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[PCFB-LAT-13] Pérez, S, Campos J, Facchini H, Bisaro L.  2013.  Tuning Mechanism for IEEE 802.11e EDCA Optimization. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 11(4):1134-1142.
[PFMBC-JCST-13] Pérez, S, Facchini H, Mercado G, Bisaro L, Campos J.  2013.  Throughput Quantitative Analysis of EDCA 802.11e in Different Scenarios. Journal of Computer Science & Technology. 13(1):16-23.
[1455] Pérez, S, Facchini H, Mercado G, Bisaro L, Campos J.  2013.  EDCA 802.11e Performance under Different Scenarios. Quantitative Analysis. 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’13).