Publications - G. Lopez-Nicolas

Gonzalo López-Nicolás Homepage

dblp computer science bibliography

Full bibtex file

  • Journal

  • [J1]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Time consistent surface mapping for deformable object shape control
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
    , pages 1–1, 2025. (pdf, Code).

  • [J2]  Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Dynamical system simulation with attention and recurrent neural networks
    Neural Computing and Applications
    , 37:2711–2731, 2025. (pdf, Code).

  • [J3]  Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Food cooking process modeling with neural networks
    IEEE Access
    , 12:175866–175881, 2024. (Link, Code).

  • [J4]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Taxonomy of deformable object shape control
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 9(10):9015–9022, 2024. (pdf, Link, Guide).

  • [J5]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Maria Santos-Villafranca, Julia Tomas-Barba, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Lorenzo Montano-Olivan, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    RASPV: A robotics framework for augmented simulated prosthetic vision
    IEEE Access
    , 12:15251–15267, 2024. (Link).

  • [J6]  Rosario Aragues, Antonio González, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Convergence speed of dynamic consensus with delay compensation
    , 570:127130, 2024. (pdf).

  • [J7]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Multiscale Procrustes-based 3-D shape control
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
    , 29(3):1738–1748, 2024. (pdf, video, Link, Code).

  • [J8]  Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Combined leaderless control of translational, shape-preserving, and affine multirobot formations
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 8(11):7567–7574, 2023. (pdf).

  • [J9]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco, Yiannis Karayiannidis, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Contour based object-compliant shape control
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 8(8):5164–5171, 2023. (pdf).

  • [J10]  Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Double-integrator multirobot control with uncoupled dynamics for transport of deformable objects
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 8(11):7623–7630, 2023. (pdf).

  • [J11]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Multirobot transport of deformable objects with collision avoidance
    IEEE Systems Journal
    , 17(2):3224–3234, 2023. (pdf).

  • [J12]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Coverage of deformable contour shapes with minimal multi-camera system
    , 190:110693, 2022. (pdf).

  • [J13]  Jihong Zhu, Claire Dune, Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Juan Antonio Corrales, Pablo Gil, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Editorial: Robotic handling of deformable objects
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 7(3):8257–8259, 2022. (Link).

  • [J14]  Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Enclosing a moving target with an optimally rotated and scaled multiagent pattern
    International Journal of Control
    , 94(3):601–611, 2021. (pdf).

  • [J15]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Distributed linear control of multirobot formations organized in triads
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 6(4):8498–8505, 2021. (pdf).

  • [J16]  Enrique Teruel, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    A practical method to cover evenly a dynamic region with a swarm
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 6(2):1359–1366, 2021. (pdf).

  • [J17]  Rosario Aragues, Antonio González, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Distributed relative localization using the multidimensional weighted centroid
    IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
    , 7(3):1272–1282, 2020. (pdf).

  • [J18]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    RGB-D tracking and optimal perception of deformable objects
    IEEE Access
    , 8:136884–136897, 2020. (Link).

  • [J19]  Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Predictor-feedback synthesis in coordinate-free formation control under time-varying delays
    , 113:108811, 2020. (pdf).

  • [J20]  Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Weighted predictor-feedback formation control in local frames under time-varying delays and switching topology
    International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
    , 30(8):3484–3500, 2020. (pdf).

  • [J21]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Adaptive multirobot formation planning to enclose and track a target with motion and visibility constraints
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics
    , 36(1):142–156, 2020. (pdf, video, Source code).

  • [J22]  Ruben Sagues-Tanco, Luis Benages Pardo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Sergio Llorente.
    Fast synthetic dataset for kitchen object segmentation in deep learning
    IEEE Access
    , 8:220496–220506, 2020. (Link).

  • [J23]  Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Scale-free vision-based aerial control of a ground formation with hybrid topology
    IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
    , 27(4):1703–1711, 2019. (pdf).

  • [J24]  Antonio González, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Robust stability analysis of formation control in local frames under time-varying delays and actuator faults
    Journal of the Franklin Institute
    , 356(2):1131–1153, 2019. (pdf).

  • [J25]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Erol Özgür, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Parking objects by pushing using uncalibrated visual servoing
    Autonomous Robots
    , 43(5):1063–1078, 2019. (pdf).

  • [J26]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Scaled layout recovery with wide field of view RGB-D
    Image and Vision Computing
    , 87:76–96, 2019. (pdf).

  • [J27]  Enrique Teruel, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    A distributed robot swarm control for dynamic region coverage
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 119:51–63, 2019. (pdf, video).

  • [J28]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding
    , 167:134–152, 2018. (pdf).

  • [J29]  Clara Fernandez-Labrador, Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Layouts from panoramic images with geometry and deep learning
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 3(4):3153–3160, 2018. (pdf).

  • [J30]  Antonio González, Rosario Aragüés, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Stability analysis of nonholonomic multiagent coordinate-free formation control subject to communication delays
    International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
    , 28(14):4121–4138, 2018. (pdf).

  • [J31]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Eduardo Fernández-Moral, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Patrick Rives.
    Extrinsic calibration of multiple RGB-D cameras from line observations
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    , 3(1):273–280, 2018. (pdf).

  • [J32]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Olivier Saurer, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Marc Pollefeys.
    Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas
    Pattern Recognition Letters
    , 94:30–37, 2017. (pdf).

  • [J33]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Daniel Gutiérrez-Gómez, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Stairs detection with odometry-aided traversal from a wearable RGB-D camera
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding
    , 154:192–205, 2017. (pdf, Code at GitHub).

  • [J34]  Wilson O. Achicanoy, Carlos F. Rodriguez, Carlos Sagüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Epipole-based guidance for an autonomous glider
    Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
    , 39:2073–2085, 2016. (pdf).

  • [J35]  Aitor Aladren, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Luis Puig, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Navigation assistance for the visually impaired using RGB-D sensor with range expansion
    IEEE Systems Journal
    , 10(3):922–932, 2016. (pdf, video).

  • [J36]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
    Distributed formation stabilization using relative position measurements in local coordinates
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    , 61(12):3925–3935, 2016. (pdf).

  • [J37]  Pablo Artaso and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Volume estimation of merchandise using multiple range cameras
    , 89:223–238, 2016. (pdf).

  • [J38]  Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Adaptive action for multi-agent persistent coverage
    Asian Journal of Control
    , 18(2):419–432, 2016. (pdf, videos).

  • [J39]  Carmen Paniagua, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Wearable structured light system in non-rigid configuration
    Journal of Imaging
    , 2(2):16, 2016. (pdf, jimaging).

  • [J40]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
    Coordinate-free formation stabilization based on relative position measurements
    , 57:11–20, 2015. (pdf).

  • [J41]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Formation control of mobile robots using multiple aerial cameras
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics
    , 31(4):1064–1071, 2015. (pdf).

  • [J42]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Automatic line extraction in uncalibrated omnidirectional cameras with revolution symmetry
    International Journal of Computer Vision
    , 114(1):16–37, 2015. (pdf, Matlab toolbox).

  • [J43]  Carlos Franco, Dusan M. Stipanovic, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Persistent coverage control for a team of agents with collision avoidance
    European Journal of Control
    , 22:30–45, 2015. (pdf, videos).

  • [J44]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Active learning in robotics based on simulation tools
    Computer Applications in Engineering Education
    , 22(3):509–515, 2014. (pdf).

  • [J45]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
    Unitary torus model for conical mirror based catadioptric system
    Computer Vision and Image Understanding
    , 126:67–79, 2014. (pdf).

  • [J46]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Jason Omedes, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Spatial layout recovery from a single omnidirectional image and its matching-free sequential propagation
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 62(9):1271–1281, 2014. (pdf).

  • [J47]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Youcef Mezouar.
    Visual control of mobile robots
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 62(11):1611–1612, 2014. (pdf, Special Issue).

  • [J48]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Angle-based homing from a reference image set using the 1D trifocal tensor
    Autonomous Robots
    , 34(1-2):73–91, 2013. (pdf).

  • [J49]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Sinusoidal input-based visual control for nonholonomic vehicles
    , 31(5):811–823, 2013. (pdf).

  • [J50]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Visual control for multirobot organized rendezvous
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B
    , 42(4):1155–1168, 2012. (pdf, video 1, video 2, video 3).

  • [J51]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Reset adaptive observer for a class of nonlinear systems
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
    , 57(2):506–511, 2012. (pdf).

  • [J52]  Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    A sliding-mode-control law for mobile robots based on epipolar visual servoing from three views
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics
    , 27(1):175–183, 2011. (pdf).

  • [J53]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
    Vision-based exponential stabilization of mobile robots
    Autonomous Robots
    , 30(3):293–306, 2011. (pdf).

  • [J54]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Reset observers applied to MIMO systems
    Journal of Process Control
    , 21(4):613–619, 2011. (pdf).

  • [J55]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Adaptive simmering control for domestic induction cookers
    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
    , 47(5):2257–2267, sept.-oct. 2011. (pdf).

  • [J56]  Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Omnidirectional visual control of mobile robots based on the 1D trifocal tensor
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 58(6):796–808, 2010. (pdf).

  • [J57]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Nicholas R. Gans, Sourabh Bhattacharya, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, and Seth Hutchinson.
    Homography-based control scheme for mobile robots with nonholonomic and field-of-view constraints
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B
    , 40(4):1115–1127, 2010. (pdf).

  • [J58]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Visual control of vehicles using two-view geometry
    , 20(2):315–325, 2010. (pdf).

  • [J59]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Multiple homographies with omnidirectional vision for robot homing
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 58(6):773–783, 2010. (pdf).

  • [J60]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Visual control through the trifocal tensor for nonholonomic robots
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 58(2):216–226, 2010. (pdf).

  • [J61]  Javier de Matı́as, José Juan de Sanjosé-Blasco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Photogrammetric methodology for the production of geomorphologic maps: Application to the veleta rock glacier (Sierra Nevada, Granada, Spain)
    Remote Sensing
    , 1(4):829–841, 2009. (pdf, Remote Sensing).

  • [J62]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, Danica Kragic, and Patric Jensfelt.
    Switching visual control based on epipoles for mobile robots
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    , 56(7):592–603, 2008. (pdf).

  • Conference

  • [C63]  Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Robot modeling with autoregressive transformers
    . In
    2024 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT)
    , pages 1–6, 2024. (pdf, Code).

  • [C64]  Rafael Herguedas, Ashok M. Sundaram, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Máximo A. Roa, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Adaptive bayesian optimization for robotic pushing of thin fragile deformable objects
    . In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
    Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference
    , pages 351–362, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf).

  • [C65]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Elastic contour mapping for the estimation of abrupt shape deformations
    . In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
    Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference
    , pages 400–408, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf, video).

  • [C66]  Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Shape control of maneuvering planar formations based on distributed deformation minimization
    . In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
    Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference
    , pages 338–350, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf).

  • [C67]  Miguel Burgh-Oliván, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    ROS-based multirobot system for collaborative interaction
    . In Danilo Tardioli, Vicente Matellán, Guillermo Heredia, Manuel F. Silva, and Lino Marques, editors,
    ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference
    , pages 411–422, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. (pdf, Code at GitHub, video).

  • [C68]  Sara Guillén-Garde, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Rosario Aragüés.
    Detection and tracking of livestock herds from aerial video sequences
    . In Danilo Tardioli, Vicente Matellán, Guillermo Heredia, Manuel F. Silva, and Lino Marques, editors,
    ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference
    , pages 423–434, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. (pdf).

  • [C69]  Omid Aghajanzadeh, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Roland Lenain, and Youcef Mezouar.
    An offline geometric model for controlling the shape of elastic linear objects
    . In
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2022, Kyoto, Japan, October 23-27, 2022
    , pages 2175–2181, 2022. (pdf).

  • [C70]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Helder Araújo.
    Gripper positioning for object deformation tasks
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 23-27, 2022
    , pages 963–969, 2022. (pdf, video).

  • [C71]  Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Multirobot control with double-integrator dynamics and control barrier functions for deformable object transport
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 23-27
    , pages 1485–1491, 2022. (pdf, video).

  • [C72]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Multi-scale laplacian-based FMM for shape control
    . In
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Prague, Czech Republic, September 27 - Oct. 1
    , pages 3792–3797, 2021. (pdf, Code).

  • [C73]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Collision-free transport of 2D deformable objects
    . In
    21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, Republic of Korea, October 12-15
    , pages 430–435, 2021. (pdf).

  • [C74]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Dynamic occlusion handling for real time object perception
    . In
    2020 5th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE), Singapore, November 20-22
    , pages 13–18, 2020. (pdf).

  • [C75]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Simultaneous shape control and transport with multiple robots
    . In
    Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC, Taichung, Taiwan, November 9-11
    , pages 218–225, 2020. (pdf, video).

  • [C76]  Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Formation control synthesis in local frames under communication delays and switching topology: An LMI approach
    . In
    IEEE American Control Conference, ACC 2019, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 10-12, 2019
    , pages 5328–5333, 2019. (pdf).

  • [C77]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Multi-camera coverage of deformable contour shapes
    . In
    15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 22-26
    , pages 1597–1602, 2019. (pdf).

  • [C78]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rosario Aragues, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Survey on multi-robot manipulation of deformable objects
    . In
    24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA, Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13
    , pages 977–984, 2019. (pdf).

  • [C79]  Enrique Hernández-Murillo, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Multi-camera architecture for perception strategies
    . In
    24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA , Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13
    , pages 1799–1804, 2019. (pdf).

  • [C80]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Alberto Badias-Herbera, Manuel Guerrero-Viu, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    RGB-D computer vision techniques for simulated prosthetic vision
    . In Luı́s A. Alexandre, José Salvador Sánchez, and João M. F. Rodrigues, editors,
    Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - 8th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2017, Faro, Portugal, June 20-23, 2017, Proceedings
    , volume 10255 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 427–436, 2017. (pdf).

  • [C81]  Antonio Gonzalez, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Time delay compensation based on Smith Predictor in multiagent formation control
    IFAC-PapersOnLine, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9-14
    , 50(1):11645–11651, 2017. (pdf).

  • [C82]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Formation of differential-drive vehicles with field-of-view constraints for enclosing a moving target
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2017, Singapore, Singapore, May 29 - June 3, 2017
    , pages 261–266, 2017. (pdf, video).

  • [C83]  Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Connectivity-preserving formation stabilization of unicycles in local coordinates using minimum spanning tree
    . In
    IEEE American Control Conference, ACC, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-8
    , pages 1968–1974, 2016. (pdf).

  • [C84]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Cédric Demonceaux, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view
    . In Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock, and William A. P. Smith, editors,
    Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, York, UK, September 19-22
    , 2016. (pdf).

  • [C85]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Peripheral expansion of depth information via layout estimation with fisheye camera
    . In Bastian Leibe, Jiri Matas, Nicu Sebe, and Max Welling, editors,
    Computer Vision - ECCV 2016 - 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part VIII
    , volume 9912 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 396–412, 2016. (pdf, video).

  • [C86]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    A novel hybrid camera system with depth and fisheye cameras
    . In
    23rd IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016, Cancún, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016
    , pages 2789–2794, 2016. (pdf).

  • [C87]  Alejandro Inoges, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Elastic hand contour matching in NIR images with a novel shape descriptor parametrization
    . In
    IEEE EUROCON - International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Salamanca, Spain, September 8-11
    , pages 1–6, 2015. (pdf).

  • [C88]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Erol Ozgur, and Youcef Mezouar.
    Image-based control of two mobile robots for object pushing
    . In
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 2
    , pages 5472–5478, 2015. (pdf).

  • [C89]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, João Pedro Barreto, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Minimal solution for computing pairs of lines in non-central cameras
    . In Daniel Cremers, Ian D. Reid, Hideo Saito, and Ming-Hsuan Yang, editors,
    Computer Vision - ACCV - 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, Singapore, November 1-5, 2014, Part I
    , volume 9003 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 585–597, 2015. (pdf).

  • [C90]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
    Three-dimensional multirobot formation control for target enclosing
    . In
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, September 14-18
    , pages 357–362, 2014. (pdf).

  • [C91]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Line-images in cone mirror catadioptric systems
    . In
    22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28
    , pages 2083–2088, 2014. (pdf).

  • [C92]  Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Partially distributed multirobot control with multiple cameras
    . In
    IEEE American Control Conference, ACC, Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19
    , pages 6308–6314, 2013. (pdf).

  • [C93]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Controlling multiple robots through multiple 1D homographies
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, SMC, United Kingdom, October 13-16
    , pages 589–594, 2013. (pdf).

  • [C94]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry
    . In Tilo Burghardt, Dima Damen, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas, and Majid Mirmehdi, editors,
    British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, Bristol, UK, September 9-13
    , 2013. (pdf).

  • [C95]  Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Persistent coverage control with variable coverage action in multi-robot environment
    . In
    Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC, Florence, Italy, December 10-13
    , pages 6055–6060, 2013. (pdf).

  • [C96]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Multi-robot formations: One homography to rule them all
    . In Manuel A. Armada, Alberto Sanfeliu, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
    ROBOT: First Iberian Robotics Conference - Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1, Madrid, Spain, 28-29 November
    , volume 252 of
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
    , pages 703–714, 2013. (pdf).

  • [C97]  Jason Omedes, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Omnidirectional vision for indoor spatial layout recovery
    . In Sukhan Lee, Kwang-Joon Yoon, and Jangmyung Lee, editors,
    The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Jeju Island, Korea, June 26-29, 2012, Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems
    , volume 466 of
    Studies in Computational Intelligence
    , pages 95–104, 2013. (pdf).

  • [C98]  Wilson O. Achicanoy, Carlos Sagüés, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Rodrı́guez.
    Two-view epipole-based guidance control for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
    . In Jean-Louis Ferrier, Alain Bernard, Oleg Yu. Gusikhin, and Kurosh Madani, editors,
    ICINCO - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Volume 2, Rome, Italy, 28 - 31 July
    , pages 242–248, 2012. (pdf).

  • [C99]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Planar motion estimation from 1D homographies
    . In
    12th IEEE International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision, ICARCV, Guangzhou, China, December 5-7
    , pages 329–334, 2012. (pdf).

  • [C100]  Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    A unified framework for line extraction in dioptric and catadioptric cameras
    . In Kyoung Mu Lee, Yasuyuki Matsushita, James M. Rehg, and Zhanyi Hu, editors,
    Computer Vision - ACCV, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon, Korea, November 5-9, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part IV
    , volume 7727 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 627–639, 2012. (pdf).

  • [C101]  Carlos Franco, David Paesa, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
    Hierarchical strategy for dynamic coverage
    . In
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12
    , pages 5341–5346, 2012. (pdf).

  • [C102]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Youcef Mezouar, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Homography-based multi-robot control with a flying camera
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Shanghai, China, 9-13 May
    , pages 4492–4497, 2011. (pdf).

  • [C103]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Héctor M. Becerra, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Visual navigation by means of three view geometry
    . In
    ROBOT 2011, pp. 17-24. November 28-29, 2011. Sevilla, Spain
    , 2011. (pdf).

  • [C104]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Omnidirectional visual homing using the 1D trifocal tensor
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-7 May
    , pages 2444–2450, 2010. (pdf).

  • [C105]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
    Catadioptric camera model with conic mirror
    . In Frédéric Labrosse, Reyer Zwiggelaar, Yonghuai Liu, and Bernie Tiddeman, editors,
    British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, Aberystwyth, UK, August 31 - September 3
    , pages 1–10, 2010. (pdf).

  • [C106]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    QFT-based robust simmering control for domestic induction cookers using an infrared sensor
    . In
    Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, IAS, Houston, TX, USA, 3-7 October
    , pages 1–6, 2010. (pdf).

  • [C107]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    On robust PI adaptive observers for nonlinear uncertain systems with bounded disturbances
    . In
    18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, June 23-25
    , pages 1031–1036, 2010. (pdf).

  • [C108]  David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Reset adaptive observers and stability properties
    . In
    18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, June 23-25
    , pages 1435–1440, 2010. (pdf).

  • [C109]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Parking with the essential matrix without short baseline degeneracies
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17
    , pages 1098–1103, 2009. (pdf).

  • [C110]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Michael Sfakiotakis, Dimitris P. Tsakiris, Antonis A. Argyros, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Visual homing for undulatory robotic locomotion
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17
    , pages 2629–2636, 2009. (pdf).

  • [C111]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Homography-based visual control of nonholonomic vehicles
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 10-14 April, Roma, Italy
    , pages 1703–1708, 2007. (pdf).

  • [C112]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Sourabh Bhattacharya, José Jesús Guerrero, Carlos Sagüés, and Seth Hutchinson.
    Switched homography-based visual control of differential drive vehicles with field-of-view constraints
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 10-14 April, Roma, Italy
    , pages 4238–4244, 2007. (pdf).

  • [C113]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, Danica Kragic, and Patric Jensfelt.
    Nonholonomic epipolar visual servoing
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, May 15-19, Orlando, Florida, USA
    , pages 2378–2384, 2006. (pdf).

  • [C114]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Automatic matching and motion estimation from two views of a multiplane scene
    . In Jorge S. Marques, Nicolas Pérez de la Blanca, and Pedro Pina, editors,
    Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA, Estoril, Portugal, June 7-9, 2005, Proceedings, Part I
    , volume 3522 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 69–76, 2005. (pdf).

  • [C115]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, Oscar A. Pellejero, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Computing homographies from three lines or points in an image pair
    . In Fabio Roli and Sergio Vitulano, editors,
    Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP, 13th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 6-8
    , volume 3617 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 446–453, 2005. (pdf).

  • Book and book chapter

  • [B116]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Control of multiple robots using vision sensors
    . Advances in Industrial Control. Springer International Publishing, 2017. (

  • [B117]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Shortest path homography-based visual control for differential drive robots
    . In
    Vision Systems: Applications
    , pages 583–596. Ed. Goro Obinata and Ashish Dutta. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 2007. (pdf, intechopen).

  • Workshop & miscellany

  • [W118]  Raquel Marcos-Saavedra, Miguel Aranda, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Multirobot transport of deformable objects using deformation modes
    . In
    4th Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA. 13 - 17 May 2024, Yokohama, Japan
    , 2024. (pdf, video, Link).

  • [W119]  Miguel Burgh-Oliván, Rosario Aragüés, and López-Nicolás.
    Integración de cobots en ROS legado: Diseño de un sistema multi-robot interactivo
    . In
    Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 11 (Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 15 de junio de 2023)
    , 2023. (Link).

  • [W120]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Mesh estimation for abrupt deformations of texture-less objects
    . In
    3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA. 29 May - 2 June 2023, London, United Kingdom
    , 2023. (pdf, video).

  • [W121]  Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Generación de datos virtuales con objetos de cocina para entrenamiento de redes neuronales
    . In
    Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 11 (Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 15 de junio de 2023)
    , 2023. (Link).

  • [W122]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    RGB-D sensing of challenging deformable objects
    . In
    Workshop on Managing deformation: A step towards higher robot autonomy (MaDef) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    , pages 31–36, 2020. (pdf).

  • [W123]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Experimental multi-camera setup for perception of dynamic objects
    . In
    Workshop on Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (ROMADO) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    , pages 31–36, 2020. (pdf).

  • [W124]  Luis Benages-Pardo, Ruben Sagüés-Tanco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Sergio Llorente.
    Generación de datos sintéticos con objetos de cocina para entrenar redes neuronales de convolución
    . In
    XL Jornadas de Automática, Ferrol, España, September 4-5, 2019
    , pages 170–177, 2019. (Link).

  • [W125]  Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Minimal multi-camera system for perception of deformable shapes
    . In
    Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019)
    , 2019. (Link).

  • [W126]  Enrique Hernández-Murillo, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Volumetric object reconstruction in multi-camera scenarios
    . In
    Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019)
    , 2019. (Link).

  • [W127]  Javier Martínez-Cesteros and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Automatic image dataset generation for footwear detection
    . In
    Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019)
    , 2019. (Link).

  • [W128]  Clara Fernandez-Labrador, Alejandro Perez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Full 3D layout reconstruction from one single 360º image
    . In
    Actas de la VII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Zaragoza, España, 6-8 de junio de 2018
    , 2018. (Link).

  • [W129]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Depth and motion cues with phosphene patterns for prosthetic vision
    . In
    Fifth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, Venice, Italy, October 22-29
    , pages 1516–1525, 2017. (pdf, videos).

  • [W130]  Alejandro Perez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Wide RGB-D for scaled layout reconstruction
    . In
    International Workshop on Lines, Planes and Manhattan Models for 3-D Mapping (LPM 2017). IROS Workshops, Vancouver, Canada, September 28
    , 2017. (pdf).

  • [W131]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Luis Puig, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Dieter Fox.
    RGB-D based tracking of complex objects
    . In Hazem Wannous, Pietro Pala, Mohamed Daoudi, and Francisco Flórez-Revuelta, editors,
    Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors - Second International Workshop, UHA3DS, Held in Conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Cancun, Mexico, December 4
    , volume 10188 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 115–127, 2016. (pdf).

  • [W132]  José Jesús Guerrero, Alejandro Perez-Yus, Daniel Gutierrez-Gomez, Alejandro Rituerto, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Human navigation assistance with a RGB-D sensor
    . In
    VI Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DRT4ALL), Madrid, España, September 23-25, 2015
    , pages 285–311, 2015. (pdf).

  • [W133]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Detection and modelling of staircases using a wearable depth sensor
    . In Lourdes Agapito, Michael M. Bronstein, and Carsten Rother, editors,
    Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops - Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and 12, 2014, Proceedings, Part III
    , volume 8927 of
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    , pages 449–463, 2015. (pdf).

  • [W134]  Pablo Artaso and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Estimación del volumen de mercancías en logística mediante múltiples cámaras de rango
    . In
    XXXV Jornadas de Automática, Valencia, España, September 3-5, 2014
    , pages 243–250, 2014. (pdf).

  • [W135]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Aitor Aladrén, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Wearable vision systems for personal guidance and enhanced assistance
    . In
    Workshop on Robotics Challenges and Vision (RCV2013) in conjunction with Robotics: Science and Systems, June 27, 2013, Berlin, Germany
    , 2013. (pdf).

  • [W136]  Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Dusan Stipanovic, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Anisotropic vision-based coverage control for mobile robots
    . In
    2nd Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR 2012) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 11, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
    , pages 31–36, 2012. (pdf).

  • [W137]  Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    One homography to control multiple robots
    . In
    Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. September 26, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA
    , pages 7–12, 2011. (pdf).

  • [W138]  Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
    Weakly-calibrated visual control of mobile robots using the trifocal tensor and central cameras
    . In
    Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. September 26, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA
    , pages 27–32, 2011. (pdf).

  • [W139]  Nur Didem Ozisik, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Scene structure recovery from a single omnidirectional image
    . In
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, November 6-13
    , pages 359–366, 2011. (pdf).

  • [W140]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Project based learning of robot control and programming
    . In
    International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE & ICEER KOREA 2009), Seoul, Korea, August 23-28
    , 2009.

  • [W141]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Simulation tools for active learning in robot control and programming
    . In
    European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, June, 22-24
    , 2009.

  • [W142]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Control visual basado en geometría epipolar para robots móviles
    . In
    XXVII Jornadas de Automática, Almería, España, September 6-9, 2006
    , pages 962–969, 2006. (pdf).

  • [W143]  Jason Omedes, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
    Detección de suelo y paredes con visión monocular
    . In
    XXXIII Jornadas de Automática, Vigo, España, September 5-7, 2012
    , pages 931–938, 2006. (pdf).

  • Thesis

  • [T144]  Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco.
    Shape control of deformable objects
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, October 2024. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás, (Videos).

  • [T145]  Rafael Herguedas.
    Multirobot manipulation of deformable objects
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, December 2023. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás and C. Sagüés.

  • [T146]  Alejandro Pérez-Yus.
    Scene structure recovery from omnidirectional and depth cameras for assistive computer vision
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, June 2018. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás and J. J. Guerrero.

  • [T147]  Jesús Bermúdez-Cameo.
    Line-projections in omnidirectional vision: Modelling, extraction and calibration in central and non-central cameras
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2016. Advisors: J. J. Guerrero and G. López-Nicolás.

  • [T148]  Miguel Aranda.
    Vision-based control of multiple robots
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2015. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás.

  • [T149]  Carlos Franco.
    Modeling, sensing and control of mobile cooking zones in induction cooktops
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, May 2015. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás.

  • [T150]  Héctor M. Becerra.
    Unifying vision and control for mobile robots
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, April 2011. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás.

  • [T151]  David Paesa.
    Reset observers and temperature control for induction hobs
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, December 2011. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás.

  • [T152]  Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
    Visual control of mobile robots through multiple view geometry
    . PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, September 2008. Advisors: C. Sagüés and J. J. Guerrero.