MATCH Advanced Summer Schools
Application Form

O  Mrs      O  Ms      O  Mr  

Last Name ..................... First Name .....................

Mailing address and e-mail: ....................................

Highest university degree obtained: ............................

Present professional position: .................................

Institute or company presently affiliated with: ................

Current interests: .............................................

I wish to apply for the following (check one):

   O Performance Models School (100000 pesetas)

   O Systems Engineering School (100000 pesetas)

   O Both Schools (170000 pesetas)
   O I wish to apply for a grant (letter of recommendation, etc.
     enclosed). I   O would    O would not   be prepared to pay
     the full fee in case I will not receive a grant.

If accepted for participation, I will pay my fee, which includes 
registration and lodging, before July 31, 1998.

Signature .....................            Date ................