); } } } function _ldap_authentication_form_user_profile_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) { // keep in mind admin may be editing another users profile form. don't assume current global $user $auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf(); if ($auth_conf && ldap_authentication_ldap_authenticated($form['#user'])) { if ($auth_conf->emailOption == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_REMOVE) { $form['account']['mail']['#type'] = 'hidden'; } elseif ($auth_conf->emailOption == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_DISABLE) { $form['account']['mail']['#disabled'] = TRUE; $form['account']['mail']['#description'] = t('This email address is automatically set and may not be changed.'); } if (!ldap_authentication_show_reset_pwd($form['#user'])) { $form['account']['current_pass']['#disabled'] = TRUE; if ($auth_conf->ldapUserHelpLinkUrl) { $form['account']['current_pass']['#description'] = l(t($auth_conf->ldapUserHelpLinkText), $auth_conf->ldapUserHelpLinkUrl); } else { $form['account']['current_pass']['#description'] = t('The password cannot be changed using this website'); } $form['account']['pass']['#disabled'] = TRUE; } } } /** * user form validation will take care of username, pwd fields * * this may validate if the user exists in ldap in the case of using * ldap authentication exclusively */ function _ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate(&$form_state) { $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0); $authname = $form_state['values']['name']; // $name = $form_state['values']['name']; // patch 1599632 $pass = $form_state['values']['pass']; /* * If a fake form state was passed into this function from * _ldap_authentication_user_login_sso(), there will be a value outside of the * form_state[values] array to let us know that we are not authenticating with * a password, but instead just looking up a username/dn in LDAP since the web * server already authenticated the user. */ $sso_login = (isset($form_state['sso_login']) && $form_state['sso_login']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $watchdog_tokens = array('%username' => $authname); // $watchdog_tokens = array('%username' => $name); // patch 1599632 if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Beginning authentification....', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } if (!$auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf()) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Failed to get valid ldap authentication configuration.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); form_set_error('name', 'Server Error: Failed to get valid ldap authentication configuration.' . $error); return FALSE; } // if already succeeded at authentication, see if LDAP Exclusive is set if (isset($form_state['uid']) && is_numeric($form_state['uid'])) { if ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_MIXED || $form_state['uid'] == 1) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Previously authenticated in mixed mode or uid=1', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } return; // already passed previous authentication validation } elseif ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Previously authenticated in exclusive mode or uid is not 1. Clear uid in form_state and attempt ldap authentication.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } $form_state['uid'] = NULL; // passed previous authentication, but only ldap should be used } } if (!count($auth_conf->enabledAuthenticationServers)) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'No LDAP servers configured.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); form_set_error('name', 'Server Error: No LDAP servers configured.'); } if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : user_load_by_name(%username)', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } if(!($account = user_load_by_name($authname))) { $uid = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {authmap} WHERE authname = :authname AND module = 'ldap_authentication'", array(':authname' => $authname))->fetchColumn(); $account = $uid ? user_load($uid) : FALSE; } if (is_object($account)) { if ($account->uid == 1) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Drupal username maps to user 1, so do not authenticate with ldap', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } return FALSE; // user 1 must use drupal authentication } else { $account_exists = TRUE; $user_data = $account->data; $authmaps = user_get_authmaps($authname); // $authmaps = user_get_authmaps($name); // patch 1599632 $ldap_authentication_authmap = isset($authmaps['ldap_authentication']); $no_authmaps = (boolean)(count($authmaps)); if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Drupal User Account found. Continuing on to attempt ldap authentication', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } } else { // account does not exist $account_exists = FALSE; if ($auth_conf->createLDAPAccounts == FALSE) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Drupal User Account not found and configuration is set to not create new accounts.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Existing Drupal User Account not found. Continuing on to attempt ldap authentication', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } foreach ($auth_conf->enabledAuthenticationServers as $sid => $ldap_server) { $watchdog_tokens['%sid'] = $sid; $watchdog_tokens['%bind_method'] = $ldap_server->bind_method; if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Trying server %sid where bind_method = %bind_method', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } // #1 CONNECT TO SERVER $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_GENERIC; $result = $ldap_server->connect(); if ($result != LDAP_SUCCESS) { $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_CONNECT; $watchdog_tokens['%err_msg'] = $ldap_server->errorMsg('ldap'); if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Failed connecting to %sid. Error: %err_msg', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } $watchdog_tokens['%err_msg'] = NULL; continue; // next server, please } elseif ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Success at connecting to %sid', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } // #2 BIND TO SERVER $bind_success = FALSE; if ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_SERVICE_ACCT || $ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_ANON_USER ) { $bind_success = ($ldap_server->bind(NULL, NULL, FALSE) == LDAP_SUCCESS); } elseif ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_ANON) { $bind_success = ($ldap_server->bind(NULL, NULL, TRUE) == LDAP_SUCCESS); } elseif ($sso_login) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Trying to use SSO with LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_USER bind method.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } elseif ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_USER && $sso_login == FALSE) { // with sso enabled this method of binding isn't valid foreach ($ldap_server->basedn as $basedn) { $search = array('%basedn', '%username'); $transformname = $ldap_server->drupalToLdapNameTransform($authname, $watchdog_tokens); $replace = array($basedn, $transformname); $userdn = str_replace($search, $replace, $ldap_server->user_dn_expression); $bind_success = ($ldap_server->bind($userdn, $password, FALSE) == LDAP_SUCCESS); if ($bind_success) { break; } } } else { watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'No bind method set in ldap_server->bind_method in _ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } if (!$bind_success) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = $ldap_server->errorMsg('ldap'); watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Trying server %sid where bind_method = %bind_method. Error: %err_text', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = NULL; } $authentication_result = ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_USER) ? LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_CREDENTIALS : LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_BIND; continue; // if bind fails, onto next server } // #3 DOES USER EXIST IN SERVER'S LDAP if ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_ANON_USER) { $ldap_user = $ldap_server->user_lookup($authname); } elseif ($sso_login) { $ldap_user = $ldap_server->user_lookup($authname); if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { $watchdog_tokens['%result'] = var_export($result, TRUE); watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : attempting single sign-on login in bind_method of LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_USER. Result of user_lookup:
', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } else { $ldap_user = $ldap_server->user_lookup($authname); } if (!$ldap_user) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = $ldap_server->errorMsg('ldap'); watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Trying server %sid where bind_method = %bind_method. Error: %err_text', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = NULL; } if ($ldap_server->ldapErrorNumber()) { $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_SERVER; break; } $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_FIND; continue; // next server, please } $watchdog_tokens['%dn'] = $ldap_user['dn']; $watchdog_tokens['%mail'] = $ldap_user['mail']; /** * #4 CHECK ALLOWED AND EXCLUDED LIST AND PHP FOR ALLOWED USERS */ $allow = $auth_conf->allowUser($authname, $ldap_user, $account_exists); if (!$allow) { $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_DISALLOWED; break; // regardless of how many servers, disallowed user fails } /** * #5 TEST PASSWORD */ $credentials_pass = FALSE; if ($sso_login) { /** If we have $sso_login passed in as true from the fake form state in * passed from _ldap_authentication_user_login_sso(), we will be relying * on the webserver for actually authenticating the user, either by NTLM * or user/password if configured as a fallback. Since the webserver has * already authenticated the user, and the web server only contains the * user's LDAP user name, instead of binding on the username/pass, we * simply look up the user's account in LDAP, and make sure it matches * what is contained in the global $_SERVER array populated by the web * server authentication. */ $credentials_pass = (boolean)($ldap_user); } else { $credentials_pass = ($ldap_server->bind($ldap_user['dn'], $pass, FALSE) == LDAP_SUCCESS); } if (!$credentials_pass) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = $ldap_server->errorMsg('ldap'); watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Testing user credentials on server %sid where bind_method = %bind_method. Error: %err_text', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = NULL; } $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_CREDENTIALS; continue; // next server, please } else { $authentication_result = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_SUCCESS; if ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_ANON_USER) { $ldap_user = $ldap_server->user_lookup($authname); // after successful bind, lookup user again to get private attributes $watchdog_tokens['%mail'] = $ldap_user['mail']; } if ($ldap_server->account_name_attr != '') { $accountname = $ldap_user['attr'][ldap_server_massage_text($ldap_server->account_name_attr, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_QUERY_ARRAY)][0]; } else { $accountname = $authname; } $watchdog_tokens['%account_name_attr'] = $accountname; if ($ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_SERVICE_ACCT || $ldap_server->bind_method == LDAP_SERVERS_BIND_METHOD_ANON_USER) { $ldap_server->disconnect(); } break; //success } } // end loop through servers $watchdog_tokens['%result'] = $result; $watchdog_tokens['%auth_result'] = $authentication_result; $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = _ldap_authentication_err_text($authentication_result) ; if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Authentication result id=%result auth_result=%auth_result (%err_text)', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } if ($authentication_result != LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_SUCCESS) { $watchdog_tokens['%err_text'] = _ldap_authentication_err_text($authentication_result); // fail scenario 1. ldap auth exclusive and failed throw error if ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE) { if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : setting error because failed at ldap and LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE is set to true. So need to stop authentication of Drupal user that is not user 1. error message: %err_text', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } form_set_error('name', $watchdog_tokens['%err_text']); } else { // fail scenario 2. simply fails ldap. return false. // don't show user message, may be using other authentication after this that may succeed. if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Failed ldap authentication. User may have authenticated successfully by other means in a mixed authentication site. LDAP Authentication Error #: %auth_result error message: %err_text', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG ); } } return FALSE; } /** * case 1: previously drupal authenticated user authenticated successfully on ldap * */ if (!$account_exists && ($account = user_load_by_name($accountname))) { user_set_authmaps($account, array('authname_ldap_authentication' => $authname)); $account_exists = TRUE; } if (!$account_exists) { if ($account_with_same_email = user_load_by_mail($ldap_user['mail'])) { /** * username does not exist but email does. Since user_external_login_register does not deal with * mail attribute and the email conflict error needs to be caught beforehand, need to throw error here */ $watchdog_tokens['%duplicate_name'] = $account_with_same_email->name; watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP user with DN %dn has email address (%mail) conflict with a drupal user %duplicate_name', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR); drupal_set_message(t('Another user already exists in the system with the same email address. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } /** * * new ldap_authentication provisioned account could let user_external_login_register create the account and set authmaps, but would need * to add mail and any other user->data data in hook_user_presave which would mean requerying ldap * or having a global variable. At this point the account does not exist, so there is no * reason not to create it here. * * @todo create patch for user_external_login_register to deal with new external accounts * a little tweak to add user->data and mail etc as parameters would make it more useful * for external authentication modules */ ldap_server_module_load_include('inc', 'ldap_servers', 'ldap_servers.functions'); $status = 1; $user_register = variable_get('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL); if ($auth_conf->acctCreation == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_ACCT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP && $user_register == USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL) { $status = 0; // if admin approval required, set status to 1. } $discard_edit = array(); $account = ldap_create_drupal_account($authname, $accountname, $ldap_user['mail'], $ldap_user['dn'], $sid, $status, $discard_edit); if ($account === FALSE) { // need to throw error that account was not created } } else { // account already exists if ($ldap_authentication_authmap == FALSE) { // LDAP_authen.AC.disallow.ldap.drupal if ($auth_conf->loginConflictResolve == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_CONFLICT_LOG) { if ($account_with_same_email = user_load_by_mail($ldap_user['mail'])) { $watchdog_tokens['%conflict_name'] = $account_with_same_email->name; watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP user with DN %dn has a naming conflict with a local drupal user %conflict_name', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } drupal_set_message(t('Another user already exists in the system with the same login name. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } else { // LDAP_authen.AC.disallow.ldap.drupal // add ldap_authentication authmap to user. account name is fine here, though cn could be used user_set_authmaps($account, array('authname_ldap_authentication' => $authname)); if ($detailed_watchdog_log) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'set authmap for %username authname_ldap_authentication', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } } if ($account->mail != $ldap_user['mail'] && ( $auth_conf->emailUpdate == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE_NOTIFY || $auth_conf->emailUpdate == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE )) { $edit = array('mail' => $ldap_user['mail']); if (!$updated_account = user_save($account, $edit)) { $watchdog_tokens = array('%username' => $account->name, '%old' => $account->mail, '%new' => $ldap_user['mail']); watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'User e-mail for %username update from %old to %new failed because of system problems.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR); } elseif ($auth_conf->emailUpdate == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE_NOTIFY ) { $watchdog_tokens['@mail'] = $ldap_user['mail']; drupal_set_message(t('Your e-mail has been updated to match your LDAP account (@mail).', $watchdog_tokens), 'status'); } } // If this is previous Drupal account being authenticated on LDAP for the first time // we need to set the authentication init data if (empty($account->data['ldap_authentication']['init']['sid'])) { // save 'init' data to know the origin of the ldap authentication provisioned account $edit['data']['ldap_authentication']['init'] = array( 'sid' => $sid, 'dn' => $ldap_user['dn'], 'mail' => $ldap_user['mail'], ); user_save($account, $edit); user_set_authmaps($account, array('authname_ldap_authentication' => $authname)); } } /** * we now have valid, ldap authenticated username with an account authmapped to ldap_authentication. * since user_external_login_register can't deal with user mail attribute and doesn't do much else, it is not * being used here. */ /** * without doing the user_login_submit, * [#1009990] * */ $fake_form_state = array('uid' => $account->uid); user_login_submit(array(), $fake_form_state); global $user; $form_state['uid'] = $user->uid; return $user; } function _ldap_authentication_err_text($error) { $msg = t('unknown error: ' . $error); switch ($error) { case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_CONNECT: $msg = "Failed to connect to ldap server"; break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_BIND: $msg = "Failed to bind to ldap server"; break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_FIND: $msg = t('Sorry, unrecognized username or password.'); break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_DISALLOWED: $msg = "User disallowed"; break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_CREDENTIALS: $msg = t('Sorry, unrecognized username or password.'); break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_GENERIC: $msg = t('Sorry, unrecognized username or password.'); break; case LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_FAIL_SERVER: $msg = t('Authentication Server or Configuration Error.'); break; } return $msg; } function ldap_authentication_redirect_to_ldap_help() { if ($auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf() && $auth_conf->ldapUserHelpLinkUrl) { drupal_goto($auth_conf->ldapUserHelpLinkUrl); } else { return "Misconfigured LDAP Help Link"; } }