IEC 61499 execution model based on life cycle of function blocks

TitleIEC 61499 execution model based on life cycle of function blocks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsCatalán, C, Serna F, Blesa A, Rams JM
Conference Name15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’2010)
Date Published09/2010
Conference LocationBilbao, Spain
AbstractCurrent challenges of the manufacturing industry are related to the Agile Manufacturing paradigm. IEC 61499 standard has been adopted as the standard for flexible and reconfigurable control systems by this paradigm. Due to different reasons, this standard has not been adopted by industry yet. For example, as a result of some ambiguities in the standard specification, the proposed implementation models allow different semantics. So, it makes design and portability of applications developed difficult. This paper proposes an execution model based on life cycle of function blocks which clearly determines the system behaviour at design time and also facilitates an easier implementation.