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[RP-93-07] Ezpeleta, J, Martínez J.  1993.  Synthesis of live models for a class of FMS. :557-563.
[1061] Ezpeleta, J, Martínez J, Colom JM.  1993.  Synthesis of Live High Level Models for a Class of FMS. 1993, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Systems Engineering in the Service of Humans (IEEE/SMC'93). 1:589-594.
[907] García-Vallés, F, Tricas F, Ezpeleta J, Colom JM.  2000.  Structuraly Safe Net Systems. Discrete Event Systems. Analysis and Control. :441-448.
[917] Tricas, F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  1998.  A Structural Approach to the Problem of Deadlock Prevention in Processes with Resources. International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES’98. :273-278.
[TrEz-03] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  2003.  Some results on siphon computation for deadlock prevention in resource allocation systems modelled with Petri nets. :16-29.
[1088] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  2000.  Some Improvements to the Banker's Algorithm Based on the Process Structure. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’2000). :2853-2858.
[915] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A solution to the problem of deadlocks in concurrent systems using Petri nets and integer linear programming. 11th European Simulation Symposium (ESS’99). Simulation in Industry. :542-546.
[MoEz-03] Moldt, D, Ezpeleta J.  2003.  A Proposal for Flexible Testing of Deadlock Control Strategies in Resource Allocation Systems. :586-595.
[EzVa-03] Ezpeleta, J, Valk R.  2003.  A polynomial solution for deadlock avoidance in assembly systems modelled with Petri nets. :1-8.
[RP-91-10] Ezpeleta, J, Martínez J.  1991.  Petri Nets as a specification language for manufacturing systems.
[RP-92-33] Ezpeleta, J, Martínez J.  1992.  Petri Nets as a specification language for manufacturing systems. :427-436.
[ICReSiEzTe04] Recalde, L, Silva M, Ezpeleta J, Teruel E.  2004.  Petri nets and manufacturing systems: An examples-driven tour. 3098:742-788.
[1331] Tricas, F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  2005.  A Petri Net Structure-Based Deadlock Prevention Solution for Sequential Resource Allocation Systems. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA’05). :272-278.
[TricasEzpeletaETFA99] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A Petri Net Solution to the Problem of Deadlocks in Systems of Processes with Resources.. :1047-1056.
[TE-2] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A Petri Net Solution to the Problem of Deadlocks in Systems of Processes with Resources. :1047-1098.
[1063] Ezpeleta, J, Colom JM, Martínez J.  1993.  A Petri net based deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems. III Jornadas de Concurrencia. :199-233.
[1071] Ezpeleta, J, Colom JM, Martínez J.  1995.  A Petri net based deadlock prevention policy for flexible manufacturing systems. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 11(2):173-184.
[TricasEzpeleta97] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  2000.  A Partial Approach to the Problem of Deadlocks in Processes with Resour ces. :135-150.
[908] García-Vallés, F, Tricas F, Ezpeleta J, Colom JM.  1998.  Optimal Control of Discrete Event Systems. International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES’98. :88-93.