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[ICEsSi90a] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Circuits, Handles, Bridges and Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 90. 483:210-242.
[1408] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2012.  Compact representation of biological sequences using set decision diagrams. 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2012).
[673] Colom, JM, Silva M.  1991.  Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T Nets. A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Computation of Minimal P-Semiflows. Advances in Petri Nets 1990. :79-112.
[672] Colom, JM, Silva M.  1991.  Improving the Linearly Based Characterization of P/T Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 1990. :113-145.
[883] Silva, M, Teruel E, Colom JM.  1998.  Linear Algebraic and Linear Programming Techniques for the Analysis of Place/Transition Net Systems. Lectures on Petri Nets I: Basic Models. Advances in Petri Nets. :309-373.
[IPMaMuSi87] Martínez, J, Muro P, Silva M.  1991.  Modeling, Validation and Software Implementation of Production Systems Using High Level Petri Nets. High-Level Petri Nets. Theory and Applications. :618-623.
[ICEzCoSi93] Ezpeleta, J, Couvreur JM, Silva M.  1993.  A New Technique for Finding a Generating Family of Siphons, Traps and ST-Components. Application to Coloured Petri Nets. Advances in Petri Nets. 674:126-147.
[ICEsSi90b] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  On the Analysis and Synthesis of Free Choice Systems. Advances in Petri Nets 90. 483:243-286.
[365] Silva, M, Colom JM.  1988.  On the Computation of Structural Synchronic Invariants in P/T Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 1988. :386-417.
[ICSiTeVaPi98] Silva, M, Teruel E, Valette R, Pingaud H.  1998.  Petri Nets and Production Systems. Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications. 1492
[1322] Requeno, JI, Blanco R, de Miguel G, Colom JM.  2011.  Phylogenetic Analysis Using an SMV Tool. 5th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2011). :167-174.
[1407] Requeno, JI, Blanco R, de Miguel G, Colom JM.  2012.  Sliced Model Checking for Phylogenetic Analysis. 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2012).
[1467] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2013.  Speeding Up Phylogenetic Model Checking. 7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 222:119-126. Abstract
[ICEsSi91b] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Top-Down Synthesis of Live and Bounded Free Choice Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 91. 524:118-139.
[ICSilv87] Silva, M.  1987.  Towards a Synchrony Theory for P/T Nets. Concurrency and Nets. :435-460.