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[PMMG-VIDAS10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Mirandola R, Grassi V.  2010.  QoS-Based Model Driven Assessment of Adaptive Reactive Systems. Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops. :299-308.
[1532] Gómez-Martínez, E, Linaje M, Sanchez-Figueroa F, Iglesias-Pérez A, Preciado JC, González-Cabero R, Merseguer J.  2015.  A Semantic Approach for Designing Assistive Software Recommender Systems. Journal of Systems and Software. 104
[1395] de-Miguel-Casado, G, García-Chamizo JM.  2008.  A Software Library for Reliable Online-Arithmetic with Rational Numbers. Dagstuhl Seminar 08021 - Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures.
[GMM-Tool] Gómez-Martínez, E, Merseguer J.  2005.  A Software Performance Engineering Tool based on the UML-SPT.
[MC-LNCS-04] Merseguer, J, Campos J.  2004.  Software Performance Modelling Using UML and Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2965:265-289.
[GBC-IROS-04] González-Buesa, C, Campos J.  2004.  Solving the Mobile Robot Localization Problem Using String Matching Algorithms. :2475-2480.
[IPCaGiMaReSeSi07] Cabasino, MP, Giua A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2007.  State Estimation of Petri Nets by Transformation. :194-199.
[IPMaCaGiSe07] Mahulea, C, Cabasino MP, Giua A, Seatzu C.  2007.  A State Estimation Problem for Timed Continuous Petri Nets. :1770-1775.
[CS-DS-90] Campos, J, Silva M.  1990.  Steady State Performance Evaluation of Totally Open Systems of Markovian Sequential Processes. :427-438.
[1333] García-Vallés, F, Colom JM.  2003.  Structural Analysis of Signal Transition Graphs based on Linear Algebraic Techniques. Petri Net Approaches for Modelling and Validation. :35-51.
[1081] García-Vallés, F, Colom JM.  1997.  Structural Analysis of Signal Transition Graphs.. Workshop Petri Nets in System Engineering (PNSE’97). Modelling, Verification and Validation. :123-134.
[917] Tricas, F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM, Ezpeleta J.  1998.  A Structural Approach to the Problem of Deadlock Prevention in Processes with Resources. International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES’98. :273-278.
[1334] Colom, JM, Teruel E, Silva M, Haddad S.  2002.  Structural Methods. Petri Nets for Systems Engineering. A Guide to Modeling, Verification, and Applications. :277-316.
[1338] Colom, JM, Haddad S, Silva M, Teruel E.  1998.  Structural Methods. Systems Engineering: A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. :271-315.
[907] García-Vallés, F, Tricas F, Ezpeleta J, Colom JM.  2000.  Structuraly Safe Net Systems. Discrete Event Systems. Analysis and Control. :441-448.
[1329] Carmona, J, Colom JM, Cortadella J, García-Vallés F.  2006.  Synthesis of Asynchronous Controllers using Integer Linear Programming. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. 25(9):1637-1651.