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Conference Paper
[1514] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Merelo JJ.  2014.  Computing minimal siphons in Petri net models of Resource Allocation Systems: An evolutionary approach. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'14).
[1518] Bañares, JA, Tolosana-Calasanz R, Tricas F, Arronategui U, Celaya J, Colom JM.  2014.  Construction of Data Streams Applications from Functional, Non-Functional and Resource Requirements for Electric Vehicle Aggregators. The COSMOS Vision. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'14).
[RP-95-10] Tricas, F, Martínez J.  1995.  Corrección de programas y Redes de Petri de alto nivel. :184-193.
[RP-95-12] Tricas, F, Martínez J.  1995.  Corrección de programas y redes de Petri de alto nivel. :155-164.
[1517] López-Grao, JP, Colom JM, Tricas F.  2014.  The deadlock problem in the control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An overview of the Petri net approach. 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014).
[RP-95-15] Tricas, F, Martínez J.  1995.  Distributed Systems Simulation using High Level Petri Nets. :227-233.
[blogtalk] Tricas, F, Ruiz, Merelo.  2003.  Do we live in an Small World? Measuring the Spanish-Speaking Blogosphere
[TricasMartinez95SMC] Tricas, F, Martínez J.  1995.  An Extension of the Liveness Theory for Concurrent Sequential Processes Competing for Shared Resources. :4119-4124.
[RP-95-21] Tricas, F, Martínez J.  1995.  An extension of the liveness theory for concurrent sequential processes competing for shared resources. :4119-4124.
[cost] Merelo, Tricas F, Ruiz.  2003.  Measuring the Spanish Blogosphere.
[908] García-Vallés, F, Tricas F, Ezpeleta J, Colom JM.  1998.  Optimal Control of Discrete Event Systems. International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES’98. :88-93.
[TricasEzpeleta97] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  2000.  A Partial Approach to the Problem of Deadlocks in Processes with Resour ces. :135-150.
[TE-2] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A Petri Net Solution to the Problem of Deadlocks in Systems of Processes with Resources. :1047-1098.
[TricasEzpeletaETFA99] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A Petri Net Solution to the Problem of Deadlocks in Systems of Processes with Resources.. :1047-1056.
[1331] Tricas, F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  2005.  A Petri Net Structure-Based Deadlock Prevention Solution for Sequential Resource Allocation Systems. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA’05). :272-278.
[915] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  1999.  A solution to the problem of deadlocks in concurrent systems using Petri nets and integer linear programming. 11th European Simulation Symposium (ESS’99). Simulation in Industry. :542-546.
[1088] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  2000.  Some Improvements to the Banker's Algorithm Based on the Process Structure. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’2000). :2853-2858.
[TrEz-03] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  2003.  Some results on siphon computation for deadlock prevention in resource allocation systems modelled with Petri nets. :16-29.
[917] Tricas, F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  1998.  A Structural Approach to the Problem of Deadlock Prevention in Processes with Resources. International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES’98. :273-278.
[1520] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Merelo JJ.  2014.  Using the incidence matrix in an evolutionary algorithm for Computing minimal siphons in Petri net models. 18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2014).