Análisis computacional de muestras metagenómicas

Fri, 18/05/2012 - 12:10 - 13:10

ConferencianteProf. Dr. Gabriel Valiente (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)

Aula A14 del Edificio Ada Byron, viernes 18 de mayo a las 12:10 h.

Resumen (la conferencia será en castellano):

Next generation sequencing technologies have opened up an unprecedented opportunity for microbiology by enabling the culture-independent genetic study of complex microbial communities, which were so far largely unknown. The analysis of metagenomic data is challenging, since a sample may contain a mixture of many different microbial species, whose genome has not necessarily been sequenced beforehand. In this talk, we discuss both composition-based and alignment-based methods for the classification of sequence reads, and present recent results on the assignment of ambiguous sequence reads to microbial species at the best possible taxonomic rank.


Maria de Luna 1 Zaragoza
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