MATCH Advanced Summer Schools
Report and Photographies

Index page

System Engineering. A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation.

September 14-22, 1998. Jaca, Spain.

Participants in the main entrance of the Universitary Residence of Jaca (Spain).
Photography sent by Francesco Basile

Performance Models for Discrete Event Systems with Synchronizations: Formalisms and Analysis Techniques.

September 3-11, 1998. Jaca, Spain.

Participants in the main entrance of the Universitary Residence of Jaca (Spain).
Photography sent by Manuel Silva

The excursion to the Monastery of San Juan de la Pe–a, Jaca (Spain).
Photography sent by Manuel Silva

Participants inside the Monastery of San Juan de la Pe–a, Jaca (Spain).
Photography sent by Manuel Silva