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[1500] Fraca, E, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  On the fluidization of Petri nets and marking homothecy. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 12:3-19.
[1284] Heiner, M, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2010.  On the Importance of the Deadlock Trap Property for Monotonic Liveness. Int. Workshop on Biological Processes & Petri Nets (BioPPN), A satellite event of Petri Nets 2010.
[995] Silva, M, Colom JM.  1987.  On the structural computation of synchronic invariants in P/T nets. Eighth European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :237-258.
[1347] Silva, M, Colom JM.  1987.  On the structural computation of synchronic invariants in P/T nets. I Jornadas de Concurrencia.
[337] Teruel, E, Chrzastowski P, Colom JM, Silva M.  1992.  On Weighted T-Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992. :348-367.
[1363] Teruel, E, Chrzastowski P, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  On Weighted T-Systems. III Jornadas de Concurrencia. :293-312.
[1502] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  ON/OFF strategy based minimum-time control of continuous Petri nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 12
[1541] Clavel, D, Mahulea C, Silva M, Albareda J.  2016.  Operation Planning of Elective Patients in an Orthopedic Surgery Department. 2nd International Workshop on Models and Methods for healthcare systems management and planning (M2H) in ETFA 2016. Abstract
[251] Chiola, G, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets. 16th International Symposium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation (Performance'93).
[238] Chiola, G, Anglano C, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1995.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds. Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems. :161-174.
[245] Chiola, G, Anglano C, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1994.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds. Performance Evaluation of parallel and distributed systems. Solution Methods. :197-213.
[250] Chiola, G, Anglano C, Campos J, Colom JM, Silva M.  1993.  Operational Analysis of Timed Petri Nets and Application to the Computation of Performance Bounds. IEEE 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'93). :128-137.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06a] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of continuous Petri nets via model predictive control. :235–241.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06b] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of timed continuous Petri nets via explicit MPC. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 341:383-390.
[TRMaGiReSeSi07] Mahulea, C, Giua A, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2008.  Optimal model predictive control of Timed Continuous Petri nets.
[ARMAGIRESESI08] Mahulea, C, Giua A, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2008.  Optimal model predictive control of Timed Continuous Petri nets. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 53:1731-1735.
[IPMaReSi05] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2005.  Optimal Observability for Continuous Petri Nets. :CDROM.
[RP-82-06] Martínez, J, Silva M.  1982.  A package for computer design of concurrent logic control systems. :221-226.
[RP-83-01] Martínez, J, Silva M.  1983.  A package for computer design of concurrent logic control systems. :243-248.
[RP-86-10] Martínez, J, Silva M.  1986.  Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets. :457-462.
[1344] Colom, JM, Martínez J, Silva M.  1987.  Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets. Applied Modelling and Simulation of Technological Systems. :529-536.
[1345] Colom, JM, Martínez J, Silva M.  1986.  Packages for validating discrete production systems modeled with Petri nets. IMACS-IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Simulation for Control of Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems. :457-462.
[RP-87-02] Martínez, J, Silva M.  1987.  Packages for validating discrete production systems modelled with Petri nets. :529-536.
[1401] Signes-Pont, MT, García-Chamizo JM, Mora-Mora H, de-Miguel-Casado G.  2007.  Parametric Architecture for Function Calculation Improvement. Architecture of Computing Systems 2007.
[1394] Signes-Pont, MT, García-Chamizo JM, Mora-Mora H, de-Miguel-Casado G.  2008.  Parametric Architecture for Modeling Neuronal Systems. 16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing 2008.