package body generic_m_way_b_tree is type next_array is array (positive range 1 .. b_tree_order) of next; type key_array is array (positive range 1 .. (b_tree_order - 1)) of key_type; type data_array is array (positive range 1 .. (b_tree_order - 1)) of data_type; type stack_node is record key_number : positive; next_tree_node : next; next_stack_node : tree_stack; end record; type tree_node is record in_use : natural := 0; --Number non-null key-data pairs in node key : key_array; data : data_array; next_node : next_array; end record; max_key_num, min_key_num : positive; --****************** LOCAL package UTILITY PROCEDURES procedure remove_key ( this_node : in next; key_position : in positive ) is temp : next := this_node; --Removes key-data pair at position key_position from a leaf -- Assumes KEY_POSITION <= THIS_NODE>IN_USE begin if key_position < temp.in_use then temp.key(key_position..temp.in_use-1) := temp.key(key_position+1..temp.in_use); :=; end if; temp.next_node(key_position..temp.in_use) := temp.next_node(key_position+1..temp.in_use+1); temp.in_use := temp.in_use - 1; end remove_key; procedure replace_with_successor ( this_node : in next; key_position : in positive ) is --Replaces key at KEY_POSITION key in node accessed by n with its --successor. The bookkeeping is done in RESTORE_NODE temp : next := this_node.next_node (key_position + 1); temp_this : next := this_node; begin -- Find node with successor while temp.next_node(1) /= null loop temp := temp.next_node(1); end loop; temp_this.key(key_position) := temp.key(1); :=; end replace_with_successor; procedure rotate_right ( parent : in next; place : in positive ) is -- Takes largest key-data in a PLACE node, puts it in -- the parent, and puts parent key-data pair in Place + 1 temp : next := parent; begin -- Make room in the place + 1 node temp.next_node(place+1).key(2..parent.next_node(place+1).in_use +1) := temp.next_node(place+1).key(1..parent.next_node(place+1). in_use); temp.next_node(place+1).data(2..parent.next_node(place+1).in_use +1) := temp.next_node(place+1).data(1..parent.next_node(place+1) .in_use) ; temp.next_node(place+1).next_node(2..parent.next_node(place+ 1).in_use+2) := temp.next_node(place+1).next_node(1..parent.next_node(place +1).in_use+1 ); --MOVE KEY-data from place in PARENT TO place+1 node NODE temp.next_node(place+1).key(1) := temp.key(place); temp.next_node(place+1).data(1) :=; --Move last pair of place node to place in parent temp.key(place) := temp.next_node(place).key(temp.next_node(place).in_use); := temp.next_node(place).data(temp.next_node(place).in_use); -- MOVE PLACE NEXT_NODE to PLACE+1 temp.next_node(place+1).next_node(1) := temp.next_node(place).next_node(temp.next_node(place).in_use +1); --Adjust IN_USE for place, place+1 nodes temp.next_node(place).in_use := temp.next_node(place).in_use - 1; temp.next_node(place+1).in_use := temp.next_node(place+1).in_use + 1; end rotate_right; procedure rotate_left ( parent : in next; place : in positive ) is -- Move from PLACE to PLACE - 1 and preserve structure temp : next := parent; begin -- Move key-data from place in parent to last in place-1 node temp.next_node(place-1).key(temp.next_node(place-1).in_use+1 ) := temp.key(place); temp.next_node(place-1).data(temp.next_node(place-1).in_use+ 1) :=; -- Move key-data from place node to parent temp.key(place) := temp.next_node(place).key(1); := temp.next_node(place).data(1); -- Adjust next node from position 1 in place to last in place-1 temp.next_node(place-1).next_node(temp.next_node(place-1).in_use +1) := temp.next_node(place).next_node(1); -- Adjust IN_USE of place, place-1 temp.next_node(place-1).in_use := temp.next_node(place-1).in_use + 1; temp.next_node(place).in_use := temp.next_node(place).in_use - 1; -- Shift things to left one position in place child temp := temp.next_node(place); temp.key(1..temp.in_use) := temp.key(2..temp.in_use+1); :=; temp.next_node(1..temp.in_use+1) := temp.next_node(2..temp.in_use +2); end rotate_left; procedure combine ( parent : in next; place : in positive ) is temp : next := parent; count_next, count_this : positive; --Combines the two subtrees at PLACE and PLACE+1 -- Bookkeeping in RESTORE_NODE guarantees room begin -- Puts key-data at PLACE in parent into child at place. temp.next_node(place).in_use := temp.next_node(place).in_use + 1; temp.next_node(place).key(temp.next_node(place).in_use) := temp.key(place); temp.next_node(place).data(temp.next_node(place).in_use) :=; -- Move all key data node triples from place+1 to place count_next := temp.next_node(place+1).in_use; count_this := temp.next_node(place).in_use; temp.next_node(place).key(count_this+1..count_next+count_this ) := temp.next_node(place+1).key(1..count_next); temp.next_node(place).data(count_this+1..count_next+count_this ) := temp.next_node(place+1).data(1..count_next); temp.next_node(place).next_node(count_this+1..count_next+count_this +1) := temp.next_node(place+1).next_node(1..count_next+1); temp.next_node(place).in_use := count_next + count_this; -- Shift out place in parent if temp.in_use = place then temp.next_node(temp.in_use) := temp.next_node(temp.in_use +1); else temp.key(place..temp.in_use-1) := temp.key(place+1..temp. in_use); := .in_use); temp.next_node(place+1..temp.in_use) := temp.next_node(place+2..temp.in_use+1); end if; temp.in_use := temp.in_use - 1; end combine; procedure restore_nodes ( parent : in next; place : in positive ) is -- PARENT.NEXT_NODE(PLACE) has too few key-data pairs begin if place = 1 then if parent.next_node(2).in_use > min_key_num then --Right node has extra key-data pair rotate_left (parent, 2); else combine (parent, place); end if; elsif place = parent.in_use then if parent.next_node(place-1).in_use > min_key_num then -- Left has extra key-data pair rotate_right (parent, place-1); else combine (parent, place-1); end if; else -- Deficient child is an 'interior' child if parent.next_node(place-1).in_use > min_key_num then rotate_right (parent, place-1); elsif parent.next_node(place+1).in_use > min_key_num then rotate_left (parent, place+1); else combine (parent, place); end if; end if; end restore_nodes; procedure search_this_node ( key : in key_type; subtree : in next; found : out boolean; place : out positive ) is -- Searches a node for a given KEY. Signals if it is in -- the node and where. If not in node, signals which subtree. count : positive := 1; begin place := count; loop if count > subtree.in_use then found := false; return; elsif key < subtree.key(count) then found := false; return; elsif key = subtree.key(count) then found := true; return; else count := count + 1; place := count; end if; end loop; end search_this_node; procedure add_key_pair_to_node ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; temp_r : in next; subtree : in next; place : in positive ) is -- Inserts a key-data pair at position PLACE in a node with room begin subtree.key(place+1..subtree.in_use+1) := subtree.key(place..subtree.in_use); :=; subtree.next_node(place+2..subtree.in_use+2) := subtree.next_node(place+1..subtree.in_use+1); subtree.key(place) := key; := data; subtree.next_node(place+1) := temp_r; subtree.in_use := subtree.in_use + 1; end add_key_pair_to_node; procedure split_node ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; temp_r : in next; parent : in next; place : in positive; median_key : out key_type; median_data : out data_type; median_next_node : out next ) is -- Called from INSERT when a node where key-data pair belongs is full. -- Splits the full node PARENT before inserting a key-data-next -- triple. The two nodes have minimum entries and the extra -- key-data-next triple is passed back up the B_TREE -- TEMP_R is the access value that KEY_DATA references after insertion median : positive; temp_new_node : next; temp_parent : next := parent; begin if place <= min_key_num then --New key-data will end up in the left node median := min_key_num; else median := min_key_num + 1; end if; -- Create the new 'right' node and put right half of PARENT in it. temp_new_node := new tree_node; temp_new_node.key(1..(max_key_num-median)) := parent.key(median+1..max_key_num); :=; temp_new_node.next_node(2..(b_tree_order-median)) := parent.next_node(median+2..b_tree_order); temp_new_node.in_use := max_key_num - median; median_next_node := temp_new_node; temp_parent.in_use := median; -- New node created, initialized. Parent adjusted. -- Now insert key-data-next triple and find median key-data-next triple if place <= min_key_num then --Add new key-data-next triple to PARENT add_key_pair_to_node(key, data, temp_r, temp_parent, place ); else add_key_pair_to_node(key, data, temp_r, temp_new_node, place -median); end if; median_key := temp_parent.key(temp_parent.in_use); median_data :=; temp_new_node.next_node(1) := temp_parent.next_node(temp_parent.in_use+1); temp_parent.in_use := temp_parent.in_use - 1; end split_node; procedure insert ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; subtree : in next; key_not_inserted : in out boolean; temp_key : in out key_type; temp_data : in out data_type; temp_r : in out next ) is place : positive; found : boolean; begin if subtree = null then -- Tree searched and key not found. This is the base case for -- recursion. Insertion follows first return. key_not_inserted := true; temp_key := key; temp_data := data; temp_r := null; else search_this_node (key, subtree, found, place); if found then raise key_is_in_tree; else -- INSERT called recursively until SUBTREE.NEXT_NODE(PLACE) = null insert(key, data, subtree.next_node(place), key_not_inserted , temp_key, temp_data, temp_r); -- Backtrack up the B_TREE until the key-data pair is inserted if key_not_inserted then if subtree.in_use < max_key_num then key_not_inserted := false; add_key_pair_to_node(temp_key,temp_data, temp_r, subtree, place); else key_not_inserted := true; split_node (temp_key, temp_data, temp_r, subtree , place, temp_key, temp_data, temp_r); end if; end if; end if; end if; end insert; procedure delete ( key : in key_type; this_node : in next ) is found : boolean; place : positive; -- Position of KEY in THIS_NODE or which subtree of -- THIS_NODE if KEY not in THIS_NODE. begin if this_node = null then raise key_not_in_tree; else search_this_node (key, this_node, found, place); if found then if this_node.next_node (place) = null then -- THIS_NODE is a leaf, see figure 15.5.7a remove_key (this_node, place); else --Replace THIS_NODE.KEY(PLACE) with its successor, figure 15.5.9c replace_with_successor (this_node, place); delete (this_node.key(place), this_node.next_node(place +1)); end if; else --KEY is at least one level down delete (key, this_node.next_node(place)); end if; -- Return here from recursive calls. Must make sure all nodes have -- the minimum number of keys if this_node.next_node(place) /= null and then this_node.next_node(place).in_use < min_key_num then restore_nodes (this_node, place); end if; end if; end delete; --*************** BEGINNING OF package DEFINED OPERATIONS procedure copy ( from_tree : in b_tree; to_tree : out b_tree ) is -- Makes an copy of FROM_TREE that contains the same key-data pairs. -- Exception OVERFLOW raised if there is not space to complete the copy key : key_type; data : data_type; temp_from, temp_to : b_tree; begin if from_tree.count = 0 then to_tree := (null, 0, null); else temp_from := from_tree; temp_from.next_in := null; for count in 1..from_tree.count loop next_inorder (key, data, temp_from); insert (key, data, temp_to); end loop; to_tree := temp_to; end if; end copy; procedure clear ( this_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Returns a B_TREE root that has only null pointers. -- No key-data pairs are in the root. begin this_tree := (null, 0, null); end clear; procedure insert ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; into_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Inserts a key-data pair into a given B_TREE. Nodes are -- created as required. Traversal reset to the beginning. -- Exception KEY_IS_IN_TREE raised if Key already in IN_TREE. -- Exception OVERFLOW raised if there is not space to add a node. add_level : boolean; temp_key : key_type; temp_data : data_type; temp_right, temp_next_node : next; begin insert ( key, data, into_tree.root, add_level, temp_key, temp_data, temp_right); if add_level then -- Tree needs a new root temp_next_node := new tree_node; temp_next_node.in_use := 1; temp_next_node.key(1) := temp_key; := temp_data; temp_next_node.next_node(1) := into_tree.root; temp_next_node.next_node(2) := temp_right; into_tree.root := temp_next_node; end if; into_tree.count := into_tree.count + 1; into_tree.next_in := null; exception when storage_error => raise overflow; end insert; procedure delete ( key : in key_type; from_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Deletes a key-data pair with a specified from the B_TREE -- maintaining the B_tree structure. Traversal rest to beginning. -- Exception KEY_NOT_IN_TREE raised if Key not in FROM_TREE. begin delete (key, from_tree.root); if from_tree.root.in_use = 0 then -- The 2 subtrees of the root were combined, delete one level from_tree.root := from_tree.root.next_node(1); end if; from_tree.count := from_tree.count - 1; from_tree.next_in := null; exception when key_not_in_tree => raise key_not_in_tree; end delete; procedure update ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; in_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Searches for a node with a specified key in the B_TREE and -- replaces its data field with a new value. Traversals reset -- to the beginning. -- Exception KEY_NOT_IN_TREE raised if Key not in T. procedure update ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; this_node : in out next ) is begin if this_node.in_use = 0 then -- Node could be an empty root. raise key_not_in_tree; else for index in positive range 1..this_node.in_use loop if key < this_node.key(index) then if this_node.next_node(index) = null then -- THIS_NODE is a leaf raise key_not_in_tree; else update (key, data, this_node.next_node(index) ); end if; elsif key = this_node.key(index) then := data; return; end if; end loop; if this_node.next_node(this_node.in_use+1) = null then raise key_not_in_tree; else update (key, data, this_node.next_node(this_node.in_use +1)); end if; end if; end update; begin update (key, data, in_tree.root); in_tree.next_in := null; exception when key_not_in_tree => raise key_not_in_tree; end update; procedure next_inorder ( key : out key_type; data : out data_type; in_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Returns the next key-data pair in an ascending order by key. -- When the traversal is finished it will repeat. Any insertion -- or deletion of a key-data pair will cause the traversal to reset. -- Exception OVERFLOW raised if there is not space to manage the stack. -- Exception TREE_EMPTY raised if there are no key-data pairs to return temp_index : natural; temp_node : next; begin if in_tree.count = 0 then raise tree_empty; end if; if in_tree.next_in = null then -- Stack is empty, we must build stack up for the traversal -- The node referenced by the top of the stack is the next to be -- processed. in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, in_tree.root, null) ; while in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1) /= null loop in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1), in_tree .next_in); end loop; end if; -- Get the next key-data pair temp_index := in_tree.next_in.key_number; temp_node := in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node; key := temp_node.key(temp_index); data :=; -- Update the stack so the next key-data pair is on top. Recall -- that if the node is a leaf, all pairs must be returned before -- the node is popped. If the node is not a leaf, the next key-data -- pair returned will be from a leaf. if temp_node.next_node(temp_index) = null then -- TEMP_NODE is a leaf if temp_index < temp_node.in_use then -- More pairs to return in this leaf in_tree.next_in.key_number := in_tree.next_in.key_number + 1; else -- Parent has next key-data pair, Pop the stack. in_tree.next_in := in_tree.next_in.next_stack_node; end if; else -- TEMP_NODE is not a leaf if temp_index < temp_node.in_use then -- More pairs in this node and in subtrees to return in_tree.next_in.key_number := in_tree.next_in.key_number + 1; -- Must get down to leaf for the first key data pair in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, temp_node.next_node(temp_index+1), in_tree.next_in) ; while in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1) /= null loop in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1), in_tree .next_in); end loop; else -- All key-data pairs in this non-leaf node have been return, -- must pop stack but put on the last subtree in_tree.next_in := in_tree.next_in.next_stack_node; in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, temp_node.next_node(temp_index+1), in_tree.next_in) ; while in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1) /= null loop in_tree.next_in := new stack_node'(1, in_tree.next_in.next_tree_node.next_node(1), in_tree .next_in); end loop; end if; end if; end next_inorder; procedure set_inorder ( in_tree : in out b_tree ) is -- Resets the traversal sequence. begin in_tree.next_in := null; end set_inorder; function empty ( tree_to_check : b_tree ) return boolean is -- Returns true the tree contains no key-data pairs. begin return tree_to_check.count = 0; end empty; function full ( tree_to_check : b_tree ) return boolean is -- Returns true if there is no space to add a new node to the tree. -- It is possible to add key-data pairs without adding nodes temp : next; begin temp := new tree_node; return false; exception when storage_error => return true; end full; function count ( of_tree : b_tree ) return natural is -- Returns true the tree contains no key-data pairs. begin return of_tree.count; end count; function equal ( left, right : b_tree ) return boolean is -- Returns true if both B-trees contain the same key-data pairs. left_key, right_key : key_type; left_data, right_data : data_type; left_tree : b_tree := left; right_tree : b_tree := right; begin if left_tree.count = 0 then return right_tree.count = 0; elsif left_tree.count /= right_tree.count then return false; else left_tree.next_in := null; right_tree.next_in := null; for count in 1..left_tree.count loop next_inorder (left_key, left_data, left_tree); next_inorder (right_key, right_data, right_tree); if left_key /= right_key or else left_data /= right_data then return false; end if; end loop; return true; end if; end equal; function key_in_b_tree ( key : key_type; in_tree : b_tree ) return boolean is -- Returns true if the specified key is in the tree. function find_key ( key : key_type; this_node : next ) return boolean is begin if this_node.in_use = 0 then -- Node could be an empty root. return false; else for index in positive range 1..this_node.in_use loop if key < this_node.key(index) then if this_node.next_node(index) = null then -- THIS_NODE is a leaf return false; else return find_key (key, this_node.next_node(index )); end if; elsif key = this_node.key(index) then return true; end if; end loop; if this_node.next_node(this_node.in_use+1) = null then return false; else return find_key (key, this_node.next_node(this_node .in_use+1)); end if; end if; end find_key; begin if in_tree.count = 0 then return false; else return find_key (key, in_tree.root); end if; end key_in_b_tree; function get_data_for_b_tree ( key : key_type; in_tree : b_tree ) return data_type is -- Searches a specified B-tree for a node with a specified key-data -- pair and returns the associated data field. -- Exception KEY_NOT_IN_TREE raised if Key not in T. function find_data ( key : key_type; this_node : next ) return data_type is begin if this_node.in_use = 0 then -- Node could be an empty root. raise key_not_in_tree; else for index in positive range 1..this_node.in_use loop if key < this_node.key(index) then if this_node.next_node(index) = null then -- THIS_NODE is a leaf raise key_not_in_tree; else return find_data (key, this_node.next_node(index )); end if; elsif key = this_node.key(index) then return; end if; end loop; if this_node.next_node(this_node.in_use+1) = null then raise key_not_in_tree; else return find_data (key, this_node.next_node(this_node .in_use+1)); end if; end if; end find_data; begin return find_data (key, in_tree.root); end get_data_for_b_tree; begin --Set up package global values. These are treated as constants min_key_num := positive (float (b_tree_order-1)/2.0); max_key_num := b_tree_order - 1; end generic_m_way_b_tree;