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[1074] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1995.  A Colored Petri Net Model of VHDL. Formal Methods in System Design. 7(1/2):101-123.
[1555] Wang, X, Kloetzer M, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2015.  Collision avoidance of mobile robots by using initial time delays. CDC'2015: 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[1508] Murua, A, González I, Gómez-Martínez E.  2011.  Cloud-based Assistive Technology Services. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Software Services: Semantic-based Software Services (WoSS) at the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS).
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[1310] Mayordomo, E, Blanco R.  2009.  Building maintainable, exhaustive human mitochondrial phylogenies. 17 Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/8th European Conference.
[CPSM-RMUCM-93] Campos, J, Plo BF, Miguel M.  1993.  Boundedness on Stochastic Petri Nets. Revista Matematica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 6:123-136.
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[1076] García-Vallés, F, Colom JM.  1995.  A Boolean Approach to the State Machine Decomposition of Petri Nets with OBDDs. 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 4:3451-3456.
[RP-85-04] Silva, M, David R.  1985.  Binary-decision graphs for implementation of boolean functions. IEE Proceedings. :175-185.
[1257] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2009.  Basic Server Semantics and Performance Monotonicity of Continuous Petri Nets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. 19(2):212.
[910] Ezpeleta, J, Tricas F, García-Vallés F, Colom JM.  2002.  A Banker's Solution for Deadlock Avoidance in FMS with Flexible Routing and Multiresource States. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation. 18(4):621-625.
[RP-92-12] Silva, M, Murata T.  1992.  B-Fairness and Structural B-Fairness in Petri Net Models of Concurrent Systems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 44:447-477.