-- Generic Package Specification for Search_AVL -- Maintains AVL trees -- Requires: -- Instantiated with any private type and -- a "<" function for that type and -- a Put procedure for that type -- Types defined: -- Avl_Ptr private type -- Search_Tree limited private type -- Exceptions defined: -- Item_Not_Found raised when searches or deletions fail -- Operations defined: -- (* throws Item_Not_Found) -- Delete * removes item from search tree -- Find * returns Tree_Ptr of item in search tree -- Find_Max * returns Tree_Ptr of maximum item in search tree -- Find_Min * returns Tree_Ptr of minimum item in search tree -- Insert insert item into search tree -- Make_Empty make a search tree empty -- Print_Tree print tree in sorted order -- Retrieve * returns item in Tree_Ptr passed as parameter with Text_IO; use Text_IO; generic type Element_Type is private; with function "<" ( Left, Right: Element_Type ) return Boolean; with procedure Put( Element: Element_Type ); package Search_Avl is type Avl_Ptr is private; type Search_Tree is limited private; procedure Delete( X: Element_Type; T: in out Search_Tree ); function Find( X: Element_Type; T: Search_Tree ) return Avl_Ptr; function Find_Max( T: Search_Tree ) return Avl_Ptr; function Find_Min( T: Search_Tree ) return Avl_Ptr; procedure Insert( X: Element_Type; T: in out Search_Tree ); procedure Make_Empty( T: in out Search_Tree ); procedure Print_Tree( T: Search_Tree ); function Retrieve( P: Avl_Ptr ) return Element_Type; -- Used for debugging; returns true if T is AVL function Check_Ht( T: Search_Tree ) return Boolean; Item_Not_Found : exception; private type Avl_Node; type Avl_Ptr is access Avl_Node; type Search_Tree is record Root : Avl_Ptr; end record; type Avl_Node is record Element : Element_Type; Left : Avl_Ptr; Right : Avl_Ptr; Height : Natural; end record; end Search_Avl;