Publications - G. Lopez-Nicolas
Gonzalo López-Nicolás Homepage
dblp computer science bibliography
[J1] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Time consistent surface mapping for deformable object shape control.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pages 1–1, 2025. (pdf, Code). -
[J2] Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Dynamical system simulation with attention and recurrent neural networks.
Neural Computing and Applications, 37:2711–2731, 2025. (pdf, Code). -
[J3] Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Food cooking process modeling with neural networks.
IEEE Access, 12:175866–175881, 2024. (Link, Code). -
[J4] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Taxonomy of deformable object shape control.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(10):9015–9022, 2024. (pdf, Link, Guide). -
[J5] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Maria Santos-Villafranca, Julia Tomas-Barba, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Lorenzo Montano-Olivan, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
RASPV: A robotics framework for augmented simulated prosthetic vision.
IEEE Access, 12:15251–15267, 2024. (Link). -
[J6] Rosario Aragues, Antonio González, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Convergence speed of dynamic consensus with delay compensation.
Neurocomputing, 570:127130, 2024. (pdf). -
[J7] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Multiscale Procrustes-based 3-D shape control.
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 29(3):1738–1748, 2024. (pdf, video, Link, Code). -
[J8] Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Combined leaderless control of translational, shape-preserving, and affine multirobot formations.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(11):7567–7574, 2023. (pdf). -
[J9] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco, Yiannis Karayiannidis, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Contour based object-compliant shape control.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(8):5164–5171, 2023. (pdf). -
[J10] Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
Double-integrator multirobot control with uncoupled dynamics for transport of deformable objects.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8(11):7623–7630, 2023. (pdf). -
[J11] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Multirobot transport of deformable objects with collision avoidance.
IEEE Systems Journal, 17(2):3224–3234, 2023. (pdf). -
[J12] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Coverage of deformable contour shapes with minimal multi-camera system.
Measurement, 190:110693, 2022. (pdf). -
[J13] Jihong Zhu, Claire Dune, Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Juan Antonio Corrales, Pablo Gil, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Editorial: Robotic handling of deformable objects.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3):8257–8259, 2022. (Link). -
[J14] Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Enclosing a moving target with an optimally rotated and scaled multiagent pattern.
International Journal of Control, 94(3):601–611, 2021. (pdf). -
[J15] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Youcef Mezouar.
Distributed linear control of multirobot formations organized in triads.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4):8498–8505, 2021. (pdf). -
[J16] Enrique Teruel, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
A practical method to cover evenly a dynamic region with a swarm.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2):1359–1366, 2021. (pdf). -
[J17] Rosario Aragues, Antonio González, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Distributed relative localization using the multidimensional weighted centroid.
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 7(3):1272–1282, 2020. (pdf). -
[J18] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
RGB-D tracking and optimal perception of deformable objects.
IEEE Access, 8:136884–136897, 2020. (Link). -
[J19] Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Predictor-feedback synthesis in coordinate-free formation control under time-varying delays.
Automatica, 113:108811, 2020. (pdf). -
[J20] Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Weighted predictor-feedback formation control in local frames under time-varying delays and switching topology.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30(8):3484–3500, 2020. (pdf). -
[J21] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
Adaptive multirobot formation planning to enclose and track a target with motion and visibility constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 36(1):142–156, 2020. (pdf, video, Source code). -
[J22] Ruben Sagues-Tanco, Luis Benages Pardo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Sergio Llorente.
Fast synthetic dataset for kitchen object segmentation in deep learning.
IEEE Access, 8:220496–220506, 2020. (Link). -
[J23] Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Scale-free vision-based aerial control of a ground formation with hybrid topology.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 27(4):1703–1711, 2019. (pdf). -
[J24] Antonio González, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Robust stability analysis of formation control in local frames under time-varying delays and actuator faults.
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 356(2):1131–1153, 2019. (pdf). -
[J25] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Erol Özgür, and Youcef Mezouar.
Parking objects by pushing using uncalibrated visual servoing.
Autonomous Robots, 43(5):1063–1078, 2019. (pdf). -
[J26] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Scaled layout recovery with wide field of view RGB-D.
Image and Vision Computing, 87:76–96, 2019. (pdf). -
[J27] Enrique Teruel, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
A distributed robot swarm control for dynamic region coverage.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 119:51–63, 2019. (pdf, video). -
[J28] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 167:134–152, 2018. (pdf). -
[J29] Clara Fernandez-Labrador, Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Layouts from panoramic images with geometry and deep learning.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(4):3153–3160, 2018. (pdf). -
[J30] Antonio González, Rosario Aragüés, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Stability analysis of nonholonomic multiagent coordinate-free formation control subject to communication delays.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(14):4121–4138, 2018. (pdf). -
[J31] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Eduardo Fernández-Moral, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Patrick Rives.
Extrinsic calibration of multiple RGB-D cameras from line observations.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(1):273–280, 2018. (pdf). -
[J32] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Olivier Saurer, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Marc Pollefeys.
Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 94:30–37, 2017. (pdf). -
[J33] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Daniel Gutiérrez-Gómez, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Stairs detection with odometry-aided traversal from a wearable RGB-D camera.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 154:192–205, 2017. (pdf, Code at GitHub). -
[J34] Wilson O. Achicanoy, Carlos F. Rodriguez, Carlos Sagüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Epipole-based guidance for an autonomous glider.
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 39:2073–2085, 2016. (pdf). -
[J35] Aitor Aladren, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Luis Puig, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Navigation assistance for the visually impaired using RGB-D sensor with range expansion.
IEEE Systems Journal, 10(3):922–932, 2016. (pdf, video). -
[J36] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
Distributed formation stabilization using relative position measurements in local coordinates.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(12):3925–3935, 2016. (pdf). -
[J37] Pablo Artaso and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Volume estimation of merchandise using multiple range cameras.
Measurement, 89:223–238, 2016. (pdf). -
[J38] Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Adaptive action for multi-agent persistent coverage.
Asian Journal of Control, 18(2):419–432, 2016. (pdf, videos). -
[J39] Carmen Paniagua, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Wearable structured light system in non-rigid configuration.
Journal of Imaging, 2(2):16, 2016. (pdf, jimaging). -
[J40] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
Coordinate-free formation stabilization based on relative position measurements.
Automatica, 57:11–20, 2015. (pdf). -
[J41] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
Formation control of mobile robots using multiple aerial cameras.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 31(4):1064–1071, 2015. (pdf). -
[J42] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Automatic line extraction in uncalibrated omnidirectional cameras with revolution symmetry.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 114(1):16–37, 2015. (pdf, Matlab toolbox). -
[J43] Carlos Franco, Dusan M. Stipanovic, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Persistent coverage control for a team of agents with collision avoidance.
European Journal of Control, 22:30–45, 2015. (pdf, videos). -
[J44] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Active learning in robotics based on simulation tools.
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 22(3):509–515, 2014. (pdf). -
[J45] Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
Unitary torus model for conical mirror based catadioptric system.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 126:67–79, 2014. (pdf). -
[J46] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Jason Omedes, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Spatial layout recovery from a single omnidirectional image and its matching-free sequential propagation.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62(9):1271–1281, 2014. (pdf). -
[J47] Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Youcef Mezouar.
Visual control of mobile robots.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 62(11):1611–1612, 2014. (pdf, Special Issue). -
[J48] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Angle-based homing from a reference image set using the 1D trifocal tensor.
Autonomous Robots, 34(1-2):73–91, 2013. (pdf). -
[J49] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Sinusoidal input-based visual control for nonholonomic vehicles.
Robotica, 31(5):811–823, 2013. (pdf). -
[J50] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, and Carlos Sagüés.
Visual control for multirobot organized rendezvous.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, 42(4):1155–1168, 2012. (pdf, video 1, video 2, video 3). -
[J51] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Reset adaptive observer for a class of nonlinear systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(2):506–511, 2012. (pdf). -
[J52] Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
A sliding-mode-control law for mobile robots based on epipolar visual servoing from three views.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(1):175–183, 2011. (pdf). -
[J53] Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
Vision-based exponential stabilization of mobile robots.
Autonomous Robots, 30(3):293–306, 2011. (pdf). -
[J54] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Reset observers applied to MIMO systems.
Journal of Process Control, 21(4):613–619, 2011. (pdf). -
[J55] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Adaptive simmering control for domestic induction cookers.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 47(5):2257–2267, sept.-oct. 2011. (pdf). -
[J56] Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Omnidirectional visual control of mobile robots based on the 1D trifocal tensor.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(6):796–808, 2010. (pdf). -
[J57] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Nicholas R. Gans, Sourabh Bhattacharya, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, and Seth Hutchinson.
Homography-based control scheme for mobile robots with nonholonomic and field-of-view constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, 40(4):1115–1127, 2010. (pdf). -
[J58] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
Visual control of vehicles using two-view geometry.
Mechatronics, 20(2):315–325, 2010. (pdf). -
[J59] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
Multiple homographies with omnidirectional vision for robot homing.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(6):773–783, 2010. (pdf). -
[J60] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Carlos Sagüés.
Visual control through the trifocal tensor for nonholonomic robots.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(2):216–226, 2010. (pdf). -
[J61] Javier de Matı́as, José Juan de Sanjosé-Blasco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Photogrammetric methodology for the production of geomorphologic maps: Application to the veleta rock glacier (Sierra Nevada, Granada, Spain).
Remote Sensing, 1(4):829–841, 2009. (pdf, Remote Sensing). -
[J62] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, Danica Kragic, and Patric Jensfelt.
Switching visual control based on epipoles for mobile robots.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56(7):592–603, 2008. (pdf). -
[C63] Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Robot modeling with autoregressive transformers. In
2024 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), pages 1–6, 2024. (pdf, Code). -
[C64] Rafael Herguedas, Ashok M. Sundaram, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Máximo A. Roa, and Carlos Sagüés.
Adaptive bayesian optimization for robotic pushing of thin fragile deformable objects. In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference, pages 351–362, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf). -
[C65] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Elastic contour mapping for the estimation of abrupt shape deformations. In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference, pages 400–408, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf, video). -
[C66] Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Shape control of maneuvering planar formations based on distributed deformation minimization. In Lino Marques, Cristina Santos, José Luís Lima, Danilo Tardioli, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
Robot 2023: Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference, pages 338–350, Cham, 2024. Springer Nature Switzerland. (pdf). -
[C67] Miguel Burgh-Oliván, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
ROS-based multirobot system for collaborative interaction. In Danilo Tardioli, Vicente Matellán, Guillermo Heredia, Manuel F. Silva, and Lino Marques, editors,
ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference, pages 411–422, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. (pdf, Code at GitHub, video). -
[C68] Sara Guillén-Garde, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Rosario Aragüés.
Detection and tracking of livestock herds from aerial video sequences. In Danilo Tardioli, Vicente Matellán, Guillermo Heredia, Manuel F. Silva, and Lino Marques, editors,
ROBOT2022: Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference, pages 423–434, Cham, 2023. Springer International Publishing. (pdf). -
[C69] Omid Aghajanzadeh, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Roland Lenain, and Youcef Mezouar.
An offline geometric model for controlling the shape of elastic linear objects. In
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2022, Kyoto, Japan, October 23-27, 2022, pages 2175–2181, 2022. (pdf). -
[C70] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Helder Araújo.
Gripper positioning for object deformation tasks. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2022, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 23-27, 2022, pages 963–969, 2022. (pdf, video). -
[C71] Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Youcef Mezouar.
Multirobot control with double-integrator dynamics and control barrier functions for deformable object transport. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 23-27, pages 1485–1491, 2022. (pdf, video). -
[C72] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Multi-scale laplacian-based FMM for shape control. In
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Prague, Czech Republic, September 27 - Oct. 1, pages 3792–3797, 2021. (pdf, Code). -
[C73] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Collision-free transport of 2D deformable objects. In
21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju, Republic of Korea, October 12-15, pages 430–435, 2021. (pdf). -
[C74] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Dynamic occlusion handling for real time object perception. In
2020 5th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE), Singapore, November 20-22, pages 13–18, 2020. (pdf). -
[C75] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rafael Herguedas, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
Simultaneous shape control and transport with multiple robots. In
Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC, Taichung, Taiwan, November 9-11, pages 218–225, 2020. (pdf, video). -
[C76] Antonio González, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Formation control synthesis in local frames under communication delays and switching topology: An LMI approach. In
IEEE American Control Conference, ACC 2019, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 10-12, 2019, pages 5328–5333, 2019. (pdf). -
[C77] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Multi-camera coverage of deformable contour shapes. In
15th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 22-26, pages 1597–1602, 2019. (pdf). -
[C78] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Rosario Aragues, and Carlos Sagüés.
Survey on multi-robot manipulation of deformable objects. In
24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA, Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13, pages 977–984, 2019. (pdf). -
[C79] Enrique Hernández-Murillo, Rosario Aragues, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Multi-camera architecture for perception strategies. In
24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA , Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13, pages 1799–1804, 2019. (pdf). -
[C80] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Alberto Badias-Herbera, Manuel Guerrero-Viu, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
RGB-D computer vision techniques for simulated prosthetic vision. In Luı́s A. Alexandre, José Salvador Sánchez, and João M. F. Rodrigues, editors,
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis - 8th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2017, Faro, Portugal, June 20-23, 2017, Proceedings, volume 10255 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 427–436, 2017. (pdf). -
[C81] Antonio Gonzalez, Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Time delay compensation based on Smith Predictor in multiagent formation control.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 50(1):11645–11651, 2017. (pdf). -
[C82] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Youcef Mezouar.
Formation of differential-drive vehicles with field-of-view constraints for enclosing a moving target. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2017, Singapore, Singapore, May 29 - June 3, 2017, pages 261–266, 2017. (pdf, video). -
[C83] Miguel Aranda, Rosario Aragues, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Connectivity-preserving formation stabilization of unicycles in local coordinates using minimum spanning tree. In
IEEE American Control Conference, ACC, Boston, MA, USA, July 6-8, pages 1968–1974, 2016. (pdf). -
[C84] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Cédric Demonceaux, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view. In Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock, and William A. P. Smith, editors,
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, York, UK, September 19-22, 2016. (pdf). -
[C85] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Peripheral expansion of depth information via layout estimation with fisheye camera. In Bastian Leibe, Jiri Matas, Nicu Sebe, and Max Welling, editors,
Computer Vision - ECCV 2016 - 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 11-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part VIII, volume 9912 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 396–412, 2016. (pdf, video). -
[C86] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
A novel hybrid camera system with depth and fisheye cameras. In
23rd IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016, Cancún, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016, pages 2789–2794, 2016. (pdf). -
[C87] Alejandro Inoges, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Elastic hand contour matching in NIR images with a novel shape descriptor parametrization. In
IEEE EUROCON - International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Salamanca, Spain, September 8-11, pages 1–6, 2015. (pdf). -
[C88] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Erol Ozgur, and Youcef Mezouar.
Image-based control of two mobile robots for object pushing. In
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 2, pages 5472–5478, 2015. (pdf). -
[C89] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, João Pedro Barreto, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Minimal solution for computing pairs of lines in non-central cameras. In Daniel Cremers, Ian D. Reid, Hideo Saito, and Ming-Hsuan Yang, editors,
Computer Vision - ACCV - 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, Singapore, November 1-5, 2014, Part I, volume 9003 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 585–597, 2015. (pdf). -
[C90] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Michael M. Zavlanos.
Three-dimensional multirobot formation control for target enclosing. In
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, USA, September 14-18, pages 357–362, 2014. (pdf). -
[C91] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Line-images in cone mirror catadioptric systems. In
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, pages 2083–2088, 2014. (pdf). -
[C92] Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Partially distributed multirobot control with multiple cameras. In
IEEE American Control Conference, ACC, Washington, DC, USA, June 17-19, pages 6308–6314, 2013. (pdf). -
[C93] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Controlling multiple robots through multiple 1D homographies. In
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, SMC, United Kingdom, October 13-16, pages 589–594, 2013. (pdf). -
[C94] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry. In Tilo Burghardt, Dima Damen, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas, and Majid Mirmehdi, editors,
British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, Bristol, UK, September 9-13, 2013. (pdf). -
[C95] Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Persistent coverage control with variable coverage action in multi-robot environment. In
Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC, Florence, Italy, December 10-13, pages 6055–6060, 2013. (pdf). -
[C96] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Miguel Aranda, and Carlos Sagüés.
Multi-robot formations: One homography to rule them all. In Manuel A. Armada, Alberto Sanfeliu, and Manuel Ferre, editors,
ROBOT: First Iberian Robotics Conference - Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1, Madrid, Spain, 28-29 November, volume 252 of
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 703–714, 2013. (pdf). -
[C97] Jason Omedes, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Omnidirectional vision for indoor spatial layout recovery. In Sukhan Lee, Kwang-Joon Yoon, and Jangmyung Lee, editors,
The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Jeju Island, Korea, June 26-29, 2012, Frontiers of Intelligent Autonomous Systems, volume 466 of
Studies in Computational Intelligence, pages 95–104, 2013. (pdf). -
[C98] Wilson O. Achicanoy, Carlos Sagüés, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Rodrı́guez.
Two-view epipole-based guidance control for autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles. In Jean-Louis Ferrier, Alain Bernard, Oleg Yu. Gusikhin, and Kurosh Madani, editors,
ICINCO - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Volume 2, Rome, Italy, 28 - 31 July, pages 242–248, 2012. (pdf). -
[C99] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Planar motion estimation from 1D homographies. In
12th IEEE International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision, ICARCV, Guangzhou, China, December 5-7, pages 329–334, 2012. (pdf). -
[C100] Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
A unified framework for line extraction in dioptric and catadioptric cameras. In Kyoung Mu Lee, Yasuyuki Matsushita, James M. Rehg, and Zhanyi Hu, editors,
Computer Vision - ACCV, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon, Korea, November 5-9, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Part IV, volume 7727 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 627–639, 2012. (pdf). -
[C101] Carlos Franco, David Paesa, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and Sergio Llorente.
Hierarchical strategy for dynamic coverage. In
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, October 7-12, pages 5341–5346, 2012. (pdf). -
[C102] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Youcef Mezouar, and Carlos Sagüés.
Homography-based multi-robot control with a flying camera. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Shanghai, China, 9-13 May, pages 4492–4497, 2011. (pdf). -
[C103] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Héctor M. Becerra, and Carlos Sagüés.
Visual navigation by means of three view geometry. In
ROBOT 2011, pp. 17-24. November 28-29, 2011. Sevilla, Spain, 2011. (pdf). -
[C104] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Omnidirectional visual homing using the 1D trifocal tensor. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-7 May, pages 2444–2450, 2010. (pdf). -
[C105] Gonzalo López-Nicolás and Carlos Sagüés.
Catadioptric camera model with conic mirror. In Frédéric Labrosse, Reyer Zwiggelaar, Yonghuai Liu, and Bernie Tiddeman, editors,
British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC, Aberystwyth, UK, August 31 - September 3, pages 1–10, 2010. (pdf). -
[C106] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
QFT-based robust simmering control for domestic induction cookers using an infrared sensor. In
Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, IAS, Houston, TX, USA, 3-7 October, pages 1–6, 2010. (pdf). -
[C107] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
On robust PI adaptive observers for nonlinear uncertain systems with bounded disturbances. In
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, June 23-25, pages 1031–1036, 2010. (pdf). -
[C108] David Paesa, Carlos Franco, Sergio Llorente, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Reset adaptive observers and stability properties. In
18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Marrakech, Morocco, June 23-25, pages 1435–1440, 2010. (pdf). -
[C109] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Parking with the essential matrix without short baseline degeneracies. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17, pages 1098–1103, 2009. (pdf). -
[C110] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Michael Sfakiotakis, Dimitris P. Tsakiris, Antonis A. Argyros, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Visual homing for undulatory robotic locomotion. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17, pages 2629–2636, 2009. (pdf). -
[C111] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Homography-based visual control of nonholonomic vehicles. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 10-14 April, Roma, Italy, pages 1703–1708, 2007. (pdf). -
[C112] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Sourabh Bhattacharya, José Jesús Guerrero, Carlos Sagüés, and Seth Hutchinson.
Switched homography-based visual control of differential drive vehicles with field-of-view constraints. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, 10-14 April, Roma, Italy, pages 4238–4244, 2007. (pdf). -
[C113] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, José Jesús Guerrero, Danica Kragic, and Patric Jensfelt.
Nonholonomic epipolar visual servoing. In
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, May 15-19, Orlando, Florida, USA, pages 2378–2384, 2006. (pdf). -
[C114] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Automatic matching and motion estimation from two views of a multiplane scene. In Jorge S. Marques, Nicolas Pérez de la Blanca, and Pedro Pina, editors,
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA, Estoril, Portugal, June 7-9, 2005, Proceedings, Part I, volume 3522 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 69–76, 2005. (pdf). -
[C115] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, Oscar A. Pellejero, and Carlos Sagüés.
Computing homographies from three lines or points in an image pair. In Fabio Roli and Sergio Vitulano, editors,
Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP, 13th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 6-8, volume 3617 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 446–453, 2005. (pdf). -
[B116] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Control of multiple robots using vision sensors. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer International Publishing, 2017. ( -
[B117] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Shortest path homography-based visual control for differential drive robots. In
Vision Systems: Applications, pages 583–596. Ed. Goro Obinata and Ashish Dutta. I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 2007. (pdf, intechopen). -
[W118] Raquel Marcos-Saavedra, Miguel Aranda, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Multirobot transport of deformable objects using deformation modes. In
4th Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA. 13 - 17 May 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 2024. (pdf, video, Link). -
[W119] Miguel Burgh-Oliván, Rosario Aragüés, and López-Nicolás.
Integración de cobots en ROS legado: Diseño de un sistema multi-robot interactivo. In
Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 11 (Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 15 de junio de 2023), 2023. (Link). -
[W120] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Mesh estimation for abrupt deformations of texture-less objects. In
3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA. 29 May - 2 June 2023, London, United Kingdom, 2023. (pdf, video). -
[W121] Javier Fañanás-Anaya, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Generación de datos virtuales con objetos de cocina para entrenamiento de redes neuronales. In
Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 11 (Actas de la XII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 15 de junio de 2023), 2023. (Link). -
[W122] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
RGB-D sensing of challenging deformable objects. In
Workshop on Managing deformation: A step towards higher robot autonomy (MaDef) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pages 31–36, 2020. (pdf). -
[W123] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Experimental multi-camera setup for perception of dynamic objects. In
Workshop on Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects (ROMADO) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pages 31–36, 2020. (pdf). -
[W124] Luis Benages-Pardo, Ruben Sagüés-Tanco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Sergio Llorente.
Generación de datos sintéticos con objetos de cocina para entrenar redes neuronales de convolución. In
XL Jornadas de Automática, Ferrol, España, September 4-5, 2019, pages 170–177, 2019. (Link). -
[W125] Rafael Herguedas, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Minimal multi-camera system for perception of deformable shapes. In
Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019), 2019. (Link). -
[W126] Enrique Hernández-Murillo, Rosario Aragüés, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Volumetric object reconstruction in multi-camera scenarios. In
Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019), 2019. (Link). -
[W127] Javier Martínez-Cesteros and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Automatic image dataset generation for footwear detection. In
Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A, vol. 7 (Actas de la VIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A - 6 de junio de 2019), 2019. (Link). -
[W128] Clara Fernandez-Labrador, Alejandro Perez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Full 3D layout reconstruction from one single 360º image. In
Actas de la VII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A. Zaragoza, España, 6-8 de junio de 2018, 2018. (Link). -
[W129] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Depth and motion cues with phosphene patterns for prosthetic vision. In
Fifth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, Venice, Italy, October 22-29, pages 1516–1525, 2017. (pdf, videos). -
[W130] Alejandro Perez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Wide RGB-D for scaled layout reconstruction. In
International Workshop on Lines, Planes and Manhattan Models for 3-D Mapping (LPM 2017). IROS Workshops, Vancouver, Canada, September 28, 2017. (pdf). -
[W131] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Luis Puig, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, José Jesús Guerrero, and Dieter Fox.
RGB-D based tracking of complex objects. In Hazem Wannous, Pietro Pala, Mohamed Daoudi, and Francisco Flórez-Revuelta, editors,
Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors - Second International Workshop, UHA3DS, Held in Conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Cancun, Mexico, December 4, volume 10188 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 115–127, 2016. (pdf). -
[W132] José Jesús Guerrero, Alejandro Perez-Yus, Daniel Gutierrez-Gomez, Alejandro Rituerto, and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Human navigation assistance with a RGB-D sensor. In
VI Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DRT4ALL), Madrid, España, September 23-25, 2015, pages 285–311, 2015. (pdf). -
[W133] Alejandro Pérez-Yus, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Detection and modelling of staircases using a wearable depth sensor. In Lourdes Agapito, Michael M. Bronstein, and Carsten Rother, editors,
Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops - Zurich, Switzerland, September 6-7 and 12, 2014, Proceedings, Part III, volume 8927 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 449–463, 2015. (pdf). -
[W134] Pablo Artaso and Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Estimación del volumen de mercancías en logística mediante múltiples cámaras de rango. In
XXXV Jornadas de Automática, Valencia, España, September 3-5, 2014, pages 243–250, 2014. (pdf). -
[W135] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Aitor Aladrén, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Wearable vision systems for personal guidance and enhanced assistance. In
Workshop on Robotics Challenges and Vision (RCV2013) in conjunction with Robotics: Science and Systems, June 27, 2013, Berlin, Germany, 2013. (pdf). -
[W136] Carlos Franco, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Dusan Stipanovic, and Carlos Sagüés.
Anisotropic vision-based coverage control for mobile robots. In
2nd Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR 2012) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 11, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pages 31–36, 2012. (pdf). -
[W137] Miguel Aranda, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
One homography to control multiple robots. In
Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. September 26, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, pages 7–12, 2011. (pdf). -
[W138] Héctor M. Becerra, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and Carlos Sagüés.
Weakly-calibrated visual control of mobile robots using the trifocal tensor and central cameras. In
Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) in conjunction with the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. September 26, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, pages 27–32, 2011. (pdf). -
[W139] Nur Didem Ozisik, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Scene structure recovery from a single omnidirectional image. In
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, November 6-13, pages 359–366, 2011. (pdf). -
[W140] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Project based learning of robot control and programming. In
International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE & ICEER KOREA 2009), Seoul, Korea, August 23-28, 2009. -
[W141] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Antonio Romeo, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Simulation tools for active learning in robot control and programming. In
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, June, 22-24, 2009. -
[W142] Gonzalo López-Nicolás, Carlos Sagüés, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Control visual basado en geometría epipolar para robots móviles. In
XXVII Jornadas de Automática, Almería, España, September 6-9, 2006, pages 962–969, 2006. (pdf). -
[W143] Jason Omedes, Gonzalo López-Nicolás, and José Jesús Guerrero.
Detección de suelo y paredes con visión monocular. In
XXXIII Jornadas de Automática, Vigo, España, September 5-7, 2012, pages 931–938, 2006. (pdf). -
[T144] Ignacio Cuiral-Zueco.
Shape control of deformable objects. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, October 2024. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás, (Videos). -
[T145] Rafael Herguedas.
Multirobot manipulation of deformable objects. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, December 2023. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás and C. Sagüés. -
[T146] Alejandro Pérez-Yus.
Scene structure recovery from omnidirectional and depth cameras for assistive computer vision. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, June 2018. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás and J. J. Guerrero. -
[T147] Jesús Bermúdez-Cameo.
Line-projections in omnidirectional vision: Modelling, extraction and calibration in central and non-central cameras. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2016. Advisors: J. J. Guerrero and G. López-Nicolás. -
[T148] Miguel Aranda.
Vision-based control of multiple robots. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February 2015. Advisors: G. López-Nicolás. -
[T149] Carlos Franco.
Modeling, sensing and control of mobile cooking zones in induction cooktops. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, May 2015. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás. -
[T150] Héctor M. Becerra.
Unifying vision and control for mobile robots. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, April 2011. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás. -
[T151] David Paesa.
Reset observers and temperature control for induction hobs. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, December 2011. Advisors: C. Sagüés and G. López-Nicolás. -
[T152] Gonzalo López-Nicolás.
Visual control of mobile robots through multiple view geometry. PhD thesis, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, September 2008. Advisors: C. Sagüés and J. J. Guerrero.