PeabraiN: a PIPE extension for Performance Estimation, Resource Optimisation and Simulation Analysis

Fri, 27/04/2012 - 11:30 - 12:30

Title: PeabraiN: a PIPE extension for Performance Estimation, Resource Optimisation and Simulation Analysis

Speaker: Ricardo J. Rodríguez

Abstract: In this talk, we present a new tool for Petri nets, PeabraiN, which allows to perform different computations on Petri nets, such as:
  • Performance Estimation
Based on upper throughput bounds computation, PeabraiN implements an strategy for computing more accurate upper throughput bounds than previous methods in the literature.
  • Resource Optimisation
PeabraiN enables to compute distribution of resources over a PN such that system throughput is maximised for a given budget.
  • Simulation analysis
PeabraiN incorporates a module for simulating Generalised Stochastic Petri nets, based on an exact stochastic simulation algorithm).
PeabraiN is a collection of modules implemented in the PIPE (Platform Independent Petri net Editor) tool. The PIPE tool is a PNML-compliant tool (the recently accepted as standard format for PN definition files) which enables its functionality extension through modules.
Several use cases from dissimilar application domains will be presented to motivate the benefits of PeabraiN modules. For further reading, please refer to


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