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[RP-92-12] Silva, M, Murata T.  1992.  B-Fairness and Structural B-Fairness in Petri Net Models of Concurrent Systems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 44:447-477.
[RP-92-13] Sánchez, B, Silva M.  1992.  Approximate throughput computation of stochastic marked graphs. Journal of Parallel and distributed computing. 15:282-295.
[RP-92-05] Silva, M, Muro P.  1992.  Petri nets in a knowledge representation schema for the coordination of plant elements. :271-276.
[RP-92-06] Sánchez, B, Silva M.  1992.  Response time approximation for the performance analysis of manufacturing systems modeled with stochastic marked graphs. :1000-1005.
[RP-92-10] Jungnitz, H, Silva M.  1992.  An aproximation method for the performance analysis of manufacturing systems based on GSPNs. :46-55.
[RP-92-26] Silva, M, Muro P.  1992.  Scheduling en celdas autónomas de ensamblaje basado en un algoritmo de tiempo mínimo en RdP. :55-60.
[258] Campos, J, Chiola G, Colom JM, Silva M.  1992.  Properties and Performance Bounds for Timed Marked Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications. 39(5):386-401.
[1356] Silva, M, Teruel E, Colom JM.  1992.  Structure Theory of Non Free Choice Systems. Final Report of the ESPRIT Basis Research Action DEMON (Design Methods based on Nets) Covering the Period 18 June 1989 to 18 March 1992. :130-134.
[259] Campos, J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1992.  Improving Throughput Upper Bounds for Net Based Models. Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing Systems. :281-294.
[269] Silva, M, Colom JM, Campos J.  1992.  Linear Algebraic Techniques for the Analysis of Petri Nets. Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks, and Signal Processing II. :35-42.
[337] Teruel, E, Chrzastowski P, Colom JM, Silva M.  1992.  On Weighted T-Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992. :348-367.
[CS-LNCS-92] Campos, J, Silva M.  1992.  Structural Techniques and Performance Bounds of Stochastic Petri Net Models. 609:352-391.
[RP-92-31] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1992.  A polynomial-time algorithm to decide liveness of bounded free choice nets. Theoretical Computer Science. :185-205.
[CCS-TSE-91] Campos, J, Chiola G, Silva M.  1991.  Ergodicity and Throughput Bounds of Petri Nets with Unique Consistent Firing Count Vector. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 17:117-125.
[CCS-TAC-91] Campos, J, Chiola G, Silva M.  1991.  Properties and Performance Bounds for Closed Free Choice Synchronized Monoclass Queueing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 36:1368-1382.
[CS-Melbourne-91] Campos, J, Silva M.  1991.  Throughput Upper Bounds for Markovian Petri Nets Embedded Subnets and Queueing Networks. :312-321.
[CSS-Melbourne-91] Campos, J, Sánchez B, Silva M.  1991.  Throughput Lower Bounds for Markovian Petri Nets Transformation Techniques. :322-331.
[RP-91-26] Silva, M, Watanabe T.  1991.  On periodic schedules for deterministically timed Petri nets systems. :210-215.
[RP-91-18] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  On the Analysis and Synthesis of Free Choice Systems. 483:243-286.
[263] Campos, J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1991.  Improving Throughput Upper Bounds for Net Based Models. IMACS MCTS’91 International Symposium on Modeling and Control of Technological Systems. 1:573-582.
[IPMaMuSi87] Martínez, J, Muro P, Silva M.  1991.  Modeling, Validation and Software Implementation of Production Systems Using High Level Petri Nets. High-Level Petri Nets. Theory and Applications. :618-623.
[ICEsSi91b] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Top-Down Synthesis of Live and Bounded Free Choice Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 91. 524:118-139.