MATCH Advanced Summer Schools

Index page
General presentation
Performance School
System Engineering School
Slides of the courses


Both Advanced Schools will take place at the Residence of the University of Zaragoza in Jaca (in the Pyrenees mountains), where International Summer Courses are being organised since the beginning of this century ---mostly on humanistic studies. Participation is limited to 40 students per School.

The registration fee and full board lodging is:

  • 100.000 pesetas for one school (10 days) and
  • 170.000 pesetas for both schools (20 days).

A small number of grants will be available. Those wishing to apply for a grant should send a letter of explanation, a curriculum vitae and a letter of recommendation from a major advisor before June 1st, 1998.

Participants in each school will receive copies of the lecture transparencies and the draft of a book covering the topics of the corresponding school in detail. Full lodging will be provided (in double rooms) at the Residence, where all the classes will also take place. A transport service Zaragoza-Jaca and return will also be provided. Interesting cultural and sightseeing excursions are planned.

Laboratories will be organized throughout the schools to provide the students with practical experience on the application of the formalisms to concrete examples and case studies. Several computer tools will be available.