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[1343] STAR: A Software Tool for Validating Concurrent Systems. Programming - KTSG Technical Week. :74-75.
[975] Análisis de programas concurrentes mediante Redes de Petri. VI Congreso de Informática y Automática de la AEIA. :519-523.
[1345] Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets. IMACS-IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Simulation for Control of Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems. :457-462.
[1346] On software implementation of Petri Nets and Colored Petri Nets using high-level concurrent languages. Seventh European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :207-241.
[1344] Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets. Applied Modelling and Simulation of Technological Systems. :529-536.
[995] On the structural computation of synchronic invariants in P/T nets. Eighth European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :237-258.
[1347] On the structural computation of synchronic invariants in P/T nets. I Jornadas de Concurrencia.
[365] On the Computation of Structural Synchronic Invariants in P/T Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 1988. :386-417.
[1001] Interrelationships among various concepts of fairness for Petri nets. 31st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. :1141-1144.
[1005] Improving the linearly based characterization of P/T nets. 10th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :52-73.
[1006] Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T nets. A comparative study of algorithms for computation of minimal P-semiflows. 10th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :74-95.
[1348] Análisis structural de redes de Petri, programación lineal y geometría convexa. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica e Informática. Tesis Doctoral
[278] Tight Polynomial Bounds for Steady-State Performance of Marked Graphs. Third IEEE International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'89). :200-209.
[276] Performance Evaluation of Repetitive Automated Manufacturing Systems. IEEE Rensselaer's Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing. :74-81.
[1358] Improving the linearly based characterization of P/T nets. Proceedings of Design Methods Based on Nets (DEMON). Esprit Basic Research Action 3148. W.G. 3: Algebra and Proof Methods. Deliverables Covering the Period June 1989 to June 1990.
[1359] Convex geometry and semiflows in P/T nets. A comparative study of algorithms for computation of minimal p-semiflows. Proceedings of Design Methods Based on Nets (DEMON). Esprit Basic Research Action 3148. W.G. 3: Algebra and Proof Methods. Deliverables Covering the Period June 1989 to June 1990.
[1360] A first collection of challenging problems: A Flexible Manufacturing System. Proceedings of Design Methods Based on Nets (DEMON). Esprit Basic Research Action 3148. W.G. 6: Case Studies. Deliverables Covering the Period June 1989 to June 1990.
[271] On liveness analysis through linear algebraic techniques. Proceedings of Design Methods Based on Nets (DEMON). Esprit Basic Research Action 3148. W.G. 3: Algebra and Proof Methods. Deliverables Covering the Period June 1989 to June 1990.
[672] Improving the Linearly Based Characterization of P/T Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 1990. :113-145.
[673] Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T Nets. A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Computation of Minimal P-Semiflows. Advances in Petri Nets 1990. :79-112.
[263] Improving Throughput Upper Bounds for Net Based Models. IMACS MCTS’91 International Symposium on Modeling and Control of Technological Systems. 1:573-582.
[262] A Reachable Throughput Upper Bound for Live and Safe Free Choice Nets. 12th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :237-256.
[1027] Petri net Based Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Pipelined Architectures. P.D. COM'91 IMACS-IFAC International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems. :37-38.
[1029] Petri Net Based Analysis of VHDL Programs. Second European Conference on VHDL Methods (EURO-VHDL'91). :1-10.