package body generic_unbounded_balanced_binary_search_tree is type balance_type is (left_heavy, in_balance, right_heavy); type tree_node is record key : key_type; data : data_type; balance : balance_type; left, right : next; end record; type traversal is record process : next; next_proc : next_traversal; end record; procedure balance_l ( t : in out next; balance_flag : out boolean ) is -- A node was deleted out of left subtree of T, and the height -- shortened. BALANCE_L will rebalance. t1 : next := t.right; t2 : next; tb : balance_type := t1.balance; begin case t.balance is when left_heavy => -- T was LEFT_HEAVY before the deletion, and left subtree has -- had its height reduced, so T must be in balance t.balance := in_balance; when in_balance => -- T was IN_BALANCE before the deletion, and left subtree has -- had its height reduced, so T is Right heavy and its -- height has no been changed. No further rebalancing needed t.balance := right_heavy; balance_flag := false; when right_heavy => -- T was RIGHT_HEAVY before deletion, left subtree's height has -- been reduced, so T is out of balance if tb /= left_heavy then -- Right subtree is not left heavy, need single R rotation t.right := t1.left; t1.left := t; if tb = in_balance then -- Right subtree still IN_BALANCE, T now right heavy, and -- height of T not changed. No more rebalancing necessary t.balance := right_heavy; t1.balance := left_heavy; balance_flag := false; else -- Right subtree was RIGHT_HEAVY, T now IN_BALANCE and its -- height has been reduced. More balancing needed. t.balance := in_balance; t1.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t1; else -- Situation similar to figure 15.3.12c, double RL rotation -- needed t2 := t1.left; tb := t2.balance; t1.left := t2.right; t2.right := t1; t.right := t2.left; t2.left := t; if tb = right_heavy then t.balance := left_heavy; else t.balance := in_balance; end if; if tb = left_heavy then t1.balance := right_heavy; else t1.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t2; t2.balance := in_balance; end if; end case; end balance_l; procedure balance_r ( t : in out next; balance_flag : out boolean ) is t1 : next := t.left; t2 : next; tb : balance_type := t1.balance; begin case t.balance is when right_heavy => t.balance := in_balance; when in_balance => t.balance := left_heavy; balance_flag := false; when left_heavy => if tb /= right_heavy then -- need single LL rotation t.left := t1.right; t1.right := t; if tb = in_balance then t.balance := left_heavy; t1.balance := right_heavy; balance_flag := false; else --Tb = Right_heavy t.balance := in_balance; t1.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t1; else --double LR rotation t2 := t1.right; tb := t2.balance; t1.right := t2.left; t2.left := t1; t.left := t2.right; t2.right := t; if tb = left_heavy then t.balance := right_heavy; else t.balance := in_balance; end if; if tb = right_heavy then t1.balance := left_heavy; else t1.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t2; t2.balance := in_balance; end if; end case; end balance_r; procedure copy ( from_tree : in tree; to_tree : out tree ) is -- Makes an exact copy of a specified tree that preserves structure an -- shares no nodes. The traversals of the tree TO_TREE start at the first -- node of the particular traversal -- Exception OVERFLOW raised if insufficient memory left to add a node temp_root : next; procedure copy ( from : in next; to : out next ) is -- Recursive procedure that first copies the current node, -- then the node's left subtree, then the nodes right subtree temp_node : next; begin if from = null then to := null; else temp_node := new tree_node' (from.key,, from.balance, null, null); copy(from.left, temp_node.left); copy (from.right, temp_node.right); to := temp_node; end if; end copy; begin if from_tree.count /= 0 then copy(from_tree.root, temp_root); end if; to_tree := (temp_root, from_tree.count, null); exception when storage_error => raise overflow; end copy; procedure clear ( t : out tree ) is begin t := (null, 0, null); end clear; procedure insert ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; t : in out tree ) is -- Creates a node containing a given key-data pair and inserts that -- node into the tree T while preserving the binary search structure -- The inorder traversals is set to begin at the first key-data pair. -- After insertion, the tree is rebalanced if necessary. -- Exception OVERFLOW raised if insufficient memory left to add a node -- Exception KEY_IS_IN_TREE raised if an attempt is made to insert a -- duplicate key rebalance_flag : boolean := false; -- Signals if node's balance has -- changed procedure insert ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; t : in out next; rebalance_flag : in out boolean ) is t1, t2 : next; begin if t = null then -- At the leaf, so insert. Note all leaves IN_BALANCE by definition. t := new tree_node' (key, data, in_balance, null, null ); -- Balance of the parent has been changed, set REBALANCE_FLAG -- accordingly. rebalance_flag := true; elsif key < t.key then insert (key, data, t.left, rebalance_flag); if rebalance_flag then -- Subtree balance altered because the left subtree height increased case t.balance is when left_heavy => -- Current node was LEFT_HEAVY before insertion, situation now -- same as illustrated in figure 15.3.5a or 15.3.7a t1 := t.left; if t.left.balance = left_heavy then -- The left child's left child is also left heavy, situation -- same as in figure 15.3.5a. Single L rotation needed t.left := t1.right; t1.right := t; t := t1; t.balance := in_balance; -- After rebalancing, situation same as in figure 15.3.5b else -- Left subtree is now right heavy, see figure 15.3.7a -- Double LR rotation required t2 := t1.right; t1.right := t2.left; t2.left := t1; t.left := t2.right; t2.right := t; if t2.balance = left_heavy then t.balance := right_heavy; else t.balance := in_balance; end if; if t2.balance = right_heavy then t1.balance := left_heavy; else t1.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t2; end if; -- Rebalancing now complete. Resulting node is IN_BALANCE -- and node's depth has not changed. No further rebalancing -- needed. t.balance := in_balance; rebalance_flag := false; when in_balance => -- Present node was IN_BLANCE before insertion, its left subtree -- had its height increased. Balance is now LEFT_HEAVY. -- Rebalancing still necessary so REBALANCE_FLAG not changed. t.balance := left_heavy; when right_heavy => -- Present node was RIGHT_HEAVY, left subtree depth increased, -- Result is that node is IN_BALANCE, no futher rebabalancing -- is necessay as its depth has not been changed t.balance := in_balance; rebalance_flag := false; end case; end if; elsif t.key < key then insert (key, data, t.right, rebalance_flag); if rebalance_flag then case t.balance is when left_heavy => -- Present node was LEFT_HEAVY before insertion. Now that right -- subtree has had its height increased, node becomes balanced -- and no further rebalancing necessary t.balance := in_balance; rebalance_flag := false; when in_balance => -- Present node was IN_BALANCE but its right subtree height -- increased, so node is now RIGHT_HEAVY, its height increased, -- so further rebalancing still necessary. t.balance := right_heavy; when right_heavy => -- Present node was right heavy before insertion and now -- the right subtree height has increased. Situation same as -- illusatrated in figure 15.3.6a or figure 15.3.8. t1 := t.right; if t1.balance = right_heavy then -- Right subtree's is now RIGHT_HEAVY, see figure 15.3.6a. -- A single R rotation needed. Result is present node -- IN_BALANCE and no further rebalancing necessary t.right := t1.left; t1.left := t; t.balance := in_balance; t := t1; else -- Right subtree's left subtree height has increased. -- Situation illustrated in figure 15.3.8. Double RL rotation -- required. Result is a node IN_BLANCE without height of -- the subtree being changed. No further rebalancing needed t2 := t1.left; t1.left := t2.right; t2.right := t1; t.right := t2.left; t2.left := t; if t2.balance = left_heavy then t1.balance := right_heavy; else t1.balance := in_balance; end if; if t2.balance = right_heavy then t.balance := left_heavy; else t.balance := in_balance; end if; t := t2; end if; t.balance := in_balance; rebalance_flag := false; end case; end if; else --T.KEY = KEY raise key_is_in_tree; end if; end insert; begin insert (key, data, t.root, rebalance_flag); t.count := t.count + 1; t.next_in := null; exception when key_is_in_tree => raise key_is_in_tree; end insert; procedure delete ( key : in key_type; t : in out tree ) is -- Deletes a node with a given key from a specified tree T while -- preserving the search structure. The inorder traversal is -- reset to start at the beginning. The tree is re-balanced if necessary -- Exception KEY_NOT_IN_TREE raised if no node contains specified key. rebalance_flag : boolean := false; procedure delete ( key : in key_type; t : in out next; rebalance_flag : in out boolean ) is procedure delete_largest_key ( t : in out next; key : out key_type; data : out data_type; rebalance_flag : in out boolean ) is -- Finds the node with the key, returns the key and data in that -- node, and deletes that node begin if t.right = null then -- Node with the largest key can never have a right subtree -- because all keys on the right would be larger key := t.key; data :=; -- Node with largest key may have left child t := t.left; -- Signal balance has changed because node deleted -- See figure 15.3.12a rebalance_flag := true; else delete_largest_key (t.right, key, data, rebalance_flag ); if rebalance_flag then balance_r (t, rebalance_flag); end if; end if; end delete_largest_key; begin if t = null then raise key_not_in_tree; elsif key < t.key then delete (key, t.left, rebalance_flag); -- If balance of the left subtree has changed, must balance the left if rebalance_flag then balance_l (t, rebalance_flag); end if; elsif t.key < key then delete (key, t.right, rebalance_flag); -- If balance of the right subtree has changed, must balance the right if rebalance_flag then balance_r (t, rebalance_flag); end if; else --T.Key = Key if t.left = null then -- Because T is balanced,T either has no children or a single right -- child t := t.right; rebalance_flag := true; elsif t.right = null then -- T has a single left child t := t.left; rebalance_flag := true; else --T has two children delete_largest_key (t.left, t.key,, rebalance_flag ); -- The left subtree may have had its balance altered if rebalance_flag then balance_l (t, rebalance_flag); end if; end if; end if; end delete; begin delete (key, t.root, rebalance_flag); t.count := t.count - 1; t.next_in := null; exception when key_not_in_tree => raise key_not_in_tree; end delete; procedure update ( key : in key_type; data : in data_type; t : in tree ) is procedure update ( k : in key_type; x : in data_type; r : in next ) is temp_r : next := r; begin if r = null then raise key_not_in_tree; elsif r.key = k then := x; elsif k < r.key then update(k, x, r.left); else update(k, x, r.right); end if; end update; begin update(key, data, t.root); end update; procedure next_inorder ( key : out key_type; data : out data_type; t : in out tree ) is temp : next; begin if t.count = 0 then raise tree_is_empty; end if; if t.next_in = null then t.next_in := new traversal'(t.root, null); temp := t.root; while temp /= null and then temp.left /= null loop t.next_in := new traversal'(temp.left, t.next_in); temp := temp.left; end loop; end if; temp := t.next_in.process; key := temp.key; data :=; t.next_in := t.next_in.next_proc; if temp.right /= null then t.next_in := new traversal'(temp.right, t.next_in); temp := temp.right; while temp /= null and then temp.left /= null loop t.next_in := new traversal'(temp.left, t.next_in); temp := temp.left; end loop; end if; end next_inorder; procedure set_inorder ( t : in out tree ) is begin t.next_in := null; end set_inorder; function empty ( t : tree ) return boolean is begin return t.count = 0; end empty; function count ( t : tree ) return natural is begin return t.count; end count; function equal ( t1, t2 : tree ) return boolean is -- Returns true if both trees contain the same key-data pairs. -- Trees may have different structures. temp1 : tree := t2; temp2 : tree := t2; k1, k2 : key_type; d1, d2 : data_type; begin if t1.count = 0 then return t2.count = 0; elsif t1.count /= t2.count then return false; else -- Trees are equal if contain the same KEY-DATA pairs -- TEMP1 and TEMP2 reference T1 and T2 directly, but TEMP1.NEXT_IN -- and TEMP2.NEXT_IN can be manipulated without affecting T1.NEXT_IN -- and T2.NEXT_IN. T1 and T2 both have the same number of key-data -- pairs. Do an inorder traversal and compare pair by pair. -- Make sure both traversals start at the beginning. temp1.next_in := null; --SET_INORDER (TEMP1); temp2.next_in := null; --SET_INORDER (TEMP2); for i in 1..temp1.count loop next_inorder(k1, d1, temp1); next_inorder(k2, d2, temp2); if k1 /= k2 or d1 /= d2 then return false; end if; end loop; return true; end if; end equal; function key_in_tree ( key : key_type; t : tree ) return boolean is function key_tree ( k : key_type; r : next ) return boolean is begin if r = null then return false; elsif r.key = k then return true; elsif k < r.key then return key_tree(k, r.left); else return key_tree(k, r.right); end if; end key_tree; begin return key_tree(key, t.root); end key_in_tree; function get_data_for_key ( key : key_type; t : tree ) return data_type is function key_data ( k : key_type; r : next ) return data_type is begin if r = null then raise key_not_in_tree; elsif r.key = k then return; elsif k < r.key then return key_data(k, r.left); else return key_data(k, r.right); end if; end key_data; begin return key_data(key, t.root); end get_data_for_key; end generic_unbounded_balanced_binary_search_tree;