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[1364] Teruel, E, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Linear Analysis of Deadlock-Freeness of Petri Net Models. III Jornadas de Concurrencia. :175-180.
[199] Teruel, E, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Linear Analysis of Deadlock-Freeness of Petri Net Models. Second European Control Conference, ECC'93. 2:513-518.
[251] Chiola, G, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets. 16th International Symposium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation (Performance'93).
[1057] Silva, M, Colom JM.  1993.  Petri Nets applied to the modelling and analysis of computer architecture problems. Microprocessing and Microprogramming. The EUROMICRO Journal. 38(1):1-11.
[1362] Teruel, E, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Modelling and Analysis of Deterministic Concurrent Systems with Bulk Services and Arrivals. International Conference on Decentralized and Distributed Systems, ICDDS'93.
[250] Chiola, G, Anglano C, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds. IEEE 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'93). :128-137.
[252] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1993.  A General Iterative Technique for Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. IEEE 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'93). :138-147.
[SC-Brussels-93] Silva, M, Campos J.  1993.  Performance Models Based on Petri Nets. :xiv-xxi.
[RP-93-03] Silva, M, Watanabe T.  1993.  Qualitative analysis of periodic schedules for deterministically timed Petri net systems. IEICE Transactions.
[RCS-Atlanta-93] Ramirez, A, Campos J, Silva M.  1993.  On Optimal Scheduling in DEDS. :821-826.
[RP-93-10] Silva, M.  1993.  Interleaving functional and performance structural analysis of Net models. 691:17-23.
[CS-PE-93] Campos, J, Silva M.  1993.  Embedded Product Form Queueing Networks and the Improvement of Performance Bounds for Petri Net Systems. Performance Evaluation. 18:3-19.
[RP-93-14] Muro, P, Silva M.  1993.  Modular composition of intelligent control policies for FMS models. :405-410.
[245] Chiola, G, Anglano C, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1994.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds. Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. :197-213.
[246] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1994.  A General Iterative Technique for Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. :265-283.
[248] Teruel, E, Silva M, Colom JM, Campos J.  1994.  Functional and Performance Analysis of Cooperating Sequential Processes. Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. :234-251.
[249] Teruel, E, Silva M, Colom JM, Campos J.  1994.  Functional and Performance Analysis of Cooperating Sequential Processes. 11th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization Systems. Discrete Event Systems. :169-175.
[ICTeSi94] Teruel, E, Silva M.  1994.  Well-formedness of Equal Conflict Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994. 815:491-510.
[360] Silva, M, Teruel E.  1994.  Analysis of Autonomous Petri Nets with Bulk Services and Arrivals. 11th Int. Conf. on Analysis and Optimization of Systems. Discrete Event Systems. 199:131-143.
[247] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1994.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 20(7):526-535.
[1070] Briz, JL, Colom JM, Silva M.  1994.  Discrete Event Simulation based on Timed Petri Nets using Linear Enabling Functions. 1994 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics. 2:1671-1676.