--This disk is copyrighted by Prentice Hall. Any material --contained in these disks may be used without fee by any --instructor who has adopted the textbook "Introduction to --Abstract Data Types Using AdA" by Bruce Hillam. The --software is neither warranted or guaranteed. The following --are the directory contents of the PC version. -- -- GENERIC_BOUNDED_SEARCH_TRIE ADT that implements a -- \ADT\B_TRIE.ADT trie as specified in -- Figure 8.6.3 and Exercise -- 8.6.1. Test program exists. -- generic maximum_key_length : in positive; type key_components is (<>); type data_type is private; package generic_bounded_search_trie is type key_type is array (positive range <>) of key_components; type trie is limited private; procedure copy ( from_trie : in trie; to_trie : out trie ); procedure clear ( this_trie : in out trie ); procedure insert ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; in_trie : in out trie ); procedure delete ( key : in key_type; from_trie : in out trie ); procedure update ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; in_trie : in out trie ); procedure next_inorder ( key : out key_type; length_key : out positive; data : out data_type; in_trie : in out trie ); procedure set_inorder ( in_trie : in out trie ); function empty ( this_trie : trie ) return boolean; function full ( this_trie : trie ) return boolean; function count ( this_trie : trie ) return natural; function equal ( left, right : trie ) return boolean; function key_in_trie ( key : key_type; in_trie : trie ) return boolean; function get_data_for_trie ( key : key_type; in_trie : trie ) return data_type; key_index_error : exception; key_not_in_trie : exception; key_is_in_trie : exception; trie_is_empty : exception; overflow : exception; private type stack_node; type trie_stack is access stack_node; type trie_node; type next is access trie_node; type next_array is array (key_components) of next; type trie is record next_component : next_array; count : natural := 0; next_in : trie_stack; --USED in NEXT_INORDER end record; end generic_bounded_search_trie;